
The Imagine Cup (of Coffee!)

ImagineCup USA 2010As you may know, the United States, specifically New York City, will play host to the Imagine Cup finals next year.   Simply put, Imagine Cup is the premier student technology competition through which university and high school teams attack some of the world’s toughest problems with innovative uses of technology.  Here’s what First Lady Michelle Obama had to say about the competition in her message to the finalists at last year’s event in Warsaw.

StarbucksSo, what was that about coffee??  In conjunction with Imagine Cup, and to keep the excitement and energy up in the student community, the Imagine Cup Bonus Round gives all students a way to be part of the effort!   From now through January 31, 2011, we’re giving away a $20 Starbucks card every day to a lucky winner.  All you have to do is register at the Imagine Cup site as a student (must be 16 or older) – take a look around while you’re there and get inspired to pull together a team at your own school!  Get your friends to sign up as well, and your school could get a game lab or computer lab makeover!

But it gets better, at the end of the promotion, four entrants will receive the grand prize of a loaded ASUS laptop with

  • MIcrosoft Office 2010
  • Microsoft Expression Studio
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Microsoft XNA Game Studio.

What are you waiting for? Check it out!   And for those of you that are pre-law, you can get your fix of legalese here.