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Multi ad request for iOS


This article provides instructions and code samples for initiating and configuring a multi ad request (ANMultiAdRequest). ANMultiAdRequest enables you to use a single universal tag (UTv3) request to initiate multiple auctions, the results of which are returned in a single server response.

ANMultiAdRequest, like an AdUnit, implements a subset of ANAdProtocol. This enables a ANMultiAdRequest to adopt the type and behavior of different AdUnits (banner, native, video, etc.) using the same specifications of each AdUnit type. Custom keywords can be assigned to a ANMultiAdRequest and will be inherited by the contained AdUnits.


Users can select from one of three initialization methods. All require a memberId and a delegate object as arguments in order for ANMultiAdRequest be initialized. The memberId and delegate may only be set once per instance. An optional Publisher ID parameter can be set at this time. All AdUnits must contain the same memberId as the one passed in the initialization process. AdUnits containing placementIds will use the associated memberId of that placement. Upon successful initialization, an ANMultiAdRequest class instance is returned.


The ANMultiAdRequest instance will reject AdUnits with memberId values different from their own.

Initialization methods

The following methods are supported in this feature:

Initialize with a list of one or more AdUnits

Initializes an instance of ANMultiAdRequest with a list of one or more AdUnits. For example,

Without publisher ID

- (nullable instancetype)
            delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
             adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit, ...;

With publisher ID

- (nullable instancetype)
            delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
             adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit,
                     ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;

Initialize with a list of AdUnits and call the load method

Enables initialization and calls the load method with a single line of code. Like the process above, the instance is initialized with a list of one or more AdUnits. If a failure occurs during the load lifecycle, the class is not initialized and a null object is returned. When a successful load process occurs, a class instance is returned, after which the success or failure of the instance is communicated to the caller via ANMultiAdRequestDelegate. For example,

Without publisher ID

- (nullable instancetype)
                   delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
                    adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit,

With publisher ID

- (nullable instancetype)
                   delegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate
                    adUnits:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundationCore>)firstAdUnit,
                            ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;

Simple initialization

This basic initialization returns an instance of the class but takes no action. Configuration can be completed by using class properties and methods. The initialized delegate is set on the AdUnits as they are added.

Without publisher ID

- (nullable instancetype)initWithMemberId:(NSInteger)memberId
                              andDelegate:(nonnull id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)

Without publisher ID

- (nullable instancetype)
         andDelegate:(nullable id<ANMultiAdRequestDelegate>)delegate;


Variable Type Attributes Scope Description
memberId NSInteger nonatomic, readonly, assign Required A member ID. Any AdUnits contained within the ANMultiAdRequest must have identical memberIds or the ANMultiAdRequest will be rejected. The memberId can also be attained by passing in a placementId.
delegate ANMultiAdRequestDelegate nonnull Required An object to be notified with relevant callbacks and information.
adUnits List of adUnits nonnull Optional A list of AdUnits for initialization of a ANMultiAdRequest.


If initialization is successful, SDK returns YES, otherwise returns NO.


All ANMultiAdRequest configuration properties and methods are the same in type and usage as those used by AdUnits. If properties are set in the ANMultiAdRequest, the AdUnits inherit those properties. They are not permanent. Once the ANMultiAdRequest has completed its lifecycle, AdUnits will access their local property values after being removed from the list of AdUnits encapsulated by the ANMultiAdRequest instance.


Parameter Type Attributes Description
memberId NSInteger readonly A member ID. Any AdUnits contained within the MultiAdRequest must have identical memberIds or the MultiAdRequest will be rejected by Xandr's Impression Bus. The memberId can also be attained by passing in a placementId.
location ANLocation readwrite The user location. Location can be set with horizontalAccuracy and a precision level. See Location Methods below.
age NSString readwrite The user's age.
gender ANGender readwrite The user's gender.
customKeyword Array readwrite Custom keywords applied to the MultiAdRequest. These keywords will be inherited by the attached AdUnits. This list can be supplemented within each AdUnit with additional custom keywords.
AdUnit Object readwrite An AdUnit item to add to the MultiAdRequest
countOfAdUnits NSUintetger readonly Returns the number of AdUnits contained by the MultiAdRequest instance.

