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Set page options

This function sets page-level options placements.

setPageOpts ({parameters})

The parameters listed below can be sent as arguments in the function.


Parameter Type Description
dsa object Object that specifies settings in conjunction with the Digital Services Act (DSA). See DSA Object for details below.
msft object Object that contains request values unique to Microsoft.
For more information, See Set Page Options - Microsoft Object.
member number The member ID.
publisherId number The publisherId can be used when using an inventory code. This ensures the right publisher is used to help pick the correct default placement.
user object Object that specifies information about an external user. See User Object details below.
keywords object A set of key/value pairs applicable to all ad slots on this page. Querystring segments are defined by key/value pairs in this object. Keywords that contain hyphens must be enclosed in single quote marks. Best practice is to always surround keywords with single quotes. A maximum of 100 key/value pairs can be defined at the page level. Each tag can have up to 100 additional key/value pairs defined.
disablePsa Boolean Indicates whether all placements should disable PSAs from showing. A value of true will disable all PSAs globally.
device object Complex object that declares and overrides the type of device, as populated in the Xandr bid request. See Device Object details below.
enableSafeFrame Boolean Specifies whether all ads will be served in a SafeFrame container. For more information, see the SafeFrame API Reference.
app object Complex object that populates app information. It is an object that holds information related to the application. See App Object details below.
consentManagement object Specifies whether consent management is enabled for compliance with the transparency, notice and choice/consent requirements under the US state privacy law via the Global Privacy Platform, GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive. Consent management is enabled by default. See Consent Management Object details below.
auctionTimeout number The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a bidder to respond to a bid request.
geoOverride object Provides the ability to override IP-based geo location. See Geo Override Object details below.
schain object Allows publishers to specify their Supply Chain Object for the request they made to the ad server. Further information about the Supply Chain Object spec and its structure can be found with these links:
us_privacy string A string that conforms to the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework requirements. See the code sample for this field below.

This parameter is planned be deprecated at a future date.
pageUrl string This field is set to support progressive web apps that uses AST to show ads in their apps. The development framework generates an invalid referrer, that is blocked by our IQ rules.
Publishers using AST in their iOS apps, need to set this field to override the default page URL referrer information (normally derived by AST), to HTTP(s) value they feel best represents the page. This feature is primarily designed for mobile environments where the referrer information may not reflect typical HTTP page URLs. The feature will only activate when the AST tag is loaded within an iOS app webview.
trackingManagement object Object that specifies values for tracking related features related to the auction and creatives (viewability, usersync, etc). See TrackingManagement Object details below.
renderingManagement object Object that specifies values for rendering related features, which influence how ads are rendered onto a webpage. See RenderingManagement Object details below.
content object Object that specifies information about the content where the ads will show. See Content Object for details below.


App object

Specifies information about the application.

Parameter Type Description
appid object Object that defines the application identification information.

Here's an example:

        app: {
                appid: 'com.mypackage.myapp'

DSA object

Specifies information related to the Digital Services Act. For the ideal values to use for each of the fields, refer to the IAB Spec.

Parameter Type Description
dsarequired number Flag to indicate if DSA information should be made available.
pubrender number Flag to indicate if the publisher will render the DSA Transparency info.
transparency Array of objects Array of objects of the entities that applied user parameters and the parameters they applied.

Schain object

The feature in AST allows for publishers to perform an optional syntax check on the schain they specify in the config parameter. The syntax criteria is based on the IAB specification for the schain object.

  • If the publisher enables the strict option, the config schain object will be checked exactly and if there is an error in the structure, an error message from AST will be thrown in the console and the schain object will not be included in the request to the adserver.
  • If the publisher enables the relaxed option, the config schain object will be checked. If is something wrong, a warning message will be displayed in the browser console, but the schain object will still be included in the request to the adserver.
  • If the publisher enables the off option, the config schain object will not be checked at all. It will simply be included in the request to the adserver, whether it was correctly formatted or not.


You need to have the AST debug flag enabled to see the messages in the console.

Here's an example:

schain: {
  validation: 'strict',  // strict, relaxed, or off - strict is default
  config: {
    ver: '1.0',
    complete: 0,
    nodes: [{
      asi: '',
      sid: 'test123sid',
      hp: 1

User object

Specifies information about an external user to whom the ads will be shown.

