Windows Workflow Book
I was chatting to someone about Windows Workflow Foundation last night at the NxtGenUG meeting and I recommended a book but could only remember the author's name (and even then only one of them - poor Bob Schmidt, 2nd in line and up against a memorable name like Dharma Shukla!).
Anyway, it's an Addison-Wesley book entitled "Essential Windows Workflow Foundation" by Dharma Shukla and Bob Schmidt. You can find it at our friends Computer Manuals (the people who often have a stand at our events) here: Essential Windows Workflow Foundation.
It's very much about the fundamentals of WF, how it works and why it works that way. It's not a practical guide to designing applications with WF. It's a terrific book and I'd thoroughly recommend it for anyone that wants to understand more about Windows Workflow Foundation.
July 11, 2007
Yep that was me that you were talking too as as it happens the book arrived today (courtesy of at a much better price that Amazon and with free delivery! I hope to get going with reading it over the next month - perhaps I'll write a review and get it up on the NxtGenUG website ( and/or on my blog. Cheers for the recommendation. StuartAnonymous
July 16, 2007
No problem Stuart. Glad you managed to get hold of a copy. Mike