
Matt Hester's WebLog

Candygrams for the IT Pro on Windows Server 2012, Hyper-V Server, System Center 2012, Azure, Windows 8, PowerShell, Cloud and Office 365

TechNet Azure webcast - now available for viewing

In Q1 we did a number of events in the Central Region of the US on the topic of Azure.  Budgets...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 11/06/2009

The hard-luck life of a Browns fan

    Had this article forwarded to me, thanks John! Hard-Luck Life of a Browns Fan  Go...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 11/06/2009

TechNet & MSDN Events Present: Highlights from “the New Efficiency” Launch

Join us as we explore how Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2008 R2 and Exchange Server® 2010 deliver on...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 10/19/2009

Two System Center betas Announced: System Center Essentials and Data Protection Manager

I just got wind of two System Center Essentials 2010 More information on SCE here: Blog:...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 10/06/2009

Interviewed: Windows Server 2008 R2 Overview

Normally I am the one giving the interviews, well the table was definitely turned on me this...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 10/05/2009

IT Pro Momentum powered Windows 7 Project

Here is another Windows 7 upgrade project, powered by the IT Pro momentum program.  The only...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 10/02/2009

Become a System Center Configuration Manager and Operations Manager R2 Guru!

My good friend Kerrie Meyler, is already a guru and her books can help you get there.  Kerrie...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 10/02/2009

Now this is funny, Bolt owns ESPN

I particularly like the guys stretching and warming up:

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/29/2009

Finally some live Event Questions and Answers

Alright what happens when you are on the road for so long you forget how to blog.  Well one of...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/28/2009

Join TechNet and MSDN Events for a Live Webcast on September 29th to explore Windows Azure™–

As some you have attended the live evnets for Azure this quarter, we have a webcast going on next...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/26/2009

When are you planning to load Windows 7, what are your barriers?

Jon Box one of my teammates sent me a great little article talking about Windows 7...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/18/2009

Zune HD launched on Thursday!

Here’s a quick look at some of the highlights the Zune HD launch on Thursday!  Zune HD is the...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/18/2009

Book of the Month for September 2009: On Being Brown

Good day all my fellow football and Cleveland Browns Fans!  This months book is dedicated to...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/11/2009

5 Bold Predictions for the NFL 2009

Good morning Boys and Girls it is that time of year again.  NFL starts this evening and more...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/10/2009

What is the diet of a professional Football Player?

I was looking around ESPN and saw this post about the typical meal for a NFL player.  More...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/08/2009

IT Pro Momentum Dogtown LLC Powered by Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7

Here is a great little upgrade project for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. Company name:...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/03/2009

SQL Azure Migration Wizard

As some of you know for the events this quarter we are talking about Azure and the power behind...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/02/2009

Go Ohio State and Go Navy

Welcome College Football Season!!!!!! This weekend marks the beginning of college football.  My...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 09/01/2009

Harold Becomes a Chef for a day

My teammate, technical editor, and friend Harold Wong, became a chef for the day at a Japanese...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 08/21/2009

Thrive Live with the GM of the Server Platform!

Shanen Boettcher, General Manager of the Server Platform group for the U.S. subsidiary, is going to...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 08/21/2009

Exchange Server 2010 hits RC milestone!

Today, Exchange Server 2010 Release Candidate is feature complete and available for download here....

Author: Matt Hester Date: 08/18/2009

Computers Assisting People (CAP) helps span the Digital Divide

One of my good buddies, Dan Hanson, just let me know about a great program called Computers...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 08/05/2009

World of Warcraft Gets a Boom Stick!

This is pretty cool news, Sam Raimi, who directed Army of Darkness and Spiderman, is directing a...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/24/2009

Server Migration for Centralized Deployment with 2008 powered by IT Pro Momentum

This is a interesting project using System Center Operations Manager.  The project is looking...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/24/2009

Windows 7 has RTM’ed

Well I bet Keith’s buddy Conan is happy, take a look here for more information: Windows 7 Has Been...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/22/2009

Happy IT Administrators, Windows Server 2008 R2 has RTM’ed!

Click on the picture for more information!

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/22/2009

New Hardware and Windows 7 Deployment and Testing with IT Pro Momentum

Many of you may be just like the following IT Pro. You have not bought hardware in quite some time...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/22/2009

TechNet Webcast: New Server Migration and Server Manager functionality in Windows Server 2008 R2

Thank you to everyone who attended the webcast I delivered on July 16.  We chatted about some...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/21/2009

TechNet and MSDN Events: Get Real into IT with Azure and Microsoft IT!

Good afternoon we are getting ready to hit the road again, We have a great event set for the next...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/20/2009

From Florida To California, I am doing Disney Coast to Coast!

Well running the goofy was not enough for me.  First off thank you for all the folks that...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/20/2009

Writing with Mongo: Mongo gets asked to write a book

When I was asked to write a book, my initial thought was summed by a great quote from Lou Holz’s...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/17/2009

Lighting up the web a THIRD time with Expression Studio and Silverlight!

Last week we announced a new version of Expression Studio and Silverlight.  My buddy Keith even...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/17/2009

Windows 7 Testing and Learning powered by IT Pro Momentum

Sometimes the IT Pro Momentum program provides another avenue for thirsty IT Pro’s and developing...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/16/2009

Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit 4.0: Now Released!

The Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 4.0 is Now Released! Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/15/2009

Interesting Article on Bing and Good Comparison site

I was surfing around and found an interesting article talking very evenly about Bing Vs....

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/14/2009

TechNet Webcast: Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Sever 2008 R2 Technical Overview

Thank you to everyone who attended the webcast I delivered on July 2.  We chatted about some of...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/13/2009

Books of the Month July 2009: Odd Hours and In Odd We Trust

This month I have two books to share with you.  One of my guilty pleasures, I like graphic...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/13/2009

Two of my Favorite Things Internet Explorer 8 and Nickelback!

I was checking online and saw this article, and learned about a free song and IE 8.: Looking to...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/13/2009

How can I miss you if you have not left yet?

First off, I am back!  I really did not go anywhere but I have not posted in nearly a...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 07/09/2009

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 GA and RTM dates announced

TAIPEI, Taiwan — June 3, 2009 — The company is confident with the progress made with Windows 7 and...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 06/03/2009

Now Open: Take the Bing Challenge and tell us what you think!

I am excited we just recently launched Bing!  I have been using Live Search for years, and I...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 06/03/2009

Windows 7 XP mode and IE 8 project powered by IT Pro Momentum

While I would have liked to see this project avoid IE6 all together, I suppose I can say this is a...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 06/02/2009

Learn About Surface 5 part video series now showing!

My good friend and teammate Jennifer Marsman just posted a great 5 part series on Surface.  As...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 05/29/2009

Unleashed Events, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Detroit Q/A from the events

Good morning everyone.  I finally got a little time off the road to post the Q/A from the live...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 05/27/2009

Piloting the future with Windows 7 and XP Mode powered by Momentum

Here is another interesting project that was powered by IT Pro Momentum.  This project really...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 05/13/2009

A Nice Project for Windows 2008 and Windows 7 Deployment powered by Momentum

Here is another interesting project that was powered by IT Pro Momentum, this project focused on...

Author: Matt Hester Date: 05/13/2009

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