
Bluetooth Stereo Headphones

My never ending quest for the perfect set of Bluetooth Stereo Headphones has taken a brief stop at WiRevo's HSH 200L product.

I picked them up at Frys Electronics in the US and have been using them the past few weeks... they are superb!

Why - well they have great stereo quality... an LCD display for caller ID announcements and they are a lanyard type so you never lose them!

The best bit of all - they are Mini-USB chargeable!!!

On showing someone these great headphones.. they then restarted my quest by showing me the Sony wrap-around A2DP headphones announced recently:


And then teasing me further with the Motorola version with FM radio and a 3.5mm headphone socket!


They are available for pre-order on Expansys too!


I guess the quest continues.... :)
