
Dry-runs a-coming.

We have booked 3 large rooms for MEDC Session Dry-runs happening from April 10th till 21st to get through all of our sessions and to ensure that our speaker's delivery is great and session content is appropriate and good enough for everyone. If you're on campus during those dates and wish to join us, please let me know and i'll see what I can do to accomodate.

What will happening during the Dry-run?

  1. Speakers present the full session including full run-through of their demo. Everything must work.
  2. Speakers will be judged on Delivery skills, content appropriateness and quality.
  3. Harcore Feedback will be given, and if session is bad, we will either work on improving, or cut it immediately.

It'll be a challenge esp. when having to cut a session that someone higher in your organization is presenting. That's called a CLM or Career Limiting Move. I'm not worried. I'll cut a VP's session too if it's bad or doesn't make sense. Our most important goal for MEDC is to ensure high quality sessions and speakers for all our loyal and paying attendees.

Worse come to worse, anyone interested to hire an aging content manager? *lol*