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Sell-side setup

Setting up a Xandr API implementation for your sell-side activities can seem complicated. This page will guide you through the process of creating and configuring sell-side objects for a typical API setup.


Setting up a publisher typically involves making requests to the following API service endpoints to create and configure the corresponding sell-side objects:

API Endpoint Sell-Side Object Detailed Reference publisher Publisher Service site Site Service placement Placement Service payment rule Payment Rule Service ad profile Ad Profile Service ad quality rule Ad Quality Rule Service

This guide uses cURL examples for all requests. You can use other API request tools, for example, Postman, but you’ll then need to adjust the examples accordingly.


For simplicity, the configuration examples provided do not customize the objects to particular use cases. See Sell-Side Services for more information on the settings available within each service.


Before beginning this setup, be sure to read API Getting Started. It provides information on testing environments, usage constraints, API semantics (running commands, filtering, sorting, etc.), and best practices.

Dependencies and order of operations

Sell-side objects often have dependencies on other sell-side objects. For example, when you create or update a payment rule, you must provide a publisher ID in the POST request. But you must create (or already have access to) a publisher to obtain the system generated publisher ID you’ll need. There are many other similar dependencies among sell-side objects. Following the order of operations outlined on this page can make configuration easier and reduce the number of requests you'll have to make to the API.


A good way to know if a sell-side object has a dependency with another sell-side object is to note which fields are required in the JSON used to create or update it. For example, if there are object IDs (e.g., publisher_id, ad_profile_id) required on a POST request to create an object, then that object is dependent on the object with the required ID.

The diagram below indicates the publisher fields used, sell-side objects created or configured, and setup steps required for setting up a simple sell-side implementation:


The API "site" object is referred to as a "placement group" when created and configured using.

Diagram that shows the publisher fields used, sell-side objects created or configured, and setup steps for sell-side implementation.

Best practices

For a general list of best practices to follow when working with the API, see API Best Practices. The following are some best practices that are specific to the sell-side API setup:

  • Use a default site and default placement. While you can create a publisher without a default site and default placement (see Publisher Service for more information), you’ll usually want a default site and default placement to provide a “catchall” for potential targeting misconfigurations.
  • Set ad quality rules on the publisher. If there are no ad quality rules assigned to the publisher, the publisher's default ad profile is automatically applied. If there is no publisher default ad profile, the network ad profile is applied. Setting ad quality rules on the publisher provides the publisher more control over what kinds of ads are served on the publisher’s inventory.
  • Assign the base ad quality rule ID of the publisher. The base ad quality rule of a publisher acts as a “catchall” and is applied in two situations:
    • If there are no conditional ad quality rules defined.
    • If none of the defined conditional ad quality rules match the current impression.
  • Set the state field of the publisher to "inactive" until the publisher is fully configured and ready for testing.
  • Note the ID of any objects you create. The IDs of objects you create are returned in the response body of requests. You'll often need these IDs later so copying them when they're returned can reduce the number of additional GET requests you have to make to obtain them.

Setup procedure

The following steps will guide you through the process of setting up a publisher with typical configurations:

  1. Create a publisher with default site and default placement.
  2. Update the default site.
  3. Update the default placement.
  4. Create a new site.
  5. Create a new placement.
  6. Update the base payment rule.
  7. Create an ad profile.
  8. Create an ad quality rule.
  9. Update the base ad quality rule ID.


First, you’ll need to obtain an authorization token. You must then include this authorization token in all subsequent requests (see Authentication Service for more information). To obtain an authorization token, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing your username and password.

        "auth": {
            "username" : "USERNAME",
            "password" : "PASSWORD"
  2. Make a POST request to the /auth endpoint with this JSON file in the request body (see Authentication Service for more information). In the cURL request below, the authorization token returned is stored in the “cookies” file.

    curl -c cookies -X POST -d @authentication.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example Response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and the "token" field will be populated with the authentication token value.  

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "token" : "authn:225692:2d787d1838283:lax1",
          "status" : "OK"      


Step 1: Creating a publisher

There are two options for creating a publisher (see Publisher Service for more information):

  • Create a publisher with a default site and default placement.
  • Create a publisher without a default site or default placement.