Location methods

setLocationWithLatitude sets the value of the location property of a MultiAdRequest object. It can be called with an additional precision parameter. For example,

Without precision parameter

- (void)setLocationWithLatitude:(CGFloat)latitude
                      timestamp:(nullable NSDate *)timestamp

With precision parameter

- (void)setLocationWithLatitude:(CGFloat)latitude
                      timestamp:(nullable NSDate *)timestamp


Parameter Type Scope Description
latitude CGFloat Required The latitude of the location.
longitude CGFloat Required The longitude of the location.
timestamp NSDate Optional The timestamp that the location was set.
horizontalAccuracy CGFloat Required The radius of uncertainty for the location.
precision NSInteger Optional Determines the decimal degree precision for the location.


  • load

    Loads all contained AdUnits by sending a multi-tag UTv3 request to Xandr's Impression Bus. For each ANMultiAdRequest instance, only one load may be active at a time. Loads are complete when one of the MultiAdRequestDelegate methods is fired. Returns YES on success and NO on failure.

    - (BOOL)load;
  • addAdUnit

    Adds an AdUnit to the ANMultiAdRequest. AdUnits will be rejected if their memberId does not match the memberId assigned to the MultiAdRequest or does not match the memberId of the other AdUnits contained within the ANMultiAdRequest. Returns YES on success and NO on failure.

    - (BOOL)addAdUnit:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundation>)adunit;


    Parameter Type Scope Description
    AdUnit Object Required An AdUnit item to add to the MultiAdRequest
  • removeAdUnit

    Removes an AdUnit from the ANMultiAdRequest. Returns YES on success and NO on failure.

    - (BOOL)removeAdUnit:(nonnull id<ANAdProtocolFoundation>)adunit;


    Parameter Type Scope Description
    AdUnit Object Required An AdUnit item to add to the MultiAdRequest
  • addCustomKeywordWithKey

    Adds a custom keyword to the ANMultiAdRequest. Stored as a pair of keys and value, custom keywords are inherited by the AdUnits contained within the ANMultiAdRequest.

    - (void)addCustomKeywordWithKey:(nonnull NSString *)key
                              value:(nonnull NSString *)value;


    Parameter Type Scope Description
    key NSString Required The key identifier for the custom keyword.
    value NSString Required The value of the custom keyword.
  • removeCustomKeywordWithKey

    Removes a custom keyword from the ANMultiAdRequest. The removed keyword will no longer be inherited by the AdUnits contained within the ANMultiAdRequest.

    - (void)removeCustomKeywordWithKey:(nonnull NSString *)key;


    Parameter Type Scope Description
    key NSString Required The key identifier for the custom keyword to be removed.
  • clearCustomKeywords

    Removes all custom keywords from the ANMultiAdRequest. The removed keywords will no longer be inherited by the AdUnits contained within the ANMultiAdRequest.

    - (void)clearCustomKeywords;
  • stop

    Stops the ANMultiAdRequest, before the request is completed.

    - (void)stop;

ANMultiAdRequestDelegate methods

  • multiAdRequestDidComplete

    Returns success of ANMultiAdRequest. Success indicates that all contained AdUnits have loaded and have a clear outcome

    - (void)multiAdRequestDidComplete:(nonnull ANMultiAdRequest *)MultiAdRequest;
  • multiAdRequestDidFailWithError

    Returns an error message if the UT Request generated by an ANMultiAdRequest instance fails, for any reason.

    - (void)multiAdRequestDidFailWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error;


[ANMultiAdRequest load] can also fail by returning NO even prior to sending a UT Request. If load returns YES that means the UT Request was initiated, and all further errors will come through the delegate method.