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Microsoft Invest - Update line items

From the Line Items screen, you can update your line items for an advertiser by editing, deleting, or duplicating any line item in the list.

Edit line items

You can edit a line item directly from the Line Items screen. To edit common targeting attributes, open the details pane by selecting anywhere on the line item's row and edit your targeting directly from there.

Bulk edit flight dates

You can edit the flight dates of one or more line items directly from the Line Items screen. Check the checkbox for each line item whose flight dates you want to edit then select Actions > Edit Flight Dates. You can edit both start and/or end dates for all the line items selected in the Bulk Change Flight Dates dialog that appears.


The bulk edit option is currently not available through Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you would like to access this feature, please use another browser.

Duplicate line items

  1. Check the box next to each line item that you want to duplicate and select Actions > Duplicate.
  2. By default, the new line items have the same names as the original line items but with "Copy" as a prefix. If necessary, update the names for the new line items.
  3. Review your choices and then select Duplicate to confirm the duplication. The new line items and associated elements will then appear on the line items screen.

Delete line items

You can delete line items from the system. This is particularly useful when you are approaching your object limit for line items, or when you want to get rid of unnecessary or accidentally created line items for a particular advertiser. For more information about object limits, see the Viewing Your Object Limits.


Before you proceed, please note that deleting a line item deletes all of its child elements, including click trackers and impression trackers. The deletions are permanent and cannot be reverted. Also, although deleted objects continue to be available in reporting, you will no longer have visibility into their specific settings (e.g., revenue budget and tracking, cost budget and targeting).

  1. On the Line Items screen, check the box next to each line item that you want to delete.
  2. Select Actions > Delete.
  3. A confirmation dialog lists the line items that you selected for deletion. Review the list carefully and then select Delete to permanently delete the line items from the system.