It’s a best practice for publishers to have both a default site and default placement, so that’s the option we’ll focus on in this setup guide. A default site and default placement can provide a "catchall" if targeting is misconfigured and they can help in resolving discrepancies.

To create a publisher with a default site and default placement, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file with the required fields for a publisher (see Publisher Service for more information).


    Replace the placeholders (e.g., "PUBLISHER_NAME") in the below JSON example with your own values.

    Since the inventory_relationship field is required, we’ve set it to "direct", (but it can be set to other values). We’ve also set state to "inactive" for now. Since we don’t provide the other publisher fields in our request, they will be set to their default values and display in the response body.

            "publisher": {
                    "name": "PUBLISHER_NAME",
                    "inventory_relationship": "direct",
                    "billing_dba": "PUBLISHER_DBA",
                    "billing_address1": "PUBLISHER_ADDRESS",
                    "billing_city": "PUBLISHER_CITY",
                    "billing_state": "PUBLISHER_STATE",
                    "billing_zip": "PUBLISHER_ZIP",
                    "billing_country": "PUBLISHER_COUNTRY",
                    "contact": {
                            "phone": "CONTACT_PHONE",
                            "email": "CONTACT_EMAIL",
                            "name": "CONTACT_NAME"
  2. Make a POST request to the /publisher endpoint with this JSON file in the request body.

    curl -b cookies -X POST -d @Publisher.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example Response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and a publisher ID ("id" in the "publisher" object) returned in the response body. Notice that the default_site_id, default_placement_id, and base_payment_rule_id fields are populated (along with many other fields). Copy the values of the publisher ID, default_site_id, default_placement_id, and base_payment_rule_id for later use.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "status" : "OK",
          "id" : "1256104",
          "start_element" : 0,
          "num_elements" : 100,
          "publisher" : {
             "contact" : {
                "phone" : "CONTACT_PHONE_NUMBER",
                "name" : "CONTACT_NAME",
                "email" : "CONTACT_EMAIL",
                "id" : 931326
             "billing_zip" : "BILLING_ZIP",
             "allow_cpc_external" : false,
             "allow_report_on_default_imps" : false,
             "platform_ops_notes" : null,
             "inventory_relationship" : "direct",
             "billing_state" : "BILLING_STATE",
             "publisher_brand_exceptions" : null,
             "allow_cpm_external" : true,
             "default_site_id" : 3758012,
             "billing_dba" : "BILLING_DBA_NAME",
             "accept_data_provider_usersync" : null,
             "allow_cpc_managed" : true,
             "default_placement_id" : 13814496,
             "description" : "",
             "expose_domains" : true,
             "base_payment_rule_id" : 1579248,
             "default_ad_profile_id" : null,
             "name" : "PUBLISHER_NAME",
             "reselling_exposure" : "private",
             "code" : null,
             "is_oo" : false,
             "pitbull_segment_id" : 0,
             "learn_bypass_cpm" : 5,
             "managed_cpa_bias_pct" : 100,
             "billing_address2" : null,
             "max_learn_pct" : 0,
             "cpc_reselling_disabled" : false,
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-10 18:05:08",
             "billing_city" : "BILLING_CITY",
             "pitbull_segment_value" : 0,
             "base_ad_quality_rule_id" : null,
             "billing_country" : "BILLING_COUNTRY",
             "id" : 1256104,
             "inventory_source_name" : null,
             "disclosure_status" : "disclosed_pending",
             "seller_page_cap_enabled" : false,
             "currency" : "USD",
             "external_cpc_bias_pct" : 100,
             "billing_address1" : "BILLING_ADDRESS",
             "allow_cpa_managed" : true,
             "external_inv_codes" : null,
             "reselling_exposed_on" : "1970-01-01 00:00:01",
             "allow_cpa_external" : false,
             "cpm_reselling_disabled" : false,
             "billing_internal_user" : null,
             "allow_cpm_managed" : true,
             "labels" : null,
             "inventory_source" : null,
             "reselling_name" : null,
             "visibility_profile_id" : null,
             "ym_profile_id" : null,
             "contact_info" : null,
             "use_anx_auction_logic" : false,
             "ad_quality_advanced_mode_enabled" : true,
             "accept_demand_partner_usersync" : null,
             "state" : "inactive",
             "placements" : [
                   "id" : 13814496,
                   "code" : null
             "is_rtb" : false,
             "accept_supply_partner_usersync" : null,
             "timezone" : "CET",
             "enable_cookie_tracking_default" : true,
             "managed_cpc_bias_pct" : 100,
             "external_cpa_bias_pct" : 100
          "count" : 1

