

More Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy goodness - text adventure game revived by BBC

(I posted a real Team System blog post yesterday, so I don’t feel so bad posting a frivolous item today)

Via [Boing Boing], the BBC website is now hosting a flash based version of the classic Hitchhikers text adventure game (which I wasted too much time on as a kid – I think my first experience of using an Apple as a teenager was playing this game on one at a local computer enthusiasts group in Nottingham). I’ve seen flash based versions of this before, but none of them allowed you to save progress. This version saves your progress to a hosted folder, so you can pick up the game from your most recent save point from any machine on the Internet. Cool!

Mark Frauenfelder : Ajit Monteiro says: "At the BBC they have the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, Infocom game from 1984, written by Douglas Adams. Its a text based adventure game, reminiscent of games from way back when. The two episode game works pretty well even ported to flash." Link