Parameter Type Description
age number The age of the user.
dnt Boolean Do not track flag. Indicates if tracking cookies should be disabled for this auction:
- true (disable cookies)
- false (Default)

Note: When dnt:true , user data will not be available throughout the auction, regardless of sending external UID or Xandr UUID. The ID would appear as -1 in LLD, representing opted-out.
externalUid string Specifies a string that corresponds to an external user ID for this user.

externalUid should only be used in cookieless environments. Application outside of that may result in decreased user match rate (impacting retargeting) and / or increased user blocklisting over time.
gender string Specifies the gender of the user:
- 0: unknown
- 1: male
- 2: female
language string The two-letter ANSI code for this user's language; for example, EN.
segments array of numbers Specifies the segments to which the user is a member.
userIds array of objects An array containing objects that hold userId parameters. See User ID Object details below for definitions.
coppa boolean When enabled, this includes the coppa flag to the auction request.

User ID object

Parameter Type Description
id string The cookie or platform native identifier
type string The source value of the provider that provides the included ID. Supported identity solutions:
- criteo: criteo's identity solution.
- liveramp: Liveramp's identity solution.
- netid: european cross-device enabled advertising identifier.
- ttd: the trade desk 1.0 identity solution.
- uid2: uid2 identity solution.
extendedIDs type The publisher defined first party IDs.
eids array of objects The eids value is only compliant with the extendedIDs type (all other defined types should use the existing id string defined above). The objects inside this eids array have 2 parameters, id and source:
- id: identical to the existing ID value in its purpose and description.
- source: the source or technology provider utilized by the publisher to handle the first party ID; generally expressed as a domain. See the example below.

Pass universal IDs in Monetize

You can pass a universal ID to Monetize through AST.js using one of two methods: the mapped identifier method (older) or the extendedIDs method (newer).

Mapped identifier method

This method allows you to pass a limited number of Universal IDs. The list of supported IDs is hardcoded in the AST.js code. Use this method when the Universal IDs is among the supported types.

Example JSON

  "type": "liveramp",
  "id": "0d7e95c7-4783-4278-acf9-99809d0c5a61"

ExtendedIDs method

The extendedIDs method is more flexible and supports all Universal IDs and Publisher Provided Identifiers (PPIDs). Use this method to pass identifiers dynamically.

Example JSON

  "type": "extendedIDs",
  "eids": [
      "source": "",
      "id": "2d7e95c7-4783-4278-acf9-99809d0c5a62"

In this example:

  • sourceis the domain or provider that manages the Universal ID.
  • idis the identifier provided by the source.

The extendedIDs method is recommended for all current and future Universal IDs formats. It offers flexibility for publishers who want to handle various first-party ID solutions.

Choose the right method

  • Use the mapped identifier method only if your Universal ID is supported by the legacy AST.js mapping.
  • Use the extendedIDs method for broader compatibility and future-proofing.


You can plan your migration to the extendedIDs method to ensure compatibility with all current and future identity solutions.

Device object

Specifies a mobile device on which the ads will be shown.

Parameter Type Description
deviceId object Object that defines the device identification information; includes the following parameters:
- idfa: The Apple advertising identifier for iOS devices running iOS 6+.
- aaid: The Google advertising identifier for Android devices as retrieved from Google Play services.
- sha1udid: The SHA1 hash of the ANDROID_ID.
- md5udid: The The MD5 hash of the ANDROID_ID.
- windowsadid - The Microsoft advertising identifier for Windows devices.
deviceType string Specifies the type of device on which the ad will be shown (such as phone or tablet).
useragent string The user agent string from the device browser.
geo object Object that defines the location of the device; includes the following parameters:
- lat: Device latitude (a number, such as 45.5).
- lng: Device longitude (a number, such as -122.7).
- country: Country for the device. Uses the three-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes.
- region: Device region.
- city: Device city.
- zip: Device ZIP code.
ip string The device's IP address.
make string The device model; for example, Apple.
model string The device make; for example, iPhone.
os string The device operating system.
osVersion string The version of the device operating system.
carrier string The carrier for the device.
connectionType number The connection type:
- 0: Unknown
- 1: WiFi
- 2: WAN
mcc string The mobile country code, as specified by the ITU.
mnc string The mobile network code, as specified by the ITU.
devTime number The time on the device (in UNIX Time).

