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Inventory quality targeting


This form of targeting is only available to Standard Line Items. For an overview of which targeting options are available to Standard versus Augmented Line items, see Buy-Side Targeting.

In the Inventory Quality section of a campaign, you can determine how restrictive your campaign will be about the inventory it serves on.

  • Serve only on Microsoft Advertising-reviewed inventory - This is the most restrictive option and is selected by default. You will serve only on high-traffic domains that Microsoft Advertising has reviewed for sensitive attributes and intended audience. You will therefore have less volume but better inventory quality assurance.
  • Also serve on trusted seller-reviewed/unreviewed inventory - This is less restrictive. In addition to serving on Microsoft Advertising-reviewed inventory, you will also serve on seller-reviewed and unreviewed inventory from sellers that you have trusted in your Seller Eligibility settings. See Edit Seller Defaults for more details.
  • Serve on any inventory - This is the least restrictive option. You will serve on all inventory (Microsoft Advertising-reviewed, seller-reviewed, and unreviewed) from all eligible sellers.


  • By default, inventory quality filtering is enabled to allow platform-reviewed inventory. Since the majority of third-party mobile web inventory comes from external supply sources and is not platform-reviewed, the best way to reach this inventory is to turn off inventory quality filtering.
  • Inventory Quality does not apply to in-app inventory. Mobile campaigns will deliver on in-app inventory, regardless of your campaign's Inventory Quality setting.


Regardless of your inventory quality settings, you will never serve on sellers that you have blocked in your Seller Eligibility settings. For more details, see Edit Seller Defaults.

If you choose to serve on Microsoft Advertising-reviewed or seller-reviewed inventory, you can click the Edit button to further expand your reach to target inventory that has been flagged (by Microsoft Advertising or by the seller) with sensitive attributes and intended audiences.