
When am I wrong?

I love to read my wife's "O" magazine. One of our favorite columnists is Martha Beck.

This month's article is "Martha Beck's 5 Best Pieces of Advice."

One of them is "It's Good To Be Wrong."

She writes:

"Being open to new information and opinions, inviting people and events to let you know where you're wrong, is the best way I know to open the mind. I try to use the phrase "Tell me where I'm wrong" at least four or five times a day. Try it. You'll see that while insisting that you're right is gratifying, accepting that you're wrong can be transformative."

So, tell me where I'm wrong...


  • Anonymous
    February 13, 2007
    Funny, usually when I hear the expression "tell me where I'm wrong" is in the context of someone who is very confident they are about to hear someone else agree with them.  Sometimes I watch Glenn Beck on CNN, and he regularly uses that phrase after expressing his own opinion as he invites one of his guests to comment, and almost without exception, the guest tells him he's right. But anyway, it's a good idea to keep open to the idea that someone else might be able to correct you on something or help you understand something more clearly.  There's nothing better than a small dose of humility from time-to-time.