Step 2: Updating the default site

A default site was created when you created the publisher in Creating a Publisher above. While this default site doesn’t need additional configuration to function, you can update some fields if necessary. To update the default site, do the following:


The API "site" object is referred to as a "placement group" when created and configured using.

  1. Create a JSON file containing the fields of the default site you want to update (see Site Service for more information). In this example, we are updating the content_categories array.

            "site": {
                    "content_categories": [{
                                    "id": 8,
                                    "name": "Business & Industry",
                                    "is_system": true
                                    "name": "Arts & Entertainment",
                                    "id": 10,
                                    "is_system": true
                                    "is_system": true,
                                    "id": 29,
                                    "name": "Sports"
  2. Make a PUT request to the /site endpoint with this JSON file in the request body. You’ll need to indicate the site ID of the default site you’re updating in the query string of the request.


    If you copied the default site ID in Creating a Publisher above, you can use that. Otherwise, you can obtain the default site ID by making a GET request to the /publisher endpoint using the publisher ID of the publisher that has the default site you want to update (see Publisher Service for more information).

    curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @DefaultSiteUpdate.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you’ll see the updates you made.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "site" : {
             "url" : "",
             "publisher_name" : "PUBLISHER_NAME",
             "creative_format_action" : "exclude",
             "code" : null,
             "managed_optimization_zone_id" : "262",
             "audited" : false,
             "intended_audience" : null,
             "content_categories" : [
                   "name" : "Business & Industry",
                   "is_system" : true,
                   "id" : 8
                   "name" : "Arts & Entertainment",
                   "is_system" : true,
                   "id" : 10
                   "name" : "Sports",
                   "is_system" : true,
                   "id" : 29
             "marketplace_map" : {
                "rtb" : true,
                "an_audit_perf_only" : false,
                "rtb_suspended" : false,
                "deals_suspended" : false,
                "deals_allowed" : true,
                "performance" : false
             "creative_formats" : null,
             "name" : "[DEFAULT_SITE_NAME] - ROS",
             "id" : 3731466,
             "mobile_app_instance" : null,
             "allowed_click_actions" : null,
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-17 23:44:07",
             "inventory_attributes" : null,
             "primary_content_category_id" : null,
             "state" : "active",
             "publisher_id" : 1240580,
             "rtb_optimization_zone_id" : null,
             "supply_type" : "web",
             "placements" : [
                   "code" : null,
                   "id" : 13741957
          "id" : "3731466",
          "start_element" : 0,
          "count" : 1,
          "status" : "OK",      
          "num_elements" : 100

Step 3: Updating the default placement

A default placement was created when you created the publisher in Creating a Publisher above. While this default placement doesn’t need additional configuration to function, you can update some fields if necessary. To update the default placement, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing the fields of the default placement you want to update (see Placement Service for more information). In this example, we are updating the default_position field of the default placement.

          "placement" : 
                "default_position" : "above"
  2. Make a PUT request to the /placement endpoint with this JSON file in the request body. You’ll need to indicate the placement ID of the default placement you’re updating in the query string of the request.


    If you copied the default placement ID in Creating a Publisher above, you can use that. Otherwise, you can obtain the default placement ID by making a GET request to the /publisher endpoint using the publisher ID of the publisher that has the default placement you want to update (see Publisher Service for more information).

    curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @DefaultPlacementUpdate.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you’ll see the updates you made.

