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Data service


The Yield Analytics Data API exposes functionality for searching of available data and configs from within the Yield Analytics environment.

Content types

The Service REST API is currently designed to support the following content type:

  • JSON - using Content-type: application/json

Selecting the desired content type is a choice the API developer should make on a case by case basis. API functionality is symmetrical across content types. API developers may specify the desired content type in the HTTP GET or POST method parameters or via their AJAX or HTTP client library.

Error checking and status codes

API developers should check the HTTP response codes returned from the service REST API to detect errors propagated from API calls. Successful calls to the service will result in 200 range response codes. 400 and 500 range http responses denote errors. The specific response codes and text will likely undergo change during BETA development of the API, however, the ranges will not.


The service API exposes application data in a secure manner. Use of API functionality is restricted to authenticated users and is exposed over secure transport protocols. Access to the API must take place within the following context:

  • Example cURL authentication

    Authentication occurs by passing credentials via http headers on each request.

    - username: curl -H "username:username"
    - password: curl -H "password:password"
    - source: curl -H "source:client_id"
  • Example HTTPS authentication

    GET /api/v1/rest/
    Accept: application/xml, application/json
    Content-Type: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{client_id}}        
  • Example POSTMAN authentication

    Find an example of header settings in Postman below:


    A screenshot of the Headers tab with standard keys and values in Postman.


Confidentiality is maintained by using Secure Socket Layer based communication to interact with the Yield Analytics API. API developers should prefer use of HTTPS over HTTP insecure communication whenever possible. Consult your HTTP Client library on how to enable HTTP over SSL when developing outside of a web browser context.


Get alias columns

GET /api/v1/rest/data/aliasColumns
  • Description

    Get request to read a collection of alias columns.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK AliasColumns
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/xml
    • application/json
  • Tags

    Data Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/data/aliasColumns' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 
    'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/data/aliasColumns HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 187
      "aliasColumns" : [ {
        "aliasKey" : "TARGET_OVERLAPPING_PRODUCT",
        "dateSourceType" : "TARGET"
      }, {
        "aliasKey" : "BOOKED_VALUE",
        "dateSourceType" : "ORDER_LINE"
      } ]

Get alias functions

GET /api/v1/rest/data/aliasFunctions
  • Description

    Get request to read a collection of alias functions.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK AliasFunctions
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/xml
    • application/json
  • Tags

    Data Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/data/aliasColumns' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 
    'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/data/aliasColumns HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 187
      "aliasColumns" : [ {
        "aliasKey" : "TARGET_OVERLAPPING_PRODUCT",
        "dateSourceType" : "TARGET"
      }, {
        "aliasKey" : "BOOKED_VALUE",
        "dateSourceType" : "ORDER_LINE"
      } ]

Get consumption filters

GET /api/v1/rest/data/consumptionFilters
  • Description

    Get request to read a collection of consumption filters.

  • Parameters

    Type Name Description Required Schema
    HeaderParameter username Your username for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter password Your password for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
    HeaderParameter source Your client source for accessing the Yield Analytics API true string
  • Responses

    HTTP Code Description Schema
    200 OK ConsumptionFilters
  • Consumes


  • Produces

    • application/xml
    • application/json
  • Tags

    Data Resource

  • Example cURL request

    $ curl 'https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest/v1/rest/data/consumptionFilters' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 
    'Accept: application/json' -H 'username: {{username}}' -H 'password: {{password}}' -H 'source: {{source}}'
  • Example HTTP request

    GET /api/v1/rest/data/consumptionFilters HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    username: {{username}}
    password: {{password}}
    source: {{source}}
    Host: https://{{client_url}}/api/v1/rest
  • Example HTTP response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 82
      "consumptionFilters" : [ "CONSUMPTION_TYPE", "INVENTORY_CLASS", "PRIORITY" ]



A JSON object to hold the request for AliasColumn.

Name Required Schema
aliasKey false string
dateSourceType false string


A JSON object to hold the request for AliasColumns.

Name Required Schema
aliasColumns false AliasColumn array


A JSON object to hold the request for AliasFunction.

Name Required Schema
inputs false string array
name false string


A JSON object to hold the request for AliasFunctions.

Name Required Schema
aliasFunctions false AliasFunction array


A JSON object to hold the request for ConsumptionFilters.

Name Required Schema
consumptionFilters false string array

Yield Analytics API