

Still using Small Business Financials?

For the readers out there who are either a current user of Microsoft Small Business Financials, or are a Dynamics partner with existing customers using the product, boy have I got great news for you! Since the last day for support from Microsoft on this product ends in January 2011, we've just launched an incredible offer to MOVE NOW to Microsoft Dynamic GP...for as little as $0 for the cost of the licenses! The promotion is comprised of up to a 100 % discount on your first 5 full system users and a 50% discount on users 6-10.  In addition, limited A La Carte functionality is available at up to a 100% discount. 

There has NEVER been a better time to move to Microsoft Dynamics GP for our SBF customers. Now is the perfect opportunity to make a seamless transition to the application that SBF was based on for next to nothing! There is a migration tool that can help you migrate 100% of your SBF data into Microsoft Dynamics GP. We've heard of customers up and running on the new system in less than 1 day, and the learning curve is very small since SBF was based on the Dynamics GP codebase.

If you are a current SBF customer and this sounds like something you would be interested in, I would encourage you to attend the upcoming webinar on October 28th to learn more about how other customers have benefited from moving from SBF to Microsoft Dynamics GP. Register today here: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032464145&Culture=en-US

Partners, if you want to find out more about this exciting offer, visit the following page on PartnerSource: https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/sales/promotions/fy11_movenowoffer.htm

Take care and good luck with your "moving" projects!
