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Android SDK code samples overview

This section contains various code samples to help you in the development of your app.

Topics Description
Add A Transition Animation Between Creatives Describes the process to transition between multiple creatives.
Add Targeting Parameters Describes the process to add targeting parameters to an ad unit.
Allow Multiple Ad Sizes Describes the process to enable a banner ad to receive multiple ad sizes.
Android SDK settings Lists the details about the methods, input parameters, returned values, restrictions, guidelines, and examples for the Android SDK settings.
API for Exiting Banner Video from Fullscreen Describes the process to enable exit of the expanded video in activity stack.
Click Through URL Describes the click through overview and the process to implement them.
Configure SDK Logging Describes the process to enable SDK logging and to set logging levels.
Control Ad Unit Alignment List of the types of alignments for banner ads.
Control Landing Page Load Visibility Describes the process to configure the landing page load behavior on ad clicks.
Customize Video Player Options Describes the process to customize video player controls.
Dismiss Interstitials on User Click Describes the process to dismiss an interstitial ad when the user clicks.
External User ID Mapping Describes the process to map your own user ID to a Xandr user ID.
Force Creative ID Describes the proocess to specify the ID of a creative that should be forced to appear in a placement.
Get Facebook Demand for Native Describes the process to get assets for Facebook native ads.
GPID (Global Placement Id) Describes the method for publishers to define their own global publisher identifier to represent a placement on Android.
Lazy Loading an Ad Unit Describes the process to lazy load an ad unit to control when trackers, including 3rd party trackers, are fired.
Listener for Ad About To Expire Listener for ads which are about to expire and are expired.
OMID Friendly Obstruction Describes the process to obstruct views from the Open Measurement Software Development Kit.
Open Ad Clicks in the Native Browser Describes the process open ad clicks in the native.
Pass Custom Keywords Describes the process to pass custom keywords to the request body.
Receive Ad View Status Events Describes the process to receive status events for the ad unit.
Request Ads Over HTTPS Describes the process to request ads over HTTPS.
Resize Ads to fit the Screen or Banner Ad View Describes the process to resize ads to fit its container.
Resize the Banner Ad View to the Size of the Winning Creative Describes the process to resize the ad unit to fit the creative size.
Set Reserve Prices Describes the process to set reserve prices.
Support for External Inventory and Traffic Source Code Describes the process to support external inventory and traffic source code.
Toggle PSAs Describes the process to enable PSAs.