
Mac Mini Rc1 Update

At home my Mac Mini is still running RC1. The video problem is being investigated (triaged) by the internal team and Im confident of success - it currently looks like it may be network adapter driver related. I tried various things to see if they would work but the video playback of previously recorded MCE content stutters still on the mini.

I discovered to my embaressment that the flip3d is working fine on all my Vista machines. I forgot when playing around the other night that the key is Windows+Tab.

Office 2007 is also helping my productivity ten fold. By tracking categories and tasks daily I am beginning to organise the mass of activities that has been plagueing me. Incidentally I love the shifting rotation in Vista when activating a window in Office. Thanks to some internal reminder demos I have also made some pretty neat developments in my presentations (smart-art), plans (conditional formatting) and documents (themes). Todo: OneNote.

My next activity is to look at the Expression Designer I played around with in July. The September CTP is out and it works on RC1.