
TechNet Radio

Every once in awhile, I see some gems over at this site.  This one is probably sure to get a few folks interested :)

Unified Communications and Windows Mobile

Michael Murphy and Chip Vollers discuss the benefits of Unified Communications and Windows Mobile.

Communications today are increasingly complex, with a vast array of ways to communicate and an equally broad range of different devices and applications. While supposedly making our lives easier, all of these options actually make our lives more complicated. We are simply overwhelmed by the options to stay in touch with each other. This is communication chaos.

Microsoft believes the answer lies in software. Software that is people-ready, helping people to work more effectively together in real time. Unified Communications solutions provide presence awareness throughout Office System and LOB applications, enable teams to work together from distributed offices and while on the go, and reduce down time and hasten business decisions. Microsoft's UC solutions deliver identity-based, rich presence-enabled communications on the desktop and extend those capabilities to Windows Mobile devices with Office Communicator Mobile 2007. Communicator Mobile 2007 is designed to easily work with existing Office Communications Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2007 deployments, minimizing cost, management, and additional infrastructure investments.

Enjoy the show!

