

Speeding up IIS web site access / IE throughput

As we receive several requests “how to speed up” the CRM web site access the following should help.


“HTTP Keep-Alive” allows Web browsers to reuse the same TCP connection to make multiple requests to a Web server such as Internet Information Server (IIS).

If a Web server requires authentication such as Basic, Kerberos, or Microsoft Windows NT Challenge/Response, a Web browser is challenged for authentication by the server.

The Web browser must send authentication information to the Web server. After the Web browser is authenticated by the server, the Web browser can only be challenged again by the server when it opens a new connection from a different TCP port. –> This is known as authentication persistence.


Additional IIS content

For setting this up in IIS 6 or IIS 7
FIX: You may experience slow performance when you use Integrated Windows authentication together with the Kerberos authentication protocol in IIS 6.0


HOW TO: Modify the AuthPersistence Metabase Entry Controls When Clients Are Authenticated


Improving CRM4 Performance under Windows 2008 using IIS7 Output Caching feature


Additional IE content

How to configure Internet Explorer to have more than two download sessions


Greetings from the CRM team