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Lookup service

This read-only service allows you to retrieve the ID, name, code, state, and in some cases, descriptions of the following types of objects in your account. It also returns hierarchical information about these objects, for example, publisher ID for a placement or advertiser ID for a line item. In cases where you have limited information about objects, this service gives you an easy way to map to other relevant data. Bulk Reporting Feeds, for example, returns data grouped by object IDs. You can use the Lookup Service to match these IDs with names, codes, and so on.

  • Advertisers
  • Insertion Orders
  • Line Items
  • Campaigns
  • Creatives
  • Segment Pixels
  • Conversion Pixels
  • Publishers
  • Payment Rules
  • Sites
  • Placements
  • Labels


  • The Lookup Service is different from the Search Service because it returns all objects of a certain type in your account. The Search Service allows you to search for objects with a specific name, code, or ID.
  • The Lookup Service can return a maximum of 50,000 objects.
  • The Lookup Service is based on data that is cached and updated once every 8 minutes.


Method Endpoint Description
GET View information about all objects in your system.
GET View information about all objects of a specific type.

You can get information about the following object types: advertiser, insertion_order, line_item, campaign, budget_splitter, creative, segment_pixel, conversion_pixel, publisher, payment_rule, placement, site, and label.
GET View information about all objects belonging to a specific advertiser.

JSON fields

Fields returned for all object types:

Field Type Description
code string The custom code for the object (not applicable to all object types).
id int The internal ID associated with the object.
last_modified timestamp The date and time when the object was last modified.
name string The name of the object.
state enum The state of the object.
Possible values: "active" or "inactive".

Object-specific JSON fields

Additional fields returned for specific object types.


Field Type Description
member_id int The ID of the member to which the advertiser belongs.

Insertion order

Field Type Description
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser to which the insertion order belongs.

Line item

Field Type Description
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser to which the line item belongs.


Field Type Description
line_item_id int The ID of the line item to which the campaign belongs.

Budget splitter

Field Type Description
line_item_id int The ID of the line item to which the budget splits belong.
name string The name of the budget split.
id int The ID of the budget split.
state string The state of the budget split.
Permitted values are:
- active
- inactive
last_modified date The timestamp when the split was last modified.


Field Type Description
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser to which the creative belongs.
brand_id int The ID of the brand associated to the creative.
description string The description of the creative.
landing_page_url string The URL of the landing page associated with this creative.
publisher_id int The ID of the publisher to which the creative is associated.

Segment pixel

Field Type Description
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser to which the segment pixel is associated.
member_id int The ID of the member to which the segment pixel belongs.

Conversion pixel

Field Type Description
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser to which the conversion pixel belongs.


Field Type Description
member_id int The ID of the member to which the publisher belongs.

Payment rule

Field Type Description
description string The description of the payment rule.
publisher_id int The ID of the publisher to which the payment rule belongs.


Field Type Description
publisher_id int The ID of the publisher to which the placement belongs.


Field Type Description
publisher_id int The ID of the publisher to which the site belongs.


Field Type Description
label_id int The ID of the label.
member_id int The ID of the member to which the label belongs.
object_id int The ID of the object to which the label can be applied.
object_type enum The type of object to which the label can be applied.
Possible values: "advertiser", "insertion_order", "line_item", "campaign", or "publisher".
value string The label text.


Look up all of your campaigns

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "num_elements": 2,
        "start_element": 0,
        "results": {
            "campaign": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "58990",
                        "name": "Car Donations",
                        "line_item_id": "31189",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "cdon",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-18 17:25:00"
                        "id": "58991",
                        "name": "Bucket Builders",
                        "line_item_id": "31189",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "bb",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-12 22:08:04"
                "num_elements": "2"

Look up all objects accessible to this service

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "num_elements": 24,
        "start_element": 0,
        "results": {
            "advertiser": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "35081",
                        "name": "Bucketeer",
                        "code": "bucket",
                        "member_id": "1066",
                        "state": "active",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-18 17:25:00"
                "num_elements": "1"
            "insertion_order": {
                "results": null,
                "num_elements": 0
            "line_item": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "31189",
                        "name": "bucket line 1",
                        "code": "bk1",
                        "advertiser_id": "35081",
                        "state": "active",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-18 17:25:00"
                "num_elements": "1"
            "campaign": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "58990",
                        "name": "Car Donations",
                        "line_item_id": "31189",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "cdon",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-18 17:25:00"
                        "id": "58991",
                        "name": "Bucket Builders",
                        "line_item_id": "31189",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "bb",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                "num_elements": "2"
               "results": [
                         "line_item_id": 1,
                         "name": "Split 1",
                         "id": 1,
                         "state": "active",
                         "last_modified": "2023-04-18 17:25:00"
                    "line_item_id": 1,
                    "name": "Split 2",
                    "id": 2,
                    "state": "active",
                    "last_modified": "2023-04-19 17:25:00"
                "num_elements": "2"
            "creative": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "445832",
                        "code": null,
                        "description": "Donate car.png",
                        "advertiser_id": "35081",
                        "publisher_id": "0",
                        "state": "active",
                        "brand_id": 1,
                        "landing_page_url": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "445833",
                        "code": null,
                        "description": "bucketbuilders.png",
                        "advertiser_id": "35081",
                        "publisher_id": "0",
                        "state": "active",
                        "brand_id": 3,
                        "landing_page_url": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                "num_elements": "2"
            "segment_pixel": {
                "results": null,
                "num_elements": 0
            "payment_rule": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "91345",
                        "name": "",
                        "publisher_id": "89286",
                        "state": "active",
                        "description": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "91346",
                        "name": "Default",
                        "publisher_id": "89287",
                        "state": "active",
                        "description": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "91375",
                        "name": "Base Payment Rule",
                        "publisher_id": "89314",
                        "state": "active",
                        "description": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                "num_elements": "3"
            "conversion_pixel": {
                "results": null,
                "num_elements": 0
            "publisher": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "89286",
                        "name": "Default Real Time",
                        "member_id": "1066",
                        "state": "inactive",
                        "code": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "89287",
                        "name": "Wide Road",
                        "member_id": "1066",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "bb",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "89314",
                        "name": "Radio Live",
                        "member_id": "1066",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "rlive",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                "num_elements": "5"
            "placement": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "594594",
                        "name": "[Default Real Time] - Default",
                        "publisher_id": "89286",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "594595",
                        "name": "[Wide Road] - Placement 1",
                        "publisher_id": "89287",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "594641",
                        "name": "[Radio Live] - Default",
                        "publisher_id": "89314",
                        "state": "active",
                        "code": "",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                "num_elements": "5"
            "site": {
                "results": [
                        "id": "188039",
                        "code": "",
                        "name": "[Default Real Time] - ROS",
                        "publisher_id": "89286",
                        "state": "active",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "188040",
                        "code": "",
                        "name": "[Wide Road] - ROS",
                        "publisher_id": "89287",
                        "state": "active",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                        "id": "188070",
                        "code": "",
                        "name": "[Radio Live] - ROS",
                        "publisher_id": "89314",
                        "state": "active",
                        "last_modified": "2011-10-17 13:24:00"
                "num_elements": "5"