
One Louder

Exploring the fine line between clever and stupid. Heather Hamilton is a Staffing Manager and Microsoft Employee Evangelist.

Interns create game for XBox 360 and questions about Second Life

(This should probably be 2 separate blog posts but the topics are related and I'm feeling impatient...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/15/2007

Are commentary and advertising incompatable?

I thought this was interesting. Editor writes article critical of Apple. CEO censors it. Editor...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/14/2007

Speaking of humor...

Some of these are hilarious. If you are easily offended or don't want to be offended, then don't...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/11/2007

Getting better at being funny

We are getting there. I like the ads for suspicious male and hot male...ooops, I mean mail. The...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/10/2007

Pink Love and Music

Over on Pink is The New Blog (oh, I read it, I admit it), Trent is giving away a new pink Zune. It's...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/04/2007

It's so hard not to pun

when Metamucil's marketing team leaves you looking for more, um, substance, or something. Look at...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/03/2007

Because the numbers don't lie

Pow! And also, Shazam!

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/03/2007

In an effort to explain the name of my blog

I tried to explain the name of my blog recently and failed miserably at conveying the humor. I...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/03/2007

This totally happens at my house too

Only the belly is bigger Rub! My! Belly! from arielmeadow Ariel recently started at Microsoft (in...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/02/2007

So I know this guy at Microsoft...

Someone just sent me an e-mail asking about how to leverage a Microsoft employee that is willing to...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 05/01/2007

Wost day of my life....

all six years of it. Watch the whole thing. Thanks Tim.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/27/2007

Even less like my headshot

Man, I need to get a new picture on my blog...even I don't think I look like the same person as that...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/24/2007

Deeper meaning

How cool is it to have a linguist analyze your blog posts? I knew all that stuff before I posted...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/24/2007

I'm being manipulated by the media into rational behavior

I know that there's all kinds of Earth Day stuff going on. It borders on the Hallmark holiday...we...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/23/2007

Vendors and conferences and flipping the funnel

I'm going to the Electronic Recruiting Exchange Conference this week. It's a recruiting industry...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/16/2007

Take as much time off as you want

At Netflix, you can. The key is creating performance-based assessments. Same reason why my team...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/09/2007

Tape worms can be fun....

OK, probably not really. But some of our friends overseas may have a different perspective on little...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/23/2007

We interrupt this broadcast for more news of the obvious

What? Wikipedia may not be accurate?

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/22/2007

A little disconcerting

I just had one of those moments at the gym where I think someone recognized me from my blog. This...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/21/2007

If you don't have time to tell me what you are looking for, I don't have time to recruit for you

This isn't a rant and it's not intended to be a big complainy post about hiring managers. I've been...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/20/2007

Madlibs for lazy bloggers

Dear Bloggers and friends, I'm so sorry I haven't blogged since week before last (time frame). I...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/17/2007

Let's just deal with the fact that fast food is not good for you, shall we?

Obviously, I am not the only health conscious consumer out there. I can't imagine I am the only one...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/13/2007

Exactly what you think it's going to be

Overheard In The Office This is some hilarious stuff...some of these people should look around...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/13/2007

I did it.

I met one of my personal goals today. I ran (well, jogged actually) a 5K race without stopping. I...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/11/2007

I prefer that you predict the end of the world on a Monday, not a Friday

From Dave Lefkow. Seriously, what happens when you show up for the interview looking nothing like...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/09/2007

Be picky about where you park

Today, Seth Godin writes about where you park and the message it sends to the people you work with....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/07/2007

Future Microsoft employee delivered at 65 MPH

Microsoft employee Brian Kirkman and wife Liz raced to the hospital where they planned to deliver...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/01/2007

Last blast? Get a grip

Newscasters should be more careful; what with the previous weather issues and all. Don't they know...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/28/2007

Why is the MBA important?

I got a question from blog reader on the importance of the MBA. It's a great question. Many of our...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/27/2007

Dynamics Platform Technical Evangelist

Want to help change the SMB software industry? Are you a big-picture thinker, interested in...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/22/2007


The video of David Neeleman, CEO of jetBlue, is getting a lot of play online. It's posted on their...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/21/2007

Daylight Savings Time and your SmartPhone

I just got e-mail about this and wouldn't have even known otherwise. I think I heard talk at one...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/17/2007

The caveman's having a party and you are early

I'm having a little too much fun with this.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/13/2007

The New Normal

Every once in a while, I will go through a period of time where I experience a higher level of...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/09/2007

Using contests for good

I love this: Richard Branson offers a $25m prize to the scientist that finds a way to reduce...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/09/2007

Blogging is an art, not a science

Wait, it's the other way around. Or it's both. Oh forget it.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/08/2007

Chicago coolness...Go Bears!

Many of you know I moved to the Seattle area from Chicago. Back when I was in high school, there was...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/04/2007

Speaking of Windows Vista Advertising and Mac ads

Todd shows us the new Lost previews sponsored by Microsoft. I'm not a marketing person (please,...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/02/2007

Microsoft not participating in Superbowl advertising

``The last thing a marketer should do is assume that they need to be on the Super Bowl.'' I could...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/02/2007

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