
Code Camp Roll Call

Waltham, Massachusetts

Code Camp 10 is literally around the corner, this Saturday and Sunday, September 20th and 21st, at the Microsoft Office in Waltham.  With 54 sessions and 33 speakers PLUS a gathering at the Westin lobby bar, it's going to be great weekend of geek and gab.  To take the easy way out, I'm pointing to Chris' detailed blog post on all the particulars.

By the way, registration is still open at:



Rochester, New York

David Stevenson has taken the reins on organizing a Code Camp in Rochester some time in the January to March 2009 timeframe.  This effort is in its planning stages, so it's a great time to get involved and make your mark on the event from the get-go.   A site has been set up at https://www.rochestercodecamp.net/ to get things rolling.  Be sure to contact David if interested in helping run or speak at the event.


Buffalo, New York

Mike Pawelek and David Hockenberry of the Western New York .Net User Group have set a date of November 15 for a Code Camp in the Buffalo area.  The announcement of the venue and a web site for more information should be available shortly.  Check on the WNY DNUG in the coming weeks for more information on that event.


Nashua, New Hampshire

Planning is in its very, very initial stages, but our friends at Daniel Webster College are looking to host a Code Camp sometime early 2009 as well.
