
Day 4 with Windows 7

No crashes, no blue screens and no hangs.. well nothing special anyways.

However, finding issues with voice chat programs. So Yahoo & Skype both have issues. MSN seems to be doing ok. I’m guessing that’s because of some rewrites we did? on Audio interfaces? Must dig deeper.

No major issues to report. I’m happy.

One odd thing. Couldn’t find the Windows Mobility interface that I loved with Vista. So when presenting today… (went really smooth) I had to use the vendor’s keystroke to switch to projector. Worked fine.

Ran Virtual PC today. That worked fine.. however, I got an error about network interface binding. Might need to reinstall the app.

Also when switching between VPC & other apps, I found the VPC window black and had to minimize and maximize it again, or wave my mouse in the VM to get the screen to look normal again. Dunno if that’ll be fixed by a reinstall. Will try tomorrow.

I guess Virtual Server should work fine though.

Sleep & Hibernate have issues. My machine keeps jumping out of sleep on it’s own. Either that or maybe I’m shutting the lid down too soon. Need to investigate further.

Still simple stuff. Nothing serious yet.