    Example response

       "response" : {      
          "start_element" : 0,
          "status" : "OK",
          "id" : "13741957",
          "num_elements" : 100,
          "placement" : {
             "private_sizes" : null,
             "publisher_id" : 1240580,
             "code3" : null,
             "width" : null,
             "ad_types" : null,
             "pixel_type" : "image",
             "acb_code" : null,
             "cost_cpm" : null,
             "inventory_attributes" : null,
             "estimated_clear_prices" : [
                   "width" : 0,
                   "geo_country" : "",
                   "height" : 0,
                   "clear_price" : 1,
                   "average_price" : 0.5,
                   "verified" : true
             "demand_filter_action" : "default",
             "content_categories" : null,
             "is_prohibited" : false,
             "site_name" : "[DEFAULT_SITE_NAME] - ROS",
             "code2" : null,
             "reserve_price" : null,
             "site_audit_status" : "unaudited",
             "audited" : false,
             "id" : 13741957,
             "state" : "active",
             "name" : "[PLACEMENT_NAME] - Default",
             "filtered_advertisers" : null,
             "default_creative_id" : null,
             "pop_values" : null,
             "exclusive" : false,
             "toolbar" : null,
             "default_creatives" : null,
             "enable_for_mediation" : false,
             "mime_types" : null,
             "segments" : null,
             "visibility_profile_id" : null,
             "pixel_url_secure" : null,
             "default_calculation_type" : "gross",
             "code" : null,
             "default_position" : "above",
             "filtered_campaigns" : null,
             "filtered_line_items" : null,
             "supported_mime_types_action_include" : false,
             "supported_media_subtypes" : null,
             "ad_profile_id" : null,
             "content_retrieval_timeout_ms" : 0,
             "audit_level" : "site",
             "tag_data" : null,
             "use_detected_domain" : true,
             "is_resizable" : false,
             "vendor_id" : null,
             "intended_audience" : null,
             "hide_referer" : false,
             "supported_media_types" : [
                   "id" : 1,
                   "name" : "Banner",
                   "is_private" : false
             "default_referrer_url" : null,
             "floor_application_target" : "all",
             "pixel_url" : null,
             "site_id" : 3731466,
             "publisher_name" : "PUBLISHER_NAME",
             "media_subtypes" : null,
             "video" : null,
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-20 17:17:42",
             "height" : null,
             "is_prebid_enabled" : false,
             "buy_it_now_price" : 0
          "count" : 1

Step 4: Creating a new site

While a default site was created when you created the publisher in Creating a Publisher above, this typically is used as a “catchall” for targeting misconfigurations and usually only contains the default placement. Since you’ll want to add a new placement to the publisher, you should first create a new site to contain any new placements. To create a new site, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing the fields of the new site (see Site Service for more information). In this example, we are including fields in the content_categories array along with any required fields.

       "site" : {
                "name" : "NEW_SITE_NAME",
                "rtb" : true,
                "content_categories" : [
                      "id" : 8,
                      "name" : "Business & Industry",
                      "is_system" : true
                      "name" : "Arts & Entertainment",
                      "id" : 10,
                      "is_system" : true
                      "is_system" : true,
                      "id" : 29,
                      "name" : "Sports"
  2. Make a POST request to the /site endpoint with this JSON file in the request body. You’ll need to indicate the publisher_id of the publisher you’re adding the site to in the query string of the request.


    If you copied the publisher ID in Creating a Publisher above you can use that.

