
One Louder

Exploring the fine line between clever and stupid. Heather Hamilton is a Staffing Manager and Microsoft Employee Evangelist.

Bill's Last Day

Spoof video shown at CES on Bill's last day. I'm still kind of amazed that we can get some of these...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/07/2008


Sunshine. What the? My corneas.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/04/2008

You Know You Have Been in HR Too Long When...

HR intrudes on your life. I was trying to decide if this was going to be one post with lots of...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/04/2008

This is what happens after the holidays

I start to care about stuff that would ordinarily bug me. For example: Iowa caucuses. I was trying...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/04/2008

Sick of hearing about Scoble

I'm sorry. I'm sure this is offensive to someone, but I am really sick of hearing about Robert...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/03/2008

Missed marketing opportunity

Whole Foods employees are fired if they touch a customer. Oh settle, down. I was talking about hugs....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/03/2008

Getting a "facebook strategy"

And no, it's not about getting dates. I am going to take some of Paul's recommendations. I'll have a...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/03/2008

Living and Dying by metrics in new media marketing


Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/03/2008

Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper on New Years' Eve

I love everything about this, especially Anderson's nervous laugh. Kathy Griffin + Anderson Cooper +...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/02/2008

Writing effective job postings

Partly free advertising for my pals at TheLadders and partly because they give some good advice...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/02/2008

Scaring a kid on Christmas Day...

...playing Catch Phrase: "This is my job. I shoot people here" <points to head> I'm sure mom...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/26/2007

Speaking of movies...

the fact that my mental voice these days sounds like Timbaland (and so that is what I am going to...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/21/2007

Here comes another bubble

I suppose that when you are young, the Billy Joel song is so uncool that it's cool again. To me,...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/18/2007

Horrible movie

I saw Margot at the Wedding last night. And as much as I don't want to do movie reviews here,...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/13/2007

Sarcastic humor disguised as insanity

plus great customer service.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/11/2007

Here's the part where I act like a corporate wonk

But if you don't think this is cool, you have no soul.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/07/2007

If I seem distracted...

....this song has been running through my head for about the last 6 months. Two men, two baby blue...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/07/2007

What to do during your holiday down time? Polish up your resume.

This time of year, I'm burning excess vacation days and you may be doing the same or hiding from...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/06/2007

A top ranked career blog? This one?

Evidently so. Alrighty then. I guess that means I should talk about something career related again...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/06/2007

Elf Yourself

I could watch this a hundred times (and I might). That's my friend Suzanne's son on the left. He's...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/03/2007


You know how you used to say that you were catching up on "paperwork"? OK, so maybe I am dating...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/03/2007

BCS...who's in?

What a year. What do you do about the BCS? If I had to guess, it's LSU and OSU in the National...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/02/2007

Just say no

No, really. All you have to say is "no". No,no,no,no,no,no. That's all.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/01/2007

Hot spots in and around Redmond

I love my home office (and the fact that I can work from home), but I'm starting to lose it a little...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/01/2007

It's like all my little girl dreams coming true at once

Today I get to live one of my recruiting fantasies. Only it's totally real. And it's totally my day...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/30/2007

How do you tell a 6 year old her cat died?

Oh, I feel horrible. This summer, I bought my friends' daughter a kitten. I was so excited, she was...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/29/2007

Don't you wish you were this cool?

Where can I get some shorts like that? I miss the eighties. Rationalizing your guilty pleasure is...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/28/2007

Companeee Namez

I admit that I, too, find the ubiquity of goo-goo-gaa-gaa named companies a bit hard to take. They...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/28/2007

Single Technology Company Seeks

same with IP and smart tech leaders. Article on how Microsoft engaged acquisition target companies....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/28/2007

Dear Blog

Dear Blog, This isn't the type of thing that I should write in a letter but I'm not sure I can tell...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/28/2007

Contextual weirdness

It's probably time for me to get back to some regular blogging. Sheesh. I was in Arizona this past...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/27/2007

24 Hours in Seattle

Microsoft employee spends 24 hour hours seeing the sights in Seattle with 2 guys in spandex. Video:...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/15/2007

Help Find Kyle

Just spreading the word.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/14/2007

Who did this?

Who put the Tablet PC input panel next to the IE back button? WHO? I need to know. Driving me nuts!

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/14/2007

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