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Seller platform billing report

Learn about Seller Platform Billing Report in this page. Suppliers gather transaction information using the Seller Platform Billing Report to invoice buyers or reconcile their internal transaction records.

For instructions on retrieving a report, see the Example below.

Time frame

The report_interval field in the JSON request can be set to one of the following:

  • current_hour
  • last_hour
  • today
  • yesterday
  • last_48_hours
  • last_7_days
  • month_to_yesterday
  • month_to_date
  • quarter_to_date
  • last_month
  • lifetime
  • mtd


Column Type Group? Filter? Description
bidder string No No Deprecated.
bidder_id int Yes Yes The internal ID of the bidder.
bidder_name string No No The display name of the bidder.
buyer_currency string No Yes The buyer member's selected currency. For a list of supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.
buyer_member string No No Deprecated.
buyer_member_id int Yes Yes The internal ID of the buyer member.
buyer_member_name string No No The display name of the buyer member.
cleared_direct int No Yes If this is set to 1, then the impression was successfully served on direct inventory.
Possible values:
- 0 = not direct inventory
- 1 = direct inventory
day date Yes Yes Day.
geo_country string No Yes The display name of the country or region followed by the ID (Xandr format).
geo_country_name string No No Country or region.
hour date Yes Yes The hour of the auction.
Note: For impressions older than 100 days, the day will be returned rather than the hour.
imp_type string No Yes The type of impression served. Possible values:
- 1 = blank
- 2 = PSA
- 3 = default error
- 4 = default
- 5 = kept
- 6 = resold
- 7 = RTB
- 8 = PSA resulting from a default error
- 9 = external impression
- 10 = external click
is_delivered boolean No Yes If true, the impression was served successfully.
is_dw boolean No Yes If true, the impression was served by Xandr.
month time Yes No Month.
publisher string No No Deprecated.
publisher_code string No No The custom code for the publisher, entered to correspond to the publisher code within the external system.
publisher_id int Yes Yes The internal ID of the publisher.
publisher_name string No No The display name of the publisher.
seller_currency string No Yes The seller member's selected currency. For a list of supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.
seller_member string No No Deprecated.
seller_member_id int Yes Yes The internal ID of the seller member.
seller_member_name string No No The display name of the seller member.
site string No No Deprecated.
site_code string No No The custom code for the site, entered to correspond to the site code within the external system.
site_id int Yes Yes The internal ID of the site.
site_name string No No The display name of the site.
year date Yes Yes Year.


Column Type Formula Description
imps int imps The total number of impressions (served and resold).
imps_delivered int imps_delivered The total number of impressions served successfully.
imps_not_delivered int imps_not_delivered The total number of impressions where someone other than Xandr served the impression.
imps_appnexus_cleared int imps_appnexus_cleared The total number of impressions where Xandr collects cost of media and pays out seller payment for transactions between this buyer-seller pair.
imps_direct_cleared int imps_direct_cleared The total number of impressions where Xandr does NOT collect cost of media or pay out seller payment for transactions between this buyer-seller pair.
seller_revenue money seller_revenue The seller's revenue per impression.
seller_revenue_appnexus_cleared money seller_revenue for imps_appnexus_cleared The seller's revenue for impressions where Xandr pays out the seller payment.
seller_revenue_direct_cleared money seller_revenue for imps_direct_cleared The seller's revenue for impressions where the seller payment is transacted directly between this buyer-seller pair, not through AppNexus.
seller_ecpm money seller_revenue x 1000 / imps_delivered The seller's revenue expressed in eCPM.
seller_revenue_seller_curr money seller_revenue, expressed in the seller's currency. The seller's revenue per impression in their selected currency. For a list of supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.
seller_revenue_appnexus_cleared_seller_curr money seller_revenue for imps_appnexus_cleared, expressed in the seller's currency. The seller's revenue for impressions where Xandr pays out the seller payment, per impression, in their selected currency. For a list of supported currencies, Supported Currencies.
seller_revenue_direct_cleared_seller_curr money seller_revenue for imps_direct_cleared, expressed in the seller's currency. The seller's revenue for impressions where the seller payment is transacted directly between this buyer-seller pair and not through Xandr, per impression, in their selected currency. For a list of supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.
seller_revenue_direct_cleared_buyer_curr money seller_revenue for imps_direct_cleared, expressed in the buyer's currency. The seller's revenue for impressions where the seller payment is transacted directly between this buyer-seller pair and not through Xandr, per impression, in the buyer's selected currency. For a list of supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.
seller_ecpm_seller_curr money (seller_revenue / imps_delivered) * 1000, expressed in the seller's currency The seller's revenue expressed in eCPM, in the seller's selected currency. For a list of supported currencies, see Supported Currencies.


Create the JSON-formatted report request

The JSON file should include the report_type "seller_invoice_report", as well as the columns (dimensions and metrics) and report_interval that you want to retrieve. You can also filters for specific dimensions, define granularity (year, month, day), and specify the format in which the data should be returned (csv, excel, or html). For a full explanation of fields that can be included in the JSON file, see the Report Service.

$ cat report {
            "report": { "report_type": "seller_invoice_report", "timezone": "PST",
            "report_interval": "last_7_days", "name": "SSP Monthly Buyer Report", "columns": [
            "day", "seller_member", "publisher_id", "publisher_name", "publisher_code",
            "buyer_member_id", "buyer_member_name", "imps", "imps_delivered", "seller_revenue" ] }


To order by day, insert this object into your JSON file after the "columns" array: "orders": ["day"]

POST the request to the Reporting Service

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies
            -X POST -d @report '' {
            "response": { "status": "OK", "report_id": "bfe2ba2ea54a51115db942d591a7b5d9" }

GET the report status from the Report Service

Make a GET call with the Report ID to retrieve the status of the report. Continue making this GET call until the {{execution_status}}is "ready". Then use the *report-download* service to save the report data to a file, as described in the next step.

$ curl -b cookies -c
            cookies '' { "response":{ "status":"OK",
            "report":{ "name":null, "created_on":"2010-05-25 19:19:53", "url":
            "report-download?id=bfe2ba2ea54a51115db942d591a7b5d9" }, "execution_status":"ready" }

GET the report data from the Report Download Service

To download the report data to a file, make another GET call with the Report ID, but this time to the *report-download* service. You can find the service and Report ID in the {{url}} field of the previous GET response. When identifying the file that you want to save to, be sure to use the file extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST.

  • If an error occurs during download, the response header will include an HTTP error code and message. Use {{-i}} or {{-v}} in your call to expose the response header.
  • Use the ID that was given in the response from when you initially posted the report.
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies
                  '' >

Schedule a frequently run report

You can schedule reports that you would like to pull regularly. See the Saved Report Service for more information.