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Create a floor rule

The Floor Rules Manager allows you to set your network's preferred bid amount on a given impression. There are two kinds of floor rules:

  • Create a base floor rule to set floors for all of the publisher's inventory.
  • Create a conditional floor rule to set hard and soft floors or enable Floor Optimization for specific impressions. You can target floors based on impression frequency, geography, segment, specific placement, category, placement size, buyer, brand, or creative category.


For more information on floors and how they work, see Working with Yield Management and Update Floor Rules.

To begin, select Partners > Yield Management > Floor Rules from the navigation menu.

Create a base floor rule

Create a base rule to set hard and soft floors for all of the publisher's inventory.


For more information on floors and how they work, see Working with Yield Management and Update Floor Rules.

Step 1: Getting there

Publisher-only clients: Select Partners > Yield Management > Floor rules in the menu bar, and then select a publisher if you are prompted.

All other clients: Select Publishers > Floor Rules in the menu bar, and then select a publisher if you are prompted.

Step 2. Get started

Select a publisher when prompted. This opens the Floor Rule Manager.

Step 3. Open the Create New Base Rule window

Click Create New > Base Rule to open the Create New Base Floor Rule window.


You can only create one base rule. If a base rule exists, you will not be able to create a new base rule. Instead, you can edit or delete the existing rule.

Step 4. Enter base rule details

Under Basic Settings, the Name is set to Base Rule and the Priority is set to 1. This means any existing conditional rules will take precedence over the base rule. You can also add:

  • Description - Enter a rule description for reference.

Step 5. Enter floor pricing


Floor Optimization is currently in a closed Beta. We are working to roll this feature out to more clients.

Enter the net floor values for the base rule and select the type of bids that the rule will apply to.

  • Hard Floor - (Required) Enter a hard floor value, which is the minimum net amount the network will accept for placing a creative. If this price is not met then no bids are accepted and the auction ends without a winner, or a default creative is served.


    If you enter a hard floor, be sure to set up a default creative for your placements. If no bid meets your hard floor, your default creative will serve. If you do not have a default creative, a PSA will serve.

  • Soft Floor - After you enter a hard floor, you can optionally enter a soft floor value, which is the lowest net price you are willing to price-reduce a bid to. In a second-price auction, the winning bidder pays the greater of the two between the soft floor price and the second bidder's bid.

  • Floor Optimization - Instead of entering a soft floor, you can turn on Floor Optimization, which use algorithms to move floors up and and down depending on market conditions, but never allow the amount to go below the hard floor.


    Soft floors are not available when Floor Optimization is turned on. Floor Optimization makes soft floors unnecessary because Optimal Floors automatically adjust in response to market conditions. For more information, see Floor Optimization.

  • Floor Price Applies To - Select the type of bids that the floor rule will apply to:

    • All demand - The rule will apply to bids from your managed advertisers as well as third-party bids.
    • Third-party and non-preferred direct demand - The rule will apply to third-party bids as well as bids from your managed advertisers that are not considered a preferred bid.
    • Third-party demand only - The rule will apply to third-party bids, and not to bids from your managed advertisers.


    The rule will not apply to learn bids from your managed advertisers when your inventory prefers learn bids.

Step 6. Enter advanced settings (optional)

Click Advanced Settings to enter these additional settings:

  • Code - Codes may be helpful for networks with distinct internal names/IDs, so that the names/IDs can be associated in Monetize and then extracted for reporting purposes via our API.
  • Reserve Price Override - Turn this feature on to enable the publisher to override the YM Rule hard floor via the ad tag query string reserve_price field (as per Placement Tag Parameters and Target Video Attributes via Query String Parameters) or via the ad request bidfloor parameter (as per Incoming Bid Request from SSPs). The reserve parameter that publishers pass must be greater than the existing hard floor in order to override it.

