
Sydney Wrap-up

imageWell I had a great time in Sydney. The people and the food were great! I got the opportunity to eat a "Bug". It's kinda a cross between a lobster and a prawn but looks like a sea spider.

The final day in Sydney was a dozy. As you can see from the previous post my evening was eventful but the day was slam packed as well.

In the morning I meet with some of the top lenders in Australia to talk about industry standards. My presentation covered the varying issues with standards bodies and how leadership from the banks them selves can really jump start the process. This event was a lot like the insurance event but focused on lending within the banking industry.

We also talked about what Microsoft is doing to address these challenges. I demonstrated the OBA RAP for Loan Origination Systems. Showing this solution showed the audience two things. One, Microsoft is really thinking about the industry. And two, there are many ways of solving their business problems.


Below are some screen captures from my deck on the challenges in lending.

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In the afternoon we headed to downtown Sydney so I could present at the LIXI conference. There is some interesting opportunities that came out of this session that I'll post about later. LIXI was gracious enough to put out a press release on the wire so you might find the results of this conference in a trade publication soon! See below:


See the full article on Lending Central:



Tags: OBA
