
Introducing Lego WiMo NXT

Colleague of mine, Brian Cross, developer extraordinaire on the Windows Mobile Product team showed off his Windows Mobile powered robot at MEDC 2006 earlier this year. After MEDC, Brian said that he would start working on a couple of new robots, namely Monster WiMo and others.

A good opportunity came along when Lego launched their Mindstorm product and Brian jumped onto the opportunity to create Lego WiMo called WiMo NXT. Fast forward a few weeks and Lego recently dropped into Microsoft's Campus to talk about Mindstorm and Microsoft Robot Studio.

NXT robot

Brian got great coverage and feedback from everyone there at the event and he even appeared on news.com. You can checkout the pictures here : https://news.com.com/2300-1041_3-6097901-1.html?tag=nl

and the article on news.com : https://news.com.com/Lego+robots+march+on+Microsoft/2100-11394_3-6097971.html?tag=ne.gall.related

Great Job Brian! I'm still waiting for Battle WiMo. Checkout Brian's WiMo Tutorials here: https://www.wimobot.com/