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Microsoft Curate - Understand bid rejections

There are many reasons a bid might be rejected. Rejected bids show up on the Deals screen in the Ineligible Bids column and are shown in greater detail in the Rejections section of the Deal Details screen. The Bid Rejections table lists out error IDs you might encounter when a bid is rejected, the cause of the errors, and what actions buyers and/or sellers should take to resolve these errors.


About Impbus error IDs, error messages, and bid rejection reasons

Each bid rejection reason has a distinct error ID or set of error IDs connected to it. The Impbus Error ID shows up as a validation in the Impbus API and in the API and UI Bid Error Report. The Error Message shows up in the Bid Error Reports as well as in the Rejections section of the Deal Details screen.

Impbus Error ID Error Message Owner What's Causing It? Resolution for seller Resolution for buyer
410 Creative ad server is blocked by Ad Profile Seller/Buyer The seller's ad quality is set to ban an ad server associated with the creative. The seller should determine if the brand ban is desired and then modify their ad quality rules accordingly.
The seller should notify the buyer that they are blocking an ad server associated with the buyer's creative.
The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's ad quality rules are blocking the buyer's creatives, due to the ad servers those creatives call.
The buyer should adjust their creatives to exclude ad server calls that the seller has blocked.
10-16, 50-55, 60-64, 102, 103, 105, 201-205, 207-211, 301, 302, 308, 309, 1000-10002 Bidder error Demand Partner The bidder is causing an error. The issue may be one of the following:

- Request timed out

- Request throttled or aborted

- Connection error

- Invalid HTTP response code

- JSON parsing error

- XML parsing error

- Bid response parsing error

- No ad tag in response

- No actions tag in response

- No impurl tag in response

- No click action in response

- No assets tag in response

- Incorrect creative format in response

- Response too long

- No price received from bidder

- No creative ID received from bidder

- Invalid creative landing page received from bidder

- No drop log URL received from bidder

- Creative ID was not found

- Creative ID is malicious

- Creative ID does not belong to bidding member.

