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Expandables and rich media


Xandr provides expandable rich media support on all supply from platform networks and Xandr-enabled exchanges, including the Microsoft Advertising Exchange.

Creative specification

We have assembled a Xandr expandable specification based on the specs of our many supply sources. The goal is to have an "upload once, run everywhere" spec.

Creatives that do not meet this spec will still be allowed to run on the platform, but we expect publisher acceptance to be much lower.

Allowed sizes and maximum expanded size

Base Size Maximum Expanded Size
120 x 600 240 x 600
160 x 600 320 x 600
300 x 250 500 x 300
468 x 60 468 x 210
728 x 90 728 x 300
234 x 60 300 x 250
120 x 60 120 x 240
180 x 150 300 x 300
300 x 600 560 x 600

Media types


For mobile interstitials, register creatives as standard banner and target interstitial sizes in the bid request.

Expandables are implemented through a broader "media type" system in Xandr. This system allows us to align placements and creatives so that all technical requirements are met for proper rendering.

Media types and subtypes are in a two-tiered hierarchy:

Media Type ID Media Subtype ID
Banner 1 Standard Banner 1
In-Banner Video 3
Text 5 Text 9
Expandable 6 Other Expandable 10
MediaMind 11
Pointroll 12
EyeWonder 13
eyeReturn 14
Pictela 15
Flashtalking 16
Doubleclick 17
Unicast 18
Spongecell 19
Adrime 20
Oggifinogi 24
Skin 8 Hi-Media Skin 32
IAB 48
Custom 49
Image and Text 10 52
High Impact 11 ReactX Left/ Right 53