Content Object

Parameter Type Description
language string The two-letter ANSI code for this user's language. For example, 'EN'.

TrackingManagement object

Parameter Type Description
native object Object that contains settings related to native types specifically.
native.loadViewabilityScriptAt string Permitted values:
- impression
- adresponse

Default: adresponse
The adresponse time is recorded when the ad is received by AST. It is the historical setting.

The new impression time is recorded closer to the impression event. This may be more desirable to certain publishers who rely on native viewability metrics.
userSync object Object that contains settings related to the AST userSync feature.

RenderingManagement object

Parameter Type Description
insertWrapperDiv boolean When enabled, AST adds an additional div element between the main AST utif div and the AST iframe (or safeframe) container for all ad slots. This option is useful for publishers who wish to customize or control the contents of the ad container further without modifying the main div container.
Default: false
sandboxAdIframe boolean When enabled, AST adds and populates the HTML sandbox attribute for the AST iframe (or safeframe) container for all ad slots using the values from the appropriate sandboxAttributes parameter.
Default: false
sandboxAttributes array of strings The values of these attributes are applied to the HTML sandbox attribute for the AST iframe (or safeframe) ad containers when the appropriate andboxAdIframe setting is set to true. For suitable values to include in this array, see the HTML sandbox documentation. If enabled, it is advised to include at least allow-same-origin and allow-scripts to ensure that the contents of the iframe may function properly (omitting these values may result in some warnings in the browser console).

userSync object


For more details about userSync object, go to User Sync page.

Parameter Type Description
syncEnabled boolean Enables or disables the logic in AST that loads the userSync script after the auction ends.
Default: true
syncDelay number Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) that AST waits after the auction ends before loading the userSync script.
Default: 3000
publisherId number Numeric identifier for the publisher entity used for the auction on this page. It includes the value that is passed to the userSync script, which provides more information downstream.
sellerId number Numeric identifier of the seller entity used for the auction on this page. It includes the value that is passed to the userSync script, which provides more information downstream.

Here's an example

    member: 958,
    user: {
        age: 25,
        externalUid: '10',   
                userIds: [{ "type": "criteo", "id": "_fl7bV96WjZsbiUyQnJlQ3g4ckh5a1N", }, // Criteo Identifier
                  { "type": "ttd", "id": "00000111-91b1-49b2-ae37-17a8173dc36f" }, // Trade Desk Identifier
                  { "type": "netid", "id": "999888777" }, // NetID Identifier
                  { "type": "liveramp", "id": "AjfowMv4ZHZQJFM8TpiUnYEyA81Vdgg" }, //Liveramps's Identifier
                  { "type": "uid2", "id": "234123424" }, //UID2's Identifier
                  { "type": "extendedIDs", "eids": [{ "id": "abc123def345", "source": "" }] }, // publisher first party IDs
        segments: [1, 2],
        gender: 0,
        dnt: true,
        language: 'EN'
    keywords: {
        genre: ['rock', 'pop']
    disablePsa : true,
    enableSafeFrame : true,
    device : {
        deviceId : {
            idfa : 'String',
            aaid : 'String',
            md5udid : 'String',
            sha1udid : 'String'
        deviceType : 'String',
        useragent : 'String',
        geo : {
            lat : 0.4,
            lng : 0.5,
            country : 'USA',
            region : 'String',
            city : 'String',
            zip : 'String'
        ip : 'String',
        make : 'String',
        model : 'String',
        os : 'String',
        osVersion : 'String',
        carrier : 'String',
        connectionType : 0,
        mcc : 'String',
        mnc : 'String',
        devTime : 12345
    auctionTimeout: 3000,
    pageUrl: '',
    trackingManagement: {
     native: {
       loadViewabilityScriptAt: 'impression'
    renderingManagement: {
      insertWrapperDiv: true,
      sandboxAdIframe: true,
      sandboxAttributes: ['allow-same-origin', 'allow-scripts', 'allow-presentation']
     userSync: {
       syncEnabled: true,
       syncDelay: 4000,
       publisherId: 12345,
       sellerId: 123

Geo override object

Use this object to override the auction's geographic information. The supplied country code and zip code will be used to look up all geographic attributes to determine location.

