Phone updates: process and timing
Eric Hautala, General Manager of Windows Phone Customer Experience Engineering posted a blog post today about the Windows Phone 7 update. Here’s and excerpt:
“Who doesn’t love presents? Luckily, my new job at Microsoft is to deliver them to you. My name’s Eric, and I run the team responsible for sending software updates with new features and improvements to your phone. From time to time, I’ll be posting here to answer your questions or concerns—and tell you what useful stuff an update is bringing.
Since my team started sending out the first phone update a few weeks ago, there’s understandably been a lot of interest in how we deliver them. I also know there are concerns around Windows Phone updates, and today I want to try to address them. I’ll provide a brief behind-the-scenes look at the process and bring you the latest news on the copy-and-paste update, which I know many of you are waiting for.”
See the full article at
- Anonymous
March 11, 2011
I personally will be tickled to death when WP7 is offered on Verizon. Until then...... JamesNT