    curl -b cookies -X POST -d @NewSite.json ' publisher_id=PUBLISHER_ID'
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you’ll see the fields of the new site. Copy the site ID so you'll have it available when you add a placement to the new site.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "status" : "OK",
          "start_element" : 0,
          "id" : 3804119,
          "num_elements" : 100,
          "site" : {
             "content_categories" : [
                   "id" : 8,
                   "is_system" : true,
                   "name" : "Business & Industry"
                   "name" : "Arts & Entertainment",
                   "is_system" : true,
                   "id" : 10
                   "is_system" : true,
                   "id" : 29,
                   "name" : "Sports"
             "id" : 3804119,
             "creative_formats" : [
             "mobile_app_instance" : null,
             "audited" : false,
             "rtb_optimization_zone_id" : null,
             "marketplace_map" : {
                "rtb" : true,
                "performance" : false,
                "deals_suspended" : false,
                "rtb_suspended" : false,
                "an_audit_perf_only" : false,
                "deals_allowed" : true
             "supply_type" : "web",
             "code" : null,
             "creative_format_action" : "exclude",
             "inventory_attributes" : null,
             "name" : "NEW_SITE_NAME",
             "allowed_click_actions" : [
             "intended_audience" : null,
             "publisher_id" : 1229638,
             "primary_content_category_id" : null,
             "managed_optimization_zone_id" : "262",
             "publisher_name" : "MarkD_Test05",
             "placements" : null,
             "url" : "",
             "state" : "active",
             "last_modified" : "2018-09-08 00:01:40"
          "count" : 1      

Step 5: Creating a new placement

While a default placement was created when you created the publisher in Creating a Publisher above, you’ll want to create one or more placements and add them to the publisher to handle ad placement targeting. To create a placement and add it to your publisher, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing the fields for the placement you want to add (see Placement Service for more information). In this example, we have included the required fields along with some supported media type information.

          "placement" : 
                "name" : "NEW_PLACEMENT_NAME",
                "state" : "inactive",
                "supported_media_types" : [
                      "name" : "Banner",
                      "is_private" : false,
                      "id" : 1
  2. Make a POST request to the /placement endpoint with this JSON file in the request body. You'll need to add the site_id of the site you're adding the placement to in the query string of the request (see Placement Service for more information).


    If you copied the site ID in Creating a New Site above, you can use this when adding a placement. To obtain the site IDs for a publisher, make a GET request to the /site endpoint using the publisher ID of the publisher that has the sites (see Site Service for more information).

     curl -b cookies -X POST -d @NewPlacement.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you'll see the fields of the new placement.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "num_elements" : 100,
          "placement" : {
             "supported_mime_types_action_include" : false,
             "video" : null,
             "default_creative_id" : null,
             "private_sizes" : null,
             "code" : null,
             "height" : null,
             "audited" : false,
             "state" : "inactive",
             "filtered_line_items" : null,
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-20 22:40:09",
             "tag_data" : null,
             "content_retrieval_timeout_ms" : 0,
             "is_prebid_enabled" : false,
             "toolbar" : null,
             "pixel_url_secure" : null,
             "vendor_id" : null,
             "supported_media_types" : [
                   "id" : 1,
                   "is_private" : false,
                   "name" : "Banner"
             "default_position" : "unknown",
             "is_resizable" : false,
             "code3" : null,
             "filtered_advertisers" : null,
             "exclusive" : false,
             "site_id" : 3731466,
             "estimated_clear_prices" : [
                   "average_price" : 0.5,
                   "verified" : true,
                   "clear_price" : 1,
                   "width" : 0,
                   "geo_country" : "",
                   "height" : 0
             "name" : "NEW_PLACEMENT_NAME",
             "site_audit_status" : "unaudited",
             "site_name" : "SITE_NAME",
             "pop_values" : null,
             "media_subtypes" : null,
             "enable_for_mediation" : true,
             "supported_media_subtypes" : null,
             "segments" : null,
             "pixel_url" : null,
             "publisher_id" : 1240580,
             "pixel_type" : "image",
             "reserve_price" : null,
             "content_categories" : null,
             "audit_level" : "site",
             "mime_types" : null,
             "visibility_profile_id" : null,
             "id" : 13847262,
             "use_detected_domain" : true,
             "default_creatives" : null,
             "hide_referer" : false,
             "intended_audience" : null,
             "width" : null,
             "default_referrer_url" : null,
             "default_calculation_type" : "gross",
             "buy_it_now_price" : 0,
             "ad_profile_id" : null,
             "floor_application_target" : "all",
             "demand_filter_action" : "default",
             "filtered_campaigns" : null,
             "inventory_attributes" : null,
             "ad_types" : null,
             "cost_cpm" : null,
             "code2" : null,
             "acb_code" : null,
             "publisher_name" : "PUBLISHER_NAME",
             "is_prohibited" : false
          "status" : "OK",
          "start_element" : 0,
          "id" : 13847262,
          "count" : 1      

Payment rules

You need to configure the financial arrangement between the network and publisher. You do this using base and conditional payment rules (see Payment Rule Service for more information).