Field Type Description
countryCode string Required. A two-character country code.
zip string Required. Zip code must be at least one character.

Here's an example

  ... // other settings
  geoOverride: {
    countryCode: 'US',
    zip: '10000'

Use this object to specify whether consent management is enabled for compliance with the transparency, notice and choice/consent requirements under US state privacy laws, GDPR, the ePrivacy Directive and IAB's U.S. Privacy User Signal Mechanism (USP), which currently covers the California Consumers Privacy Act (CCPA). Consent management is enabled by default.


In order for our clients to meet their transparency, notice and choice/consent requirements under US state privacy laws, the GDPR, the existing ePrivacy Directive, Xandr supports the Global Privacy Platform(GPP) and the IAB Europe Transparency Consent Framewor (the IAB's U.S. Privacy User Signal Mechanism (USP) will be deprecated in 2023).

This is a reference for publishers using AST to surface notice, transparency and choice to end users located within regions covered by the above mentioned policies and signal approved vendors and, where necessary, pass consent, to Xandr and demand sources and their vendors through Xandr's platform.

This resource should not be construed as legal advice and Xandr makes no guarantees about compliance with any law or regulation. Note that because every company and its collection, use, and storage of personal data is different, you should also seek independent legal advice relating to obligations under European regulations, including the GDPR and the existing ePrivacy Directive. Only a lawyer can provide you with legal advice specifically tailored to your situation. Nothing in this guide is intended to provide you with, or should be used as a substitute for, legal advice tailored to your business.

Note our Part of Service Policies (for Buying, Selling, and Data Providers) include privacy-specific obligations of which you should be aware.

Parameter Type Description Default
disabled Boolean Set to true to disable consent management functionality. False
timeout Integer The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the CMP to respond. 10000

Xandr provides the option to disable all consent management or individual ones per the user's needs.

Options Examples
Disable all consent management //disables all consent management apntag.setPageOpts({ ... // other settings consentManagement: { disabled: true, timeout: 10000 } })
Disable GDPR only apntag.setPageOpts({ consentManagement: { timeout: 5000, tcf : { disabled: true } } });
Disable GPP only apntag.setPageOpts({ consentManagement: { timeout: 5000, gpp : { disabled: true } } });

The following describes the functionality of AST in supporting GPP and GDPR compliance when consentManagement is enabled:

  • During the Load Tags function call, the AST tag will attempt to fetch the consent data from the IAB-compliant Consent Management Platforms (CMP).
  • When it’s time for the AST tag to call ImpBus, the consent information is included in the /ut POST request. Specifically, the consent information is stored under the POST’s data object as:


The request-building process is paused during the above execution in order to allow new users a chance to complete their consent information. The process will stop waiting after a specified timeout period (default 10 seconds) and finish building the request.

gdpr_consent : {
    consent_string: 'abc123',
    consent_required: true|false
us_privacy: "1YNY"

When the CMP fetch fails or the timeout period expires, the consentManagement code will log a warning message to the browser console, package a consent object in the following manner and include it into the AST request as described.

gdpr_consent : {
    consent_string: undefined,
    consent_required: undefined
gpp_sid: [5]

When AST detects TCF 2.0 it will rely on events generated by the CMP. The consent string will be retrieved when any of the following conditions are met:

  • The event generated is useractioncomplete or tcloaded.

  • The event generated is cmpuishown and purposeOneTreatment flag is set to true in the available TCF string.

  • The only event generated is cmpuishown and a time out occurs.

    In TCF v2.0 if the gdprApplies flag is set to true and Purpose One consent is not granted then AST will not include cookies in the /ut POST request.

Global privacy platform

In order to comply with multiple US state privacy laws, Xandr supports the Global Privacy Platform. When AST detects GPP it will rely on events generated by the CMP. The GPP string will be retrieved when any of the following conditions are met:

  • The event sectionChange has occurred - This event is called whenever the status or content of a section changes (e.g. consent is obtained).
  • The cmpStatus is loaded and the cmpDisplayStatus does not equal visible - This means the CMP code has finished loading (out of the stub phase) and the CMP is not visible to the end-user (which typically means the CMP has prior consent information available).