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Standard feed

The Log-Level Standard Feed provides data on your managed publishers' and/or your managed advertisers' transacted impressions and the resulting clicks and conversions. The feed contains one row per transacted impression, click, or conversion. If you use impression and click trackers, the feed will also contain one row per impression tracker or click tracker event. For video and audio media types, the feed will also contain one row per video/audio VAST event (see event_type in the Columns section below for more information).

The Xandr internal name for this feed is standard_feed.


The columns below are listed in the same order in which they appear in the log-level feed file (top to bottom here, left to right in the file).

Data visibility and "NULL" values

All columns are always included, but you can only see data about your own transacted impressions. The "Visibility" column tells you who sees a particular column in any given transaction (e.g., both buyers and sellers, just buyers, or just sellers). Columns that are not visible will be shown as "NULL."

"NULL" may be returned in cases when:

  • You are a buyer in the transaction but the field is a seller-related field (or vice versa).
  • The seller on the impression has visibility settings that hide the value of that field from buyers (assuming you are a buyer in this transaction).
  • The data is not available.

In the Columns table below, some values in the Type column contain a recommended precision or length in parentheses. For example, string(100) means "this string is probably (but not guaranteed to be) less than or equal to 100 characters in length".

For integers, the sizes are described in the Integer Key section.

For numeric (floating point) data types, we recommend being able to accept a precision of (18,6), meaning that we expect there to be a maximum total of 18 digits: 12 to the left of the decimal point, and 6 to the right.

For string data types, the recommended length of the field varies depending on the field. See the Columns table below.


These are Recommendations, not Guarantees:

The data types are meant to be accurate as documented. However, the recommended precision or length for a given data type should not be read as a guarantee. For example, a string or numeric column's value may exceed the suggested length or precision listed on this page.

The recommendations are intended to help you build your system to ingest this data. You may need to do additional processing on the output of the Standard Feed to make it work with your particular integration.

Integer key

  • tinyint = 1 byte (8 bit)
  • smallint = 2 byte (16 bit)
  • int = 4 byte (32 bit)
  • bigint = 8 byte (64 bit)



Microsoft Advertising may need to remove values for certain log level data (LLD) fields in order to comply with current data sharing restrictions.