Step 7. Save the base floor rule

Once you have entered the rule details, click Save at the bottom of the screen. The rule will then be displayed under Base Rule on the Floor Rule Manager screen.

Create a conditional floor rule

Create a conditional rule to set hard and soft floors for specific impressions. You can target floors based on impression frequency, geography, segment, specific placement, category, placement size, buyer, brand, or creative category.

Step 1: Getting there

Publisher-only clients: Select Partners > Yield Management > Floor rules in the menu bar, and then select a publisher if you are prompted.

All other clients: Select Publishers > Floor Rules in the menu bar, and then select a publisher if you are prompted.

Step 2. Get started

Select a publisher when prompted. This opens the Floor Rule Manager.

Step 3. Open the create new floor rule window

Click Create New > Conditional Rule.

Step 4. Enter rule details

Under Basic Settings, enter the following:

  • Name - (Required) Enter a name for your rule. Select a name that aligns with your business strategy for ease of use.
  • Priority - (Required) Select the desired priority for the rule. 5 is selected by default. It is recommended to leave lower priorities (1-4) for network-wide rules and higher priorities (5-9) for your publisher-specific rules. It is a good idea to reserve priority 10 for special cases that may arise, such as emergencies or blockers.
  • Description - Enter a rule description for reference.

Step 5. Enter floor pricing


Floor Optimization is currently in a closed Beta. We are working to roll this feature out to more clients.

Enter the net floor values for the base rule and select the type of bids that the rule will apply to.

  • Hard Floor - (Required) Enter a hard floor value, which is the minimum net amount the network will accept for placing a creative. If this price is not met then no bids are accepted and the auction ends without a winner, or a default creative is served.


    If you enter a hard floor, be sure to set up a default creative for your placements. If no bid meets your hard floor, your default creative will serve. If you do not have a default creative, a PSA will serve.

  • Soft Floor - After you enter a hard floor, you can optionally enter a soft floor value, which is the lowest net price you are willing to price-reduce a bid to. In a second-price auction, the winning bidder pays the greater of the two between the soft floor price and the second bidder's bid.

  • Floor Optimization - Instead of entering a soft floor, you can turn on Floor Optimization, which use algorithms to move floors up and and down depending on market conditions, but never allow the amount to go below the hard floor.


    Soft floors are not available when Floor Optimization is turned on. Floor Optimization makes soft floors unnecessary because Optimal Floors automatically adjust in response to market conditions. For more information, see Floor Optimization.

  • Floor Price Applies To - Select the type of bids that the floor rule will apply to:

    • All demand - The rule will apply to bids from your managed advertisers as well as third-party bids.
    • Third-party and non-preferred direct demand - The rule will apply to third-party bids as well as bids from your managed advertisers that are not considered a preferred bid.
    • Third-party demand only - The rule will apply to third-party bids, and not to bids from your managed advertisers


    The rule will not apply to learn bids from your managed advertisers when your inventory prefers learn bids.

Step 6. Set optional targeting

Under Targeting, you can select the types of users you would like the rule to apply to. See Floor Rule Targeting for details on the different types of targeting available.

Step 7. Configure advanced settings

Click the + next to Advanced Settings to open the panel to complete two optional items:

  • Code - Codes may be helpful for third-party networks that use distinct internal names or IDs. Enter that name or ID in the Code box to allow it to be associated in Monetize and then extracted for reporting purposes via our API.
  • Reserve Price Override - Turn this feature ON to enable the publisher to override the YM Rule hard floor via the ad tag query string reserve price field (as per Placement Tag Parameters and Target Video Attributes via Query String Parameters) or via the ad request bidfloor parameter (as per Incoming Bid Request from SSPs). The reserve/bidfloor parameter that publishers pass must be greater than the existing hard floor in order to override it for the given action.

Step 8. Save the conditional floor rule

Once you have entered the rule details, click Save at the bottom of the screen. The rule will then display in the conditional rule area on the Floor Rule Manager screen.