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Anatomy of Product Visibility page

The Product Visibility page on the Products tab shows you the full details of a product. This includes allocated inventory and allocated order lines.

Product Visibility page

The Product Visibility page is comprised of the following five panels:

  • Filters – This panel, which appears at the top of the page, is where you can refine the criteria for the analyses in the Allocated Inventory and Allocated Order Line panels. For example, you can change the default time period to look back 30 days instead of ahead 30 days, change the daily breakout to be week, month, quarter, or year, change the start and end dates, etc. As you make changes, you must select Update for them to be accepted. Download metrics for the product to an Excel worksheet by selecting Export in this panel.

  • Product Details – This panel, which appears beneath the Filters panel, shows the general details and attributes defined for the product. This includes the product name, product type, rate card, floor CPM, and targeting.

  • Allocated Inventory – This panel, which appears beneath the Product Details panel, shows a graphical analysis of the inventory allocated to the product. This is based on the criteria you defined in the Filters panel.

  • Allocated Order Lines – This panel, which appears beneath the Allocated Inventory panel, shows a pie chart representing the order lines allocated to the product for the time period you defined in the Filters panel.

  • Allocating Order Lines – This panel, which appears beneath the Allocated Inventory panel, shows a comprehensive list of order lines allocated to the product with detailed metrics for each order line. This includes allocated impressions and revenue across the order line, as well as allocated impressions and revenue for the time period you defined in the Filters panel highlighted. This panel contains three tabs:

    • Allocating Order Lines - This is the main tab and is selected by default.
    • Starving Order Lines - This is to see order lines that are underdelivering for the product.
    • Potential Competition - This is to see order lines potentially competing for the product's impressions.

Download order line data to an Excel worksheet by selecting Export on the from the Allocating Order Lines tab.