Step 6: Updating the base payment rule

A base payment rule was created by default when you created a publisher in Creating a Publisher above. You'll typically need to update this base payment rule to reflect the actual financial arrangement between the network and publisher. To update the base payment rule, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing the fields with the updates you want (see Payment Rule Service for more information). In this example, we are updating the pricing_type and  cost_cpm fields.


    Changes to one field might require changes to another dependent field. For example, if you change the value of the pricing_type field from "revshare" to "cpm", you’ll need to update the cost_cpm field as well. See Payment Rule Service for more information.

            "pricing_type": "cpm",
            "cost_cpm": "0.4"
  2. Make a PUT request to the /payment-rule endpoint with this JSON file in the request body. You’ll need to indicate the base payment rule ID and the publisher ID in the query string of the request.


    If you copied the basepayment rule ID and the publisher ID in Creating a Publisher above, you can use these. Otherwise, you can make a GET request to the /publisher endpoint using the publisher ID of the publisher to find the base payment rule ID you want to update (see Publisher Service for more information).

    curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @UpdatePaymentRule.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you’ll see the updates you made.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "id" : "1570229",
          "start_element" : 0,
          "count" : 1,
          "num_elements" : 100,      
          "status" : "OK",
          "payment-rule" : {
             "id" : 1570229,
             "target_ecpm" : null,
             "priority" : 1,
             "lifetime_budget_imps" : null,
             "start_date" : null,
             "lifetime_budget" : null,
             "filtered_advertisers" : null,
             "description" : "",
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-21 22:26:19",
             "code" : null,
             "state" : "active",
             "daily_budget_imps" : null,
             "name" : "Base Payment Rule",
             "apply_cost_on_default" : false,
             "end_date" : null,
             "pricing_type" : "cpm",
             "buyer_type" : "both",
             "profile_id" : null,
             "revshare" : 0,
             "demand_filter_action" : "default",
             "filtered_campaigns" : null,
             "cost_cpm" : 0.4,
             "daily_budget" : null,
             "max_revshare" : null,
             "timezone" : "EST5EDT",
             "filtered_line_items" : null

Ad quality settings

You can now configure the ad quality settings for your publisher. A newly created publisher will use network ad quality settings unless you create and configure ad quality settings for the publisher. Ad quality settings let publishers determine the quality of ads served on their inventory. These ad quality settings consist of ad profiles (see Ad Profile Service for more information) and base and conditional ad quality rules (see Ad Quality Rule Service for more information).

Ad quality rules require an ad profile ID, so you'll need to create an ad profile (or use an existing one) before you can create and apply ad quality rules.

Step 7: Creating an ad profile

An ad profile indicates the eligibility ("trusted" or "banned") of characteristics of ads to be served by a publisher. These ad characteristics include buyers, brands, categories, technical attributes, languages, ad servers, and so on. An ad profile is then applied using ad quality rules.


If there are no ad quality rules assigned to the publisher, the publisher's default ad profile is automatically applied. If there is no publisher default ad profile, the network ad profile is applied.

To create an ad profile, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing the fields with the updates you want (see Ad Profile Service for more information). In this example, we are adding eligibility information to the technical_attributes and categories arrays.

             "ad-profile" :  {
                "technical_attributes" : [
                      "id" : 2,
                      "status" : "banned"
                      "id" : 8,
                      "status" : "banned"
                      "status" : "banned",
                      "id" : 22
                      "status" : "banned",
                      "id" : 104
                "categories" : [
                      "id" : 37,
                      "status" : "banned"
                      "status" : "banned",
                      "id" : 109
                      "id" : 166,
                      "status" : "banned"
                "description" : "AD_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION"
  2. Make a POST request to the /ad-profile endpoint with this JSON file in the request body. You’ll need to indicate the publisher_id of the publisher you want to associate the ad profile with in the query string of the request


