
More Exchange Utils

Good morning everybody... let the World Cup begin :)

Further to yesterday's entry, there are a few more updated tools that I wanted to draw your attention:

Many new tools were updated or released on June 7th, 2006.

· Exchange MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 June 7, 2006. Starting with the Beta 2 release of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, neither the Messaging API (MAPI) client libraries nor CDO 1.2.1 are provided as part of the product. The result is missing functionality that many server applications depend on. This tool provides access to these APIs, thereby providing access to the contents of the Exchange store and Active Directory.

· Jetstress (English only) June 7, 2006. Verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem by simulating disk I/O load on an Exchange test server before putting your server into a production environment.

· Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer Tool, Version 2.7 June 7, 2006. Better integration with Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 enables you to identify and help resolve configuration issues before problems arise.

· Profile Analyzer (English only) June 7, 2006. Collect estimated statistical information from a single mailbox store or from across an entire Exchange Server organization. Use the collected data for tasks such as analyzing the performance and health of a server that has mailboxes.

· Public Folder DAV-based Administration Tool (English only) June 7, 2006. Use the Exchange Server Public Folder Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV)-based Administration tool (PFDAVAdmin) to perform various management tasks related to public folders and mailboxes.

· Quota Message Service (English only) June 7, 2006. Generate custom quota messages that inform users that they have exceeded their message quotas. This tool is a mailbox agent, and it uses template messages to format the body of the quota messages.