
Teaching How To Fish...

Every Friday, I prepare the agenda for my 1:1 meeting with Reed Overfelt, our GM.

I send him a snapshot of our scorecard for each month (here's February)

Then, I try to provide some commentary around it...what's going on. For example:


  1. We’re starting to break through to the next level of ability to drive registrants. This month, we’ve already hit our reg goal, but the big news is that 50% of our partners have over 20 registrants (6 of them over 30). We still have a ways to go, but getting a bit more scale from the engine.
  2. We’re very heavily backloaded in events this month. 9 of our events are scheduled for 2/20 or later
  3. The snow hurt our first 2 blitzes. The 2nd was cancelled and the first was very reduced attendance (only 10)

This morning, within 20 minutes of each other, I got some nice validation of Comment 1.

From Salena Hauck at BeckIT Systems for their event next Wed. 

the news came that they have hit 32 registrants (whereas 1 week ago they had under 10).  I had offered them some $ if they hit 30 by yesterday and they did. Nice, focused effort.

From Guido Davids and his event next Tuesday.
Now, I had tried to get Guido a speaker, but couldn't. He then said to me, "How about you attending the event and making your Office 2007 spiel part of it?"

After some negotiating, I said, "if you hit 47 by Tuesday 2/20, I'm there."  He's got 52 right now. I'll be in Annapolis next Tuesday morning.


It's great to see more and more partners improve their marketing capabilities.