
Search for "Outlook Turnip"...

... almost anywhere (ie on any search engine) and my name will come up. I posted a while back about my use of a key word (turnip) to circumvent my send-delay in Outlook. So if I want to send a mail immediately I embed "turnip" somewhere in the text. Often it appears at the end and is quite likely to cause offence - along the lines of:

Yes thanks, I do know what I'm doing.


Difficult to know whether I'm referring to myself as turnip, the recipient as turnip or I'm just randomly inserting vegetable names into my emails. Anyway, after a discussion with Martin (a very wise man) on this topic, he was keen that I extend my range of vegetables to include both tubers and brassicas and I was with him 100%. As a result I added potato, parsnip, cabbage and radish (IIRC) to my list and the world was good. Seldom had I felt a project more complete than this one.

That was until today when Claire (who doesn't even have a blog so I can't link to her) suggested that I really ought to have "5 a day" and should include fruits in the list. I liked the idea and, as a mark of respect, asked what fruits she thought should be on there. Big mistake. "Banana, of course. And melon. In fact anything that makes a good smoothie." Hardly a great connection I'm sure you'll agree. There were Martin and I working along the lines of species and genus and Claire comes up with "Anything that makes a good smoothie". So I'm afraid I had to veto the idea and I'm back on a diet of pure vegetables.

Still, it makes me smile every time I send one...