    If you copied the publisher ID in Creating a Publisher above, you can use that.

    curl -b cookies -X POST -d @AdProfile.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you’ll see the values you added along with other default settings.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "ad-profile" : {
             "require_msft_audit" : false,
             "creatives" : null,
             "default_ad_server_status" : "trusted",
             "exclude_unaudited_direct" : false,
             "default_brand_status" : "trusted",
             "inventory_type" : "real_time",
             "excluded_landing_page_urls" : null,
             "default_category_status" : "trusted",
             "exclude_direct" : false,
             "categories" : [
                   "status" : "banned",
                   "id" : 37
                   "status" : "banned",
                   "id" : 109
                   "id" : 166,
                   "status" : "banned"
             "exclude_unaudited" : true,
             "member_id" : 958,
             "require_google_audit" : false,
             "check_attributes_direct" : false,
             "description" : "AD_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION",
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-24 23:37:40",
             "technical_attributes" : [
                   "status" : "banned",
                   "id" : 2
                   "id" : 8,
                   "status" : "banned"
                   "id" : 22,
                   "status" : "banned"
                   "status" : "banned",
                   "id" : 104
             "audit_type_direct" : "platform_or_self",
             "require_landing_page_url" : false,
             "require_seller_audit_default" : false,
             "id" : 1223520,
             "ad_servers" : null,
             "allow_pending_creatives_direct" : false,
             "default_member_status" : "case-by-case",
             "members" : null,
             "languages" : null,
             "state" : "active",
             "require_msft_external_audit" : false,
             "default_audit_type" : "platform",
             "default_technical_attribute_status" : "trusted",
             "brands" : null,
             "frequency_caps" : null,
             "require_appnexus_review" : false,
             "publisher_id" : 1240580,
             "notes" : null,
             "default_language_status" : "trusted"
          "count" : 1,
          "start_element" : 0,
          "id" : 1223520,      
          "num_elements" : 100,
          "status" : "OK"

Step 8: Creating an ad quality rule

While configuring ad quality settings beyond the Network Profile is optional, it’s a best practice to use ad quality rules on the publisher level as well to control ad quality. If you choose to configure ad quality settings at the publisher level, you are required to have a base ad quality rule for the publisher. Having this will ensure at least some ad quality controls are applied at the publisher level in case none of the conditional ad quality rules apply. The base ad quality rule is an ad quality rule that is assigned to the publisher’s base_ad_quality_rule_id field (see Updating Base Ad Quality Rule ID of Publisher below).

To create an ad quality rule, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing the fields you want (see Ad Quality Rule Service for more information). In this example, we are adding the ID of the ad profile (see Creating an Ad Profile above) we want this ad quality rule to use along with the name and priority of this rule.

          "ad-quality-rule" : {
                "name" : "New_Ad_Quality_Rule",
                "ad_profile_id" : 1223520,
                "priority" : 1
  2. Make a POST request to the /ad-quality-rule endpoint with this JSON file in the request body. You’ll need to indicate the publisher_id in the query string of the request.


    If you copied the publisher ID in Creating a Publisher above, you can use this.

    curl -b cookies -X POST -d @AdQualityRule.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example Response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you’ll see the fields of the ad quality rule you created. Copy the ad quality rule ID so you'll have it when you update the base ad quality rule ID of the publisher in next step.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "count" : 1,
          "start_element" : 0,
          "num_elements" : 100,
          "ad-quality-rule" : {
             "active" : true,
             "publisher_id" : 1240580,
             "id" : 632112,
             "member_id" : 958,
             "description" : null,
             "code" : null,
             "profile_id" : null,
             "priority" : 1,
             "name" : "New_Ad_Quality_Rule",
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-26 21:47:12",
             "ad_profile_id" : 1223520
          "id" : 632112,      
          "status" : "OK"

Step 9: Updating the base ad quality rule ID of publisher

You’ll typically want to have a base ad quality rule assigned to your publisher. The base ad quality rule acts as a "catchall" ad quality rule if there are no conditional ad quality rules defined or if no conditional ad quality rules match an impression. Once you’ve created an ad quality rule that you want to use for a base ad quality rule, you simply assign the ID of that ad quality rule to the publisher with a PUT request.

