
TechNet Magazine Goes Green

The October edition of TechNet Magazine goes Green. Green is a hot topic and I think that we as an IT community don't do enough to make sure we don't waste energy. How many of you shutdowns his PC or has a server running constantly at home? I have to admit I don't do it every time. I am wasting money, resources and energy. We should all be more concerned about this and that is exactly the reason why I am trying to organize a Green IT Panel discussion at IT Forum 2007 in Barcelona. I want to have some of the major vendors in the Market like Intel, AMD, Dell, .... and beside the hardware manufacturers I want to have one of our Data Center Managers, MSIT and other IT Managers from major companies.

What I would like to know from them is how the hardware will change in the future to reduce the energy consumption even more. Secondly I want to know what we Microsoft are going to do with our software, management tools to support the Green IT initiatives. What can we do as an IT Pro to reduce the needed energy, where do we have to look when we buy hardware?

What are you thinking about Green IT, is it something we should care about or not? Send me your comments I want to open up the discussion here, I am really interested to know what you think about or what you are doing for it.

If I find all the speakers this will be a session not to miss at IT Forum this year, keep my finger crossed.

Read the preview article about Green IT:

TechNet Magazine October 2007


Green Computing

Green is hot. Green computing is the next frontier, and building a green, ecologically friendly data center has surprising rewards. Learn about the benefits, the costs, the savings, and how to plan, right now.

Windows Administration

The Active Directory replication model defines the ways in which updates are communicated to all domain controllers within an environment, as well as how to handle any conflicts that arise as a result of the ability to make changes from practically anywhere.

System Center

In the past, update status was reported via hardware inventory. SCCM 2007 uses a new mechanism, the state message, to ensure better compliance and update enforcement on each client. See how the new approach to update management in SCCM 2007 represents a significant improvement.


Blocking nearly 10.5 million articles of spam on a typical day, Microsoft represents a perfect example of the spam landscape today. Here the architecture and features of anti-spam and antivirus agents in Exchange Server 2007 and Forefront Security for Exchange Server are discussed as a solution to this growing problem.

SQL Server

A number of things can sap SQL Server performance including recompilation of SQL statements, missing indexes, multithreaded operations, disk bottlenecks, memory bottlenecks, routine maintenance, and more. Find out where to begin your search when encountering performance issues.

Technorati tags: Green IT, IT Forum, TechEd IT Forum, TechNet Magazine


  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2007
    I'm just curious, if MS is going green , how much petroleum is in their products?? I mean the plastic for the computers or CD's or packaging. I mean if they are going green , what are they doing to reduce petroleum usage which if I'm not mistaken is the largest contributor to green house gases. Just a thought......

  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2007
    The comment has been removed