
Paperclip Theme Masthead

As I said in my earlier post, I created a Paint.NET version of the Paperclip template posted by James Shaw. I checked with James and he's fine for me to share the Paint.NET version so here it is:

Community Server Paperclip Skin Masthead Template for Paint.NET

It's really easy to use:

  • There are two versions of the template:

    • The "narrow" version is the template to use with the standard skin
    • The "wide" version is for use with the "wider" version of the Paperclip theme as described by Guy Burstein
  • Download the relevant template and open it up in Paint.NET

  • Your image needs to be roughly:

    • 804x221 (narrow)
    • 1028x221 (wide) pixels
  • Copy and paste your image into the "Image" layer (replacing the green background and text)

  • You'll notice that your image is cropped slightly (or framed) by a white border. This is to give the illusion of a photograph and it's created by the PhotoBorder layer. The dimensions of this border are critical to match with the blog skin so I don't recommend changing them

  • Save your image in jpeg format (this will require you to "flatten" the image) and upload to your host

  • In the CSS Overrides section in Control Panel (under Global Settings, Change How My Blog Looks) add a rule:

     #masthead {
      background-image: url("https://mysite.com/my_image.jpg");
  •  And you should be good to go

Technorati tags: community server, paperclip, image