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Microsoft Monetize - View line item details (SMW)

The Line Items Details window lets you view and edit line item settings and access troubleshooting tools, essential metrics, performance visualizations, and associated line item objects.


The Microsoft Monetize Monitoring feature is in Open Beta and currently only supports deal line items, augmented line items (ALI), and guaranteed delivery augmented line items (GDALI). It is subject to change without notice and is only available to select clients.

Access line item details

From the Line Items window:

  1. Select the appropriate progress tab (All, Upcoming, In Progress, or Completed). See Monitor Line Items for more information.

  2. Click anywhere in the row of the line item you want to see details on.


    You can use the Search field at the top of the Line Items window to search for a specific line item or navigate from page to page using the pagination functionality at the bottom of the window. See Monitor Line Items for more information.

Selected line item details

The advertiser (ADV) and insertion order (IO) associated with the selected line item, the line item name, ID, and status (Active or Inactive) appear at the top of the Line Item Details window above the Settings and Troubleshooting tabs. You can change the line item status by clicking the Active or Inactive icon. The line item information is read-only, but you can edit the information by clicking Edit at the top-right of the Line Items Details window.

View line item objects

You can access any available objects of a selected line item, including: Creatives, Deal Lists, Inventory Lists, Conversion Pixels, Segments, and 3rd Party Pixels by clicking the three-dot icon at the top-right of the Line Item Details window and clicking any available object to navigate to the details page for that object.

Settings and troubleshooting tabs

The Line Item Details window has the following tabs:

  • Settings - Displays information for the selected line item including settings, essential metrics, and performance visualizations. You can edit any line item settings that are editable by clicking Edit at the top-right of the Line Items Details window. See Line Item Settings for more information.
  • Troubleshooting - Displays troubleshooting information for the selected line item. See Troubleshoot Line Items for more information.