
Incoming! New blog feature

As I've been sharing tips and tricks with you regarding resumes and recruiter SEO, I've found that I am frequently diverting to things I have heard from others in my organization. The truth of the matter is that I don't really do much in the way of internet search anymore; at least as it relates to finding resumes. My role now is really about managing a team of people that does that (recruiters and researchers) as well as outreach/community building programs.

In Central Sourcing, we are the Center of Excellence (is that a Microsoft term or are other companies using that term as well?) for internet search for staffing and we have some amazing talent in that area. I'm not going to embarrass anyone (well just one person....Tim? You out there?) but I'm sure I could get a witness. I get kudos mails for folks on my team and I'm sure my peers do as well. I love working with smart people.

Anyway, what I have decided (because when it comes to this blog, I am the decider. Whee!) is that I should tap someone else to help me with tips for job seekers out there or really anyone managing their career (who does that not include?). And that should be someone TCOB in the internet search trenches day in and day out. And I have identified  a victim volunteer willing participant ...an internet search/resume guru that I will introduce to you shortly. He's going to feed me some resume/interview tips that I can share with you. I may even get him to introduce himself soon. You are going to really like what Tim has to say. He's got some brilliant ideas (he's the one that gave me that tip about "present" or "current" near your company name).

I remember a long time ago, years even, that I blogged about using the word "expert" on your resume and I have had to deal with the fact that I can no longer call myself anything close to an "expert" in internet search; not because I don't have anything worthwhile to share (just seeing things from a recruiters perspective is worthwhile, I think) but because technology and some of my peers have marched on while I have been working on other things (employment branding and community development, new media, central sourcing strategy). What I am really getting good at now is figuring out how to leverage the experts around me. And with that, I tee it up for Tim, who is knee deep in a search right now but promised that he's got some great tips coming your way.


  • Anonymous
    August 07, 2007
    Heather, I was wondering do you have recruiters who concentrate on developing expertise within particular social media communities. Linkedin or Facebook for example? I was thinking that each social media technology requires disapline and a lot of time in order to be successful. Is it not better for a recruiter to focus on one single social media, especially if you work for a large company like Microsoft, that way you can spread out the recruiters to many social media technologies and do a fair job of covering the important ones? Also, if you do have recruiters targeting different social media technologies, who are the leaders, and which social media technologies do they focus on?

  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2007
    Great question. Sometimes when we work on projcets, we do "assign" different tools to each recruiter. At the same time, there is a benefit to having multiple people on something like LinkedIn because each has a different network. Among the people on my team, we definitely have power users of specific tools (to the point that we do trainings for other recruiters), but I don't like the idea of having the recruiters be exclusive with tools because we all use them a little diffferently. We aren't really doing anything with Facebook on my team, but LinkedIn has ben a great tool for us. There are tools specific to research that our lead researcher manages.  Also, my staffing associate manages a lot of what we do on TheLadders. So I'd say that sometimes, on our team, when we have individuals specialize, it has more to do with a specific process than centralizing usage of that tool with one person. Not sure if that makes sense. Ideally, all the recrutiers should have some level of expertise with a wide range of tools.

  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2007
    That does make sense and you gave some great answers. Have you seen the question and answer function in linkedin.com, do any of your recruiters answer questions on a systematic basis? I think that this linkedin function is a great way to build credibility in the linkedin community. I was wondering if you giving time to any of your recruiters to do this?

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2007
    I have seen it but I don't know anyone that is using it as a recruting tool. I almost think it would feel a little clumsy to be asking questions to get someone interested in applyinhg. Having said that, the recruiters on my team are absolutley welcome to try those types of things. We have a lot of flexibility to get creative with how we engage people.

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2008
    Heather, I was looking over this comment in CoComment and wondered if any of your recruiters used the technique in the intervening year?