To assign a base ad quality rule to a publisher, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing a value for the base_ad_quality_rule_id field of your publisher (see Publisher Service for more information). In this example, we are adding the ID of the ad quality rule we created in Creating an Ad Quality Rule above.


    If you copied the ad quality rule ID in Creating an Ad Quality Rule above, you can use this. Otherwise, you can make a GET request to the /ad-quality-rule endpoint (see Ad Quality Rule Service for more information) using the publisher ID you used in Creating an Ad Quality Rule above to find the ad quality rule ID.

             "publisher" :  {
                "base_ad_quality_rule_id" : 632112
  2. Make a PUT request to the /publisher endpoint with this JSON file in the request body (see Publisher Service for more information). You’ll need to indicate the publisher ID in the query string of the request.


    If you copied the publisher ID in Creating a Publisher above you can use this.

    curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @PublisherBaseAdQualityRuleUpdate.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of "OK" and you’ll see the updates you made.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "count" : 1,
          "status" : "OK",
          "start_element" : 0,
          "id" : "1240580",
          "publisher" : {
             "billing_address1" : "BILLING_ADDRESS",
             "managed_cpa_bias_pct" : 100,
             "inventory_source" : null,
             "external_cpc_bias_pct" : 100,
             "ym_profile_id" : null,
             "currency" : "USD",
             "allow_cpa_managed" : true,
             "inventory_source_name" : null,
             "use_anx_auction_logic" : false,
             "learn_bypass_cpm" : 5,
             "platform_ops_notes" : null,
             "contact" : {
                "phone" : "555-555-1212",
                "email" : "CONTACT_EMAIL@EMAIL.COM",
                "id" : CONTACT_ID,
                "name" : "CONTACT_NAME"
             "allow_cpc_managed" : true,
             "is_rtb" : false,
             "disclosure_status" : "disclosed_pending",
             "visibility_profile_id" : null,
             "billing_dba" : "BILLING_DBA",
             "reselling_exposure" : "private",
             "managed_cpc_bias_pct" : 100,
             "default_placement_id" : 13741957,
             "labels" : null,
             "accept_supply_partner_usersync" : null,
             "expose_domains" : true,
             "reselling_name" : null,
             "billing_internal_user" : null,
             "placements" : [
                   "id" : 13741957,
                   "code" : null
                   "id" : 13847262,
                   "code" : null
             "enable_cookie_tracking_default" : true,
             "external_inv_codes" : null,
             "inventory_relationship" : "direct",
             "pitbull_segment_value" : 0,
             "default_site_id" : 3731466,
             "publisher_brand_exceptions" : null,
             "billing_address2" : null,
             "timezone" : "CET",
             "contact_info" : null,
             "last_modified" : "2018-08-26 22:33:13",
             "code" : null,
             "billing_zip" : "BILLING_ZIP",
             "billing_country" : "US",
             "reselling_exposed_on" : "1970-01-01 00:00:01",
             "is_oo" : false,
             "billing_state" : "BILLING_STATE",
             "ad_quality_advanced_mode_enabled" : true,
             "allow_cpm_external" : true,
             "pitbull_segment_id" : 0,
             "base_ad_quality_rule_id" : 632112,
             "default_ad_profile_id" : null,
             "seller_page_cap_enabled" : false,
             "description" : "",
             "allow_cpa_external" : false,
             "id" : 1240580,
             "state" : "inactive",
             "billing_city" : "Portland",
             "max_learn_pct" : 0,
             "cpc_reselling_disabled" : false,
             "allow_report_on_default_imps" : false,
             "cpm_reselling_disabled" : false,
             "base_payment_rule_id" : 1570229,
             "name" : "PUBLISHER_NAME",
             "allow_cpm_managed" : true,
             "accept_demand_partner_usersync" : null,
             "accept_data_provider_usersync" : null,
             "external_cpa_bias_pct" : 100,
             "allow_cpc_external" : false
          "num_elements" : 100