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Explore publishers

The Publishers screen lists the publishers with which your member is associated. In this list you can see information regarding network and publisher performance for each publisher. You can select individual publishers to display more information.

Getting to the publisher screen


Depending on which version of Microsoft Monetize you use, you will access the Publishers screen using one of the following options.

From the Publishers tab: either select the Publishers option in the menu at the top of the screen, or select All Publishers from the Publishers dropdown.

From the Inventory tab: either select the Inventory option in the menu at the top of the screen, or select Publishers from the Inventory dropdown.

Reviewing publisher performance

You can select the time period you want to review by clicking the date- selector above the table. You can choose to view data from Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, or Lifetime.

The following information about the activity of each publisher associated to your member is available in the Publishers table:

  • Name - The name of the publisher.

  • ID - The unique identification number of the publisher.

  • Placements - The number of placements defined for the publisher. This information is displayed on a button; clicking this button will take you to the Inventory Manager for that publisher. (See Explore Placements for more on using the Inventory Manager.)

  • Currency - The currency units being displayed for the publisher. The default is USD (United States Dollar). You can change your settings to display all currency values, such as Revenue and Profit, in the local currency of each publisher. Note that as with all columns on this screen you can hide the Currency column from view. See Configuring Publisher Display below for information on configuring the currencies and columns that are displayed.

  • Network (member name) -

    • Revenue - The total revenue for the network. This value includes the sum of booked and resold revenue.
    • RPM - The revenue per 1,000 impressions for the network. This value includes impressions from defaults, Public Service Announcements and errors.
    • Profit - The dollar amount that this network has earned from this publisher.
    • PPM - The network profit per 1,000 impressions (Network RPM - Publisher RPM).
    • Deal Revenue - The total revenue from deals.
  • Publisher's Share


    For publishers with an inventory relationship of Owned & Operated, Publisher Revenue and RPM will always be zero. The amount made on inventory is rolled up into the Network Revenue column, which represents the revenue earned by your Microsoft Advertising member seat.

  • Revenue - The total revenue earned by this publisher. This value represents the network's cost.

  • RPM - The revenue per 1,000 impressions for this publisher. This value includes impressions from defaults, PSAs, and errors. It represents your network's CPM.

  • Impressions

    • Imps - The total number of impressions.
    • Kept - This value applies to managed accounts. It reflects the number of managed advertiser's creatives served on a managed publisher's site.
    • Resold - The number of impressions resold to a third-party buyer.
    • Default - The number of impressions where a default creative served because there were no valid bids.
    • PSA - The number of impressions that showed PSAs. PSAs serve only when there is no other creative available.
  • Viewability


    A viewable impression, as defined by the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau), is a display ad with 50% or more of the pixels visible for at least one continuous second. A video ad is defined as viewable if 50% or more of the pixels are visible for at least two consecutive seconds.

  • Viewable - The percentage of impressions that were viewable, based on the total number of impressions that were measured for viewability.

    • Measured - The percentage of impressions measured for viewability, based on the total number of impressions.
    • Clicks - The total number of clicks on all impressions for this publisher.

Configuring publisher display

Click the configuration button (in the upper right corner of the screen) to customize the display of your publisher list. Several display options are available.

Column configuration

Configure which columns you'll see in the Publishers table. All columns are visible by default. Uncheck the category (Network, Publisher, Impressions, Viewability) to hide all columns within that category. Checking the category will restore all columns along with the category. Check and uncheck individual columns within categories depending on your view preferences.

Currency display

Select whether to view currency units for each publisher in USD: United States Dollar or the Local Currency of the publisher. Local currency is determined by the currency settings for each publisher. Current exchange rates will be applied. Exchange rates are updated hourly. See Currency Support for more information on currencies.

Time zone display

Click the dropdown to select a time zone. This will be the time zone that is used to determine the data collected for the specified time period (Today, Yesterday, or Last 7 Days).

Filtering by publisher name/ID

You can limit the number of publishers visible on the screen by searching for a Publisher by name or ID. In the text box labeled ID/Name, enter either an ID or a name. The system will automatically begin searching for matches to whatever you type. For example, if you type 123, all publishers with IDs containing the numbers 123 (in that order) will be displayed. If you type Pub1, all publishers whose names begin with "Pub1" will be displayed.

To see all publishers (or, if you have used the search text box to filter your list, all publishers that match that search), select All from the state dropdown. To see only active publishers, select Active. To see only inactive publishers, select Inactive.

Sorting the publisher list

You can sort the list of publishers on almost any column by clicking the column heading. Keep in mind that if your publisher list is long, sorting might take a little bit of time. The columns you can sort on are:

  • Name
  • ID
  • Network category: All columns
  • Publisher's Share category: Revenue column
  • Impressions category: All columns
  • Viewability category: All columns
  • Clicks


When sorting on any column that displays values of currency, the sorting will always be done based on USD. This means that if you've chosen to display each publisher's local currency, the values might look out of order because of the exchange rates.