- Auction ID does not match request

- No member ID sent in response

- Inactive bidding member

- Member has no contract

- Member over pacing or credit limit

- Exclusive bid from non-owning bidder

- Bid from member not associated to bidder

- Roadblock bid from non-owning member

- Member is not eligible to bid

- Member is not eligible to bid without deals

- No price set on non-exclusive bid response

- Bid from member specifies an invalid currency

- Deal is not available for auction

- Deal is not available to buying member

- No elgible members included in the bid response

- Bidder not available

- No bid URI set
The seller should contact the demand partner to notify them that they are experiencing problems with their bidder. N/A
123 Creative is blocked by advertiser exclusions Seller There are competitive exclusions set on the auction and the creative bidding is not allowed to serve on the same page as a creative already chosen. The seller should review their competitive exclusions policy and determine if they should be adjusted. The buyer should notify the seller that they are seeing significant bid rejections due to advertiser exclusions.
144 Video creative and tag failed error rate check Buyer The creative bid was rejected because the creative has a historically high VAST error rate on this tag. N/A Buyer should investigate why creative has high occurrence of VAST errors in which the VAST creative does not render in the specific tag environment. They can pull VAST error report from their own systems (if available) or file a support ticket for Microsoft Advertising to pull a video error report.
318 Deal %d bans segment adds on view Buyer Creative should not fire a segment add pixel. Buyer should ensure that the creative does not have a segment add pixel action.
319 Deal %d bans segment adds on select Buyer Creative should not fire a segment add on select. Buyer should ensure that the creative does not have a segment add pixel action.
304, 306, 310, Bid is blocked by yield management floor Seller/Buyer The buyer is bidding below a yield management floor. This may be because the buyer is not taking fees into account.
This may also mean the buyer is bidding an amount low enough to provide a negative revenue share to the seller.
The seller should contact the buyer and discuss their bidding strategy, and explain that they're bidding below a deal floor.
The seller may want to consider altering their yield management floor rules.
The buyer should make sure that they are bidding high enough to be above all yield management floors, net fees.
311 Creative is blocked by deal Seller/Buyer The deal does not allow the creative's brand. The seller should check if the deal is set up properly. Then the seller should confirm with buyer that their deal targeting is set up properly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's deal settings are blocking their creatives' brands.
The buyer should adjust their brand settings to not serve creatives associated with brands the seller has blocked.
408 Creative brand is blocked by Ad Profile Seller The seller's ad quality is set to ban the brand of the creative. The seller should determine if the brand ban is desired and then modify their ad quality rules accordingly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's ad quality rules are blocking their creatives' brands.
The buyer should adjust their brand settings to not serve creatives associated with brands the seller has blocked.
403 Creative brand is blocked by Ad Profile Seller The seller's ad quality is set to ban the buying member. The seller should determine if the brand ban is desired and then modify their ad quality rules accordingly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's ad quality rules are blocking the buyer.
325 Creative category is blocked by deal Seller/Buyer The deal does not allow the category of the creative. The seller should check if the deal is set up properly. Then the seller should confirm with buyer that their deal targeting is set up properly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's deal settings are blocking their creatives' category. The buyer and seller should investigate which categories are being blocked.
The buyer should adjust their creative settings to not serve creatives associated with categories the seller has blocked.
407, 420 Creative category is blocked by Ad Profile Seller The seller's ad quality is set to ban the buying member. This could be either because the category is explicitly banned, or because the category needs to be in an allowlist. The seller should determine if the category ban is desired and then modify their ad quality rules accordingly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's ad quality rules are blocking their creatives' category. The buyer and seller should investigate which categories are being blocked.
The buyer should adjust their creative settings to not serve creatives associated with categories the seller has blocked.
324 Creative is blocked by deal Buyer The specific creative is blocked on the deal. The seller should determine if the creative block is desired, and contact the buyer to share their decision. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller is blocking one or more of their creatives on the deal. The buyer and seller should investigate which creatives are being blocked.
The buyer should adjust their line item targeting the deal to not bid with creatives the seller has blocked.
404 Creative is blocked by Ad Profile Seller Seller's ad profile is set to ban the creative. The seller should determine if the creative ban is desired and then modify their ad quality rules accordingly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's ad quality rules are blocking the buyer's creative.
The buyer should target the deal with creatives that are not blocked.
405 Creative ID is blocked by auditing Seller/Buyer The buyer is bidding with an unaudited creative. The seller has blocked unaudited creatives in ad quality The seller should determine if the unaudited creative ban is desired and modify their ad quality rules accordingly. Otherwise, the seller should contact the buyer to ensure their creative is audited by Microsoft Advertising. If serving unaudited creatives is desired, the buyer should notify the seller that the seller is blocking their unaudited creatives.
Otherwise, the buyer should check their creative settings to ensure that their creatives are audited by Microsoft Advertising.
326 Creative media subtype is blocked by deal Seller/Buyer The deal does not allow the media subtype of the creative. The seller should check if the deal is set up properly. Then the seller should confirm with buyer that their deal targeting is set up properly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's deal settings are blocking the media subtypes of the buyer's creatives.
The buyer should change their creatives to not include media subtypes the seller has blocked.
104 Creative is not approved for SSL Buyer The buyer is bidding with a non-ssl-approved creative for a secure auction. The seller should contact the buyer and ask them to add a secure creative for use on sites requiring SSL. The buyer should add secure creatives to their line item targeting the deal, for use on sites requiring SSL.
312 Creative size is blocked by deal Seller/Buyer The deal does not allow the size of the creative. The seller should check if the deal is set up properly. Then the seller should confirm with buyer that their deal targeting is set up properly. The buyer should notify the seller that the deal is blocking their creatives due to their size.
The buyer should adjust their line item targeting the deal to include creatives in the allowed sizes.
308, 309 Deal ID is unavailable Demand Partner There are two possibilities here:
(A) The bid in the bid response has an incorrect deal ID.
(B) The bid in the bid response has a buyer member not associated with the deal.
Depending on the reason for this error, there are two possible resolutions:
(A) The seller should notify the demand partner that their deal targeting is having problems.
(B) The seller should check if the deal is set up with the appropriate demand partner, and confirm with the demand partner that the deal is set up properly.
310 Bid is blocked by deal floor Buyer The bid is below the deal floor. This may be because the buyer is not taking fees into account. The seller should contact the buyer and discuss their bidding strategy, and explain that they're bidding below the deal price. The buyer should make sure that they are bidding high enough to be above the deal price, net fees.
106-122, 124, 125, 313-317, 320, 329-333, Invalid creative Demand Partner An invalid creative has been received from the bidder. The issue may be one of the following:

- Creative size doesn't match tag size

- Creative not in VAST format

- Creative doesn't include VAST media subtype for VAST tag

- Creative has VAST media subtype for non-VAST tag

- Flash creative returned for user that doesn't have flash

- Creative format not allowed by site

- Creative click action not allowed by site

- Creative has invalid media type

- Creative initiates pop

- Creative has no click URL

- Creative has no landing page URL

- Creative is banned by bid request

- Creative has an inactive or nonexistant CCRT

- Creative has no content JS in template for JS tag

- creative has no content JS or HTML in template for iframe tag

- Creative has no content XML in template for VAST tag

- Creative has format not allowed by seller

- Creative does not have valid MIME type

- Creative ID is suspicious

- Creative has unsupported video attribute

- Creative duration is below minimum duration, or exceeds maximum duration

- Creative is missing a linear element required for VAST

- Creative is missing a video_attributes object

- Creative has an unsupported video framework

- Creative doesn't have a valid bitrate

- Creative has creative_video_attribute with vast_type unrecognized by impbus

- Creative is missing creative_vast_inline required for VAST

- Creative is missing creative_vast_inline_linear required for VAST

- Creative is missing creative_vast_inline_linear media_files required for VAST
The seller should notify the demand partner that they're having problems with their creatives. N/A
322 Creative language is blocked by deal Seller/Buyer The deal does not allow the language of the creative. The seller should check if the deal is set up properly. Then the seller should confirm with buyer that their deal targeting is set up properly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's deal settings are blocking the creative's language.
The buyer should adjust their brand settings to not serve creatives with languages the seller has blocked.
409 Creative language is blocked by Ad Profile Seller The seller has blocked the creative's language in ad quality. The seller should determine if the language ban is desired and then modify their ad quality rules accordingly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's ad quality rules are blocking the creative's language.
The buyer should adjust their brand settings to not serve creatives with languages the seller has blocked.
327 Payment type is blocked by deal Seller/Buyer The deal does not allow the payment type of the creative. The seller should check if the deal is set up properly. Then the seller should confirm with buyer that their deal targeting is set up properly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's deal settings are blocking the payment type of the buyer's creatives.
The buyer should confirm that their creatives and deal targeting are set up properly.
323 Creative technical attribute blocked by deal Seller/Buyer The deal does not allow a technical attribute of the creative. The seller should check if the deal is set up properly. Then the seller should confirm with buyer that their deal targeting and creatives are set up properly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's deal settings are blocking some technical attributes of the buyer's creatives.
The buyer should change their creatives to not include technical attributes the seller has blocked.
406 Creative technical Attribute is blocked by Ad Profile Seller The seller has blocked a creative's technical attribute in ad quality. The seller should determine if the technical attribute ban is desired and then modify their ad quality rules accordingly. The buyer should notify the seller that the seller's ad quality rules are blocking some technical attributes of the buyers' creatives.
The buyer should change their creatives to not include technical attributes the seller has blocked.
345 Creative adserver is banned on deal. Buyer Buyer should change the creative, or contact the Seller for an exception.
347 Bid blocked by Yield Management Floors. Seller/Buyer The bid was blocked due to the floor configured by Yield Management Floors configured in Microsoft Curate or the floor sent in the bid request to Microsoft Advertising. The seller could consider lowering the floor to increase the number of eligible bids in the auction. The buyer could consider increasing their bids to increase the number of bids that are eligible in the auction.
417 Ad profile contains brand or category restrictions, and dynamic brand is unknown. Buyer The brand or category of the creative is unknown, and the seller’s ad quality profile includes at least one brand or category block. - Seller can remove the brand or category restrictions in their ad quality rules to allow these creatives.

- For the seller to fix the issue, they should remove brand/language restrictions or contact the buyer to fix the issue.
Buyer should ensure to send a valid brand URL in the bid response.
418 Ad profile contains language restrictions, and dynamic language is unknown. Buyer The language of the creative is unknown, and the seller’s ad quality profile includes at least one language block. Seller can remove the language restrictions in their ad quality rules to allow these creatives. Buyer should ensure to send a valid language value in their bid response.