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Microsoft Monetize - Augmented line items (ALI)


The purpose of the Augmented Line Item (ALI) is to streamline a trader's workflow on the Microsoft Advertising platform. It does this by enhancing already familiar features while providing new options and settings to support more sophisticated users. In addition, the ALI performs various functions in an automated fashion that previously had required tedious manual adjustment and maintenance by traders. As a result, ALI allows traders to rapidly create buying strategies on the platform, provides tools that specifically address trader goals while reducing daily management and overhead.

Advantages of ALI

When using ALI, you have access to a suite of powerful algorithms and tools that help you save time and achieve improved performance against your client's goals. ALI delivers the following benefits to traders:

  • Efficient workflows and algorithms.
  • Powerful optimization.
  • Optimal utilization of budget while reaching an optimized state.
  • Access to the streamlined Programmable Splits interface which allows you to leverage the power of custom models (formerly AppNexus Programmable Bidder) and execute highly-customized trading strategies. This enables you to achieve your client's goals without needing to write code.

ALI setup procedures