Column Index Column Name Type Description Visibility
01 auction_id_64 bigint The Xandr unique auction identifier. Both
02 date_time UNIX Epoch time The time and date of the event (e.g., 1526057561 which would need to be translated to Friday, May 11, 2018 4:52:41 PM (UTC)). See event_type for a list of events. Both
03 user_tz_offset tinyint The time zone of user vs. UTC. Useful for daypart targeting. Both
04 creative_width smallint The width of the creative. Both
05 creative_height smallint The height of the creative. Both
06 media_type tinyint The general display style of the creative, classified by media subtype. To map media subtype IDs to their names and parent media types, use the Media Subtype Service. For the video media type, the value of the creative_width and creative_height columns will be 1. Both
07 fold_position tinyint The placement position relative to fold. Possible values:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Above
- 2 = Below
08 event_type enum Possible values:
- imp = impression
- click
- pc_conv = Post-click conversion associated with Xandr's cookie ID.
- pv_conv = Post-view conversion associated with Xandr's cookie ID.
- pc_ip_conv = Post-click conversion associated with IP address.
- pv_ip_conv = Post-view conversion associated with IP address.
- pc_crossdevice_conv = Post-click conversion associated with Xandr's cross-device graph.
- pv_crossdevice_conv = Post-view conversion associated with Xandr's cross-device graph.
In addition, for VAST creatives, there are these VAST-specific possible event types:
- served = VAST Creative was served.
- started = VAST Creative was started.
- skipped = VAST Creative was skipped.
- error = There was an error playing the VAST creative.
- 25_pct = The VAST creative played continuously for at least 25% of the total duration at normal speed.
- 50_pct = The VAST creative played continuously for at least 50% of the total duration at normal speed.
- 75_pct = The VAST creative played continuously for at least 75% of the duration at normal speed.
- 100_pct = The VAST creative was played to the end at normal speed so that 100% of the creative was played.
09 imp_type tinyint The type of impression. Possible values:
- 1 = Blank: "200 OK" response (blank) served.
- 2 = PSA: A public service announcement served because no other creative was eligible.
- 3 = Default Error: A default creative served due to timeout issue.
- 4 = Default: A default creative is served because no campaign bid or no other creative was eligible.
- 5 = Kept: Serve the creative to one of your managed advertisers.
- 6 = Resold: The impression was sold to a third-party buyer.
- 7 = RTB: Serve your creative on third-party inventory.
- 8 = PSA Error: A public service announcement is served due to timeout issue.
- 9 = External Impression: An impression from an impression tracker.
- 10 = External Click: A click from a click tracker.
- 11 = Insertion: Serve your creative on third-party inventory where it persists across page-loads and sessions.
10 payment_type tinyint The method by which the buyer is paying for the impression. Possible values:
- -1 = No payment
- 0 = CPM
- 1 = CPC
- 2 = CPA
- 3 = Owner CPM
- 4 = Owner revshare
- 5 = CPVM
- 6 = CPCV
- 999 = Unknown
11 media_cost_cpm numeric For buyers, the amount (in USD) * 1000 that a network is paying for an impression . For sellers, the amount (in USD) * 1000 paid to publisher. Both
12 revenue_type tinyint The method by which the buyer network gets paid by the advertiser, or how the method by which the seller network was paid by the buyer network. Possible values:
- -1 = No payment
- 0 = Flat CPM
- 1 = Cost Plus CPM
- 2 = Cost Plus Margin
- 3 = CPC
- 4 = CPA
- 5 = Revshare
- 6 = Flat Fee
- 7 = Variable CPM (vcpm)
- 8 = Estimated CPM (est_cpm)
- 9 = Viewable CPM
- 10 = Cost Per Completed Video
13 media_cost numeric The gross CPM amount (in USD) paid by the buyer (includes all deductions and price reductions). Buyer
14 buyer_bid numeric This column returns different values for buyers and for sellers measured in CPM (in USD).
- For buyers, this is the raw value submitted to the auction prior to subtraction of fees, commissions, etc. It will be greater than or equal to the total amount paid by the buyer (buyer_spend).
- For sellers, this value is the bid that was evaluated during the auction, after subtraction of fees, commissions, etc.
- For managed transactions (imp_type = 5), buyer_bid will equal buyer_spend because bid and price reductions are not applied.

Note: The value of this column reflects any bid reductions made for Bid Price Pacing (BPP) but does not include reductions made for Bid Price Optimization (BPO).
15 ecp numeric The estimated clear price for placement tag, in dollars unless another advertiser currency is specified. Both
16 eap numeric The estimated average price for placement tag, in dollars unless another advertiser currency is specified. Both
17 is_imp int Possible values:
- 0 = False
- 1 = True
18 is_learn tinyint Possible values:
- 0 = Base Bid
- 1 = Learn
- 2 = Optimized
19 predict_type_rev tinyint The optimization phase of the bid. Possible values:
- -2 = No predict phase
- -1 = Base predict phase
- 0 = Learn give up
- 1 = Learn
- 2 = Throttled
- 3 = Optimized
- 4 = Biased
- 5 = Optimized 1
- 8 = Optimized give up
- 9 = Base bid below give up
20 user_id_64 bigint The Xandr 64-bit User ID stored in the Xandr cookie store.
This field is 0 when:
- Xandr does not have a match for this user; or
- the user's browser doesn't accept cookies; or
- you do not have a legal basis to access and process personal data for an impression where GDPR applies.
It will be -1 for opt-out/non-consented users.

Note: If you received the hashed_user_id_64 version of this field, you will not receive the unhashed version.
21 ip_address string(40) The IP address of user. Both
22 ip_address_trunc string(40) The IP address of user with the last octet removed. Both
23 country string(2) The geographic country of the impression. Derived from IP address of user or provided by the site associated with the impression. Uses ISO 3166 country codes. Both
24 region string(2) The geographic region of the impression. Derived from IP address of user or provided by the site associated with the impression. Uses ISO-3166-2 codes for US and Canadian regions, and FIPS codes for regions in all other countries. Both
25 operating_system tinyint The ID of operating system version. To map operating system version IDs to names, use the Operating System Extended Service. Both
26 browser tinyint The ID of the browser. To map browser IDs to names, use the Browser Service. Both
27 language tinyint The ID of the language. To map language IDs to names, use the Language Service. Both
28 venue_id int The venue is a combination of domain, site, tag, and user country which Xandr's optimization system uses to determine bid valuations. Both
29 seller_member_id int The member ID of the seller. Both
30 publisher_id int The ID for the publisher of the placement. Buyer member may map the Publisher ID to a name using the Inventory Resold Service if the seller has chosen to expose the publisher. Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile. Both
31 site_id int The ID for site associated with placement. Cannot be associated with a name, except by the seller member who owns the site. Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile. Seller
32 site_domain string(100) The most granular identifier of the site that we can offer (but not the full domain). This may be the domain of a supply partner (e.g.,, the network who owns the resold inventory, or just "resold inventory". Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile settings. Both
33 tag_id int The ID of placement tag of the impression. Cannot be associated with a name, except by the seller member who owns the tag. Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile. Both
34 external_inv_id int The ID of the external inventory code passed in the ad call and predefined by the publisher. For more details, see External Inventory Code Service. Seller
35 reserve_price numeric The reserve price for the placement (in USD), if any. Seller
36 seller_revenue_cpm numeric The amount (in USD) the seller is paid for the impression. When revenue_type is 3 (CPC) or 4 (CPA), revenue will appear in this field on the corresponding click or conversion row (as determined by event_type). The revenue value will still be in CPM, so to calculate the revenue for the specific click/conversion event, divide by 1000.

- This field is also calculated for imp_type = 5 (managed impressions). If you wish to calculate total revenue from resold impressions, sum seller_revenue_cpm only for imp_type = 6.
- For fixed fee line items, revenue would not be reflected accurately in this field. Fixed fee line items allocate revenue on a one time or daily basis and therefore, revenue is not logged at an auction level.
37 media_buy_rev_share_pct numeric The publisher revenue share or the percent of booked revenue the seller shares with its publisher. This is a fraction between 0 and 1. If you multiply by 100 you get the percentage value. Seller
38 pub_rule_id int The ID for the publisher rule, which is set up in and defines how the publisher is paid. Seller
39 seller_currency string(3) The currency used by the seller. Seller
40 publisher_currency string(3) The currency in which publisher is paid. Seller
41 publisher_exchange_rate numeric The exchange rate (publisher currency: USD) on the day of the transaction. Seller
42 serving_fees_cpm numeric The serving fees in addition to media costs to when serving an ad (in USD). For more details, see Partner Fee Service. Buyer
43 serving_fees_revshare numeric The revenue share in addition to media costs when serving an ad (in USD). For more details, see Partner Fee Service. Buyer
44 buyer_member_id int The value of this field depends on the value of the imp_type field. Possible values of the imp_type field and the affect on the value of the buyer_member_id field are listed below:
- if the imp_type field is 1 (Blank), then the buyer_member_id and creative_id is 0.
- if the imp_type field is 2 (PSA), then the buyer_member_id field is set to the Xandr PSA member_id.
- if the imp_type field is 3 (Default Error) or 4 (Default), then the buyer_member_id field is set to the value of the seller_member_id.
- if the imp_type field is 5, 6, or 7, then the buyer_member_id field is set to the ID of the member who bought the impression.
45 advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser. Buyer
46 brand_id int The ID for brand of the creative. Both
47 advertiser_frequency int The advertiser-level frequency (times they have seen an ad by this advertiser). The value of the advertiser frequency is the lifetime imps for the user. Buyer
48 advertiser_recency int The advertiser-level recency in minutes (how long it has been since the user saw an ad from this advertiser?). Buyer
49 insertion_order_id int The ID for insertion order if used. Buyer
50 line_item_id int The identifier of line item. Buyer
51 campaign_id int The ID of the campaign. Buyer
52 creative_id int The ID of the creative served. Both
53 creative_freq int The creative-level frequency (times the user has seen this creative by this advertiser). Buyer
54 creative_rec int The creative-level recency in minutes (how long it has been since the user has seen this creative ad?). Buyer
55 cadence_modifier numeric The cadence modifier for the impression, which is the number by which the bid was multiplied. Buyer
56 can_convert tinyint If impression has conversion pixels associated or not. Buyer
57 user_group_id int Used if advertiser separates users into groups for purposes of A/B testing. Buyer
58 is_control tinyint Whether the creative served is a control creative.
- 0 = test impression
- 1 = control impression
- 2 = no cookie user. (Xandr does not include no cookie users to avoid skewing the size of test and control groups).
59 control_pct numeric The percentage of events (specified by event_type) that are control. This is set by the network. Buyer
60 control_creative_id int The ID of the control creative, if a control creative is served. Buyer
61 is_click int Indicates if the creative was clicked. Possible values:
- 0 = False
- 1 = True
- NULL = No information available
62 pixel_id int The ID of conversion pixel. Buyer
63 is_remarketing tinyint Used to indicate that a new segment pixel is remarketing or not. Buyer
64 post_click_conv int Used to identify a row that is a post click conversion. This has a maximum value of 1. Buyer
65 post_view_conv int Used to identify a row that is a post view conversion. This has a maximum value of 1. Buyer
66 post_click_revenue numeric The advertiser post click revenue (in USD). Buyer
67 post_view_revenue numeric The advertiser post view revenue (in USD). Buyer
68 order_id string(36) An optional value passed in by buyer on conversion pixel using the order_id parameter. Buyer
69 external_data string(30) An optional extra data passed in by buyer on conversion pixel using the other parameter. Buyer
70 pricing_type string(3) The line item pricing type, or how the buyer network gets paid by the advertiser. Possible values:
- cpm
- plc (cost plus CPM)
- plm (cost plus margin)
71 booked_revenue numeric The amount (in USD) earned by network on impression. Buyer
72 booked_revenue_adv_curr numeric The same amount as booked revenue dollars, but displayed in that advertiser currency. For example, if your advertiser pays in Euros you can see this here. Use the advertiser_currency field to look up the advertiser's currency. Buyer
73 commission_cpm numeric Commission (in USD) if used in or API. For more details, see Partner Fee Service. Buyer
74 commission_revshare numeric Commission (in USD) if used in or API. For more details, see Partner Fee Service. Buyer
75 auction_service_deduction numeric The amount (in USD) deducted from the bid to pay for auction hosting. Buyer
76 auction_service_fees numeric The amount (in USD) charged for purchasing inventory from a publisher that Xandr does not have a revshare agreement with. Buyer
77 creative_overage_fees numeric The amount (in USD) charged if the creative served is over our size (bandwith) limit, dollar amount. Buyer
78 clear_fees numeric The amount (in USD) charged for facilitating the auction for the buyer. Buyer
79 buyer_currency string(3) The currency used by the buyer. Buyer
80 advertiser_currency string The currency used by the advertiser. Buyer
81 advertiser_exchange_rate numeric The exchange rate on day of event. Rate is updated daily at 4 PM GMT. For any currency fields provided in the advertiser currency (i.e., fields with an "adv_curr" suffix), use this rate to convert the value into USD. Buyer
82 latitude string The latitude of the user's location, when GPS data is available from a mobile device. Expressed in the format "snn.ddd,snn.ddd", for example +12.345 or -45.123, where south is represented as negative. There can be a maximum of 5 decimal places of precision. Both
83 longitude string The longitude of the user's location, when GPS data is available from a mobile device. Expressed in the format "snn.ddd,snn.ddd", for example +12.345 or -45.123, where west is represented as negative. There can be a maximum of 5 decimal places of precision. Both
84 device_unique_id string The unique identifier representing the mobile device. The numeric prefix indicates the type of unique device identifier:
- 0 = IDFA (Apple ID for Advertising)
- 1 = SHA1
- 2 = MD5
- 3 = ODIN
- 5 = AAID (Android Advertising ID)
- 6 = WINDOWSADID (Microsoft Advertising ID)
- 7 = RIDA (Roky id for Advertising)
- 8.9 = AFAI (Amazon Fire OS)
- 8.10 = TIFA (Tizen Identifier for Advertising (Samsung Ad ID))
- 8.11 = VIDA (Vizio Advertising ID)
- 8.12 = LGUDID (LG Unique Device ID)
85 device_id int The model ID of the mobile device. To map model IDs to names, use the Device Model Service. Both
86 carrier_id int The ID of the carrier associated with the mobile device. Top map carrier IDs to names, use the Carrier Service. Both
87 deal_id int The Deal ID associated with this impression. Both
88 view_result enum The Xandr viewability measurement result of the impression. Possible values:
- -1 = UNKNOWN

Note: For more details about viewability, see Introduction to Viewability.
89 application_id string The ID of the mobile application (if applicable). Seller: Always
- Buyer: If allowed by seller's visibility profile
90 supply_type enum The type of supply. Possible values:
- 0 = WEB
91 sdk_version string The version of the SDK (e.g., "3.3.0", "sdkandroid_4-0-9", "soma_ios_602"). Both
92 ozone_id int Deprecated. The ID of the optimization zone. Seller
93 billing_period_id int The ID of the billing period under which the impression was served. Buyer
94 view_non_measurable_reason int The reason an impression could not be measured for viewability. Possible values:
- 0 = N/A. The impression was measured for viewability
- 1 = SCRIPT_NOT_SERVED. The viewability script was not served with the creative. For example, on mobile-app inventory.
- 2 = NO_SCRIPT_CALLBACK. The viewability script was served with the creative, but no callback/event was received. For example, the user left the page before the creative was served.
- 3 = TECHNICAL_LIMITATION. The viewability script was served and loaded, but was unable to measure for a technical reason. For example, a cross-domain iframe with Flash disabled.
- -1 = UNKNOWN. The reason is unknown.

Note: For more information regarding viewability, see Introduction to Viewability.
95 external_uid string(100) Specifies a string that corresponds to an external user ID for this user, passed in on the ad call by the seller. Seller
96 request_uuid string(36) Specifies a unique identifier for the request. For single tag requests (such as /ttj), this is the same as auction_id_64. For multiple tag requests (such as with AST or some OpenRTB integrations), represents all of the auction_id_64 values. Both
97 dma int Specifies the ID of the designated market area for this impression. Use the Designated Market Area Service to look up the area associated with the ID. Both
98 city int The ID of the city for this impression. Derived from IP address of user or provided by the site associated with the impression. Use the City Service to look up the city associated with the ID. Both
99 mobile_app_instance_id int Specifies the ID of the mobile app instance for this impression. Use the Mobile App Instance Service to look up the mobile app instance associated with the ID. Both
100 traffic_source_code string(100) Specifies the external source of the third party traffic for this impression. Seller
101 external_request_id string(100) Specifies the seller's own version of request_uuid or auction_id_64 that ties the impression back to their own data feeds. Seller
102 deal_type int Specifies the type of deal:
- 1 = open auction deal
- 2 = private auction deal
- 3 = first look deal
- 4 = programmatic guaranteed deal
- 5 = curated deal
103 ym_floor_id int The ID of the yield management floor that was applied to the buyer. Use the Yield Management Floor Service to look up the floor associated with the ID. Seller
104 ym_bias_id int The ID of the yield management bias that was applied to the buyer. Use the Yield Management Bias Service to look up the bias associated with the ID. Seller
105 is_filtered_request int Specifies whether or not the event was filtered for Inventory Quality reasons.
- 0 = event was not filtered
- 1 = event was filtered
106 age int The age of the user, if known. Both
107 gender string(1) The gender of the user, if known. Possible values are u, m, and f. Both
108 is_exclusive int Specifies which types of bids were eligible to win the auction.
- 0 = Both managed and non-managed bids were eligible to win.
- 1 = Only managed bids were eligible to win.
109 bid_priority int Specifies the campaign or line item's priority from the bidder only when imp_type = 5 (managed impressions). For all other imp_type, values defaults to 0. Seller
110 custom_model_id int The id of the custom model used in the auction. When no custom model is used, this defaults to 0. Buyer
111 custom_model_last_modified int The date and time (in Unix Epoch time) since the custom model that was used in the auction was last modified. If no model was used, this defaults to 0. Buyer
112 custom_model_leaf_name string The leaf_name specified in the leaf that determined the winning bid. If no name is specified, or if a model was not used, this defaults to ---. Buyer
114 device_type int The type of device. Possible values are:
- 0 = Other Devices
- 1 = Desktops and Laptops
- 2 = Mobile Phones
- 3 = Tablets
- 4 = TV
- 5 = Game Console
- 6 = Media Players
- 7 = Set Top Box
115 postal_code string The postal code of the user's location. Derived from IP address of user or provided by the site associated with the impression. For postal codes, see Postal Code Service. Both
116 imps_for_budget_caps_pacing int The total number of impressions from the master creative in page-level roadblocking. Buyer
117 hashed_user_id_64 bytes The hashed version of the Xandr 64-bit User ID which will be provided as a proxy in certain cases where Xandr is unable to provide the real user_id_64. You will not be able to target users via their hashed user ID. However you can use this identifier to calculate unique users, user frequency, and user recency. An example is provided below:

Note: If you receive the user_id_64 version of this field, you will not receive the hashed version.
119 latitude_trunc string The truncated latitude value (limited to 3 decimal places) of the user's location, when GPS data is available from a mobile device is expressed in the format "snn.ddd,snn.ddd". For example:
- +12.345 or
- -45.123 (where south is represented as negative).
120 longitude_trunc string The truncated longitude value (limited to 3 decimal places) of the user's location, when GPS data is available from a mobile device is expressed in the format "snn.ddd,snn.ddd". For example:
- +12.345 or
- -45.123 (where west is represented as negative).
121 partition_time_millis UNIX Epoch time The hourly partition any record row falls into, represented as a UNIX Epoch timestamp value (in milliseconds). Useful for defining hourly partitions when loading into a database or data warehouse. For the Avro format, this field is given in the timestamp-millis logical type for native timestamp detection. For example, 1568077200000 can also be represented as Tuesday, September 10, 2019 1 AM (UTC).
122 split_id int32 The ID of the split that purchased the impressions in this data set. Splits are only applicable to augmented line items. Buyer
123 tc_string string The Transparency and Consent String represents the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework string. The string is base-64 url-safe encoded and can be decoded using the IAB GDPR Transparency and Consent Framework Technical Specifications. The string contains data rights, usage, and privacy information. Both
124 partner_fees double The sum of all partner fees applied to this line item. Buyer
125 external_campaign_id string An optional value passed in via the cid field on a DSP's bid (should only appear to sellers on resold impression rows). Since the cid field is optional, the external_campaign_id field will only have data when the external DSPs populate it on their bid(s). See the Open RTB specification for more info on the cid field. Seller
126 playback_method enum The type of initiation method. Possible values:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Auto-play, sound on
- 2 = Auto-play, sound off
- 3 = Click-to-play
- 4 = Mouse-over
- 5 = Auto-play, sound unknown
127 video_context enum The type of context. Possible values:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Pre-Roll
- 2 = Mid-Roll
- 3 = Post-Roll
- 4 = Outstream
- 5 = Bannerstream
- 6 = In-feed
- 7 = Interstitial
128 player_size_id tinyint The size of the video player. Possible values:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Small
- 2 = Medium
- 3 = Large
129 error_code int The VAST error code. For a detailed description of VAST error codes and their meanings, see the IAB's VAST 4.0 documentation or refer to the list of VAST error codes below. Both
130 personal_identifiers array of messages Deprecated. Please DO NOT use this parameter and use extended_ids listed below. Both
131 device_make_id int32 The ID of the device make, which is generally the manufacturer of the device (e.g., Samsung). To map device make IDs to names, use the Device Make Service. Both
132 postal_code_ext string United States only. The 9 digital U.S. postal code of the user’s location, in the format 12345-1234. Derived from the IP address of the user or provided by the site associated with the impression. For postal codes, see Postal Code Service. Both
133 extended_ids array of messages A list of Extended IDs (eids) available in the auction, regardless of whether they specifically influenced the transaction. For more details, see extended_ids below. Both
134 segment_data_costs optional double Unit: microcents
1 microcent is equivalent to 1E-8 dollars.
For Example : 200 microcent = 200/100000000 = 0.000002 dollar
This includes all costs related to usage of segments in the data marketplace. Applicable when specific segments are applied in line items and associated pricing is displayed in the platform.
135 feature_costs optional double Unit: microcents
1 microcent is equivalent to 1E-8 dollars.
For Example : 200 microcent = 200/100000000 = 0.000002 dollar
These are costs incurred when using a platform feature such as cross-device.
136 fallback_ad_index optional int Fallback occurs when multiple SSPs get the opportunity to return a video creative and their responses are evaluated in a waterfall hierarchy. Default value is -1. Seller
137 region_id int32 The ID of the region. To map region IDs to names, use the Region Service. Both
138 is_private_auction int32 Indicates whether the auction was conducted within a Protected Audience API auction.
The possible values are:
- 0 = False
- 1 = True
139 private_auction_eligible int32 Indicates whether the inventory associated with this auction was eligible for a Protected Audience API auction.
The possible values are:
- 0 = False
- 1 = True
140 chrome_traffic_label Enum The Chrome label assigned for Privacy Sandbox testing, as explained here. The type of context. The possible values are:
- 0 = NONE
- 1 = CONTROL_1_1
- 2 = CONTROL_1_2
- 3 = CONTROL_1_3
- 4 = CONTROL_1_4
- 5 = ONLY_1
- 6 = ONLY_2
- 7 = ONLY_3
- 8 = ONLY_4
- 9 = ONLY_5
- 10 = TREATMENT_1_1
- 11 = TREATMENT_1_2
- 12 = TREATMENT_1_3
- 13 = CONTROL_2
- 14 = INVALID
Note: A null value may indicate that either none were sent or that the user is not associated with any labels.


Column Index Column Name Type Description
1 id_type unsigned 32 bit int The source of the identifier:
- 10 = Trade Desk ID (Unified ID 1.0)
- 11 = Criteo ID
- 12 = NetID
- 13 = RampID
- 15 = UID 2.0
- 16 = Oztam
- 99x = Member-defined
2 id_value string Value of the identifier. For example, "ID0001".

Note: You will only see the value of this field if you have been permissioned.

VAST error codes (for video or audio creatives only)

The table below shows a complete list of VAST error codes and their meanings.


You may receive error codes in the feed that are not present in the list below. If you do, those error codes are generally non-VAST-compliant custom codes sent from the video player.

Error Codes Definition
100 XML parsing error.
101 VAST schema validation error.
102 VAST version of response not supported.
200 Trafficking error. Video player received an ad type that it was not expecting and/or cannot display.
201 Video player expecting different linearity.
202 Video player expecting different duration.
203 Video player expecting different size.
300 General Wrapper error.
301 Timeout of VAST URI provided in Wrapper element, or of VAST URI provided in a subsequent Wrapper element. Includes request errors suchas invalid URI, unreachable or request timeout for URI, and security or other exceptions related to requesting a VAST URI.
302 Wrapper limit reached, as defined by the video player. Too many Wrapper responses have been received with no InLine response.
303 No ads VAST response after one or more Wrappers. Also includes number of empty VAST responses from fallback.
400 General linear error. Video player is unable to display the linear ad.
401 File not found. Unable to find Linear/MediaFile from URI.
402 Timeout of MediaFile URI.
403 Could not find MediaFile that is supported by this video player, based on the attributes of the MediaFile element.
405 Problem displaying MediaFile.
500 General NonLinearAds error.
501 Unable to display NonLinear Ad because creative dimensions do not align with creative display area (i.e., creative dimension too large).
502 Unable to fetch NonLinearAds/NonLinear resource.
503 Could not find NonLinear resource with supported type.
600 General CompanionAds error.
601 Unable to display companion because creative dimensions do not fit within Companion display area (i.e., no available space).
602 Unable to display Required Companion.
603 Unable to fetch CompanionAds/Companion resource.
604 Could not find Companion resource with supported type.
900 Undefined error.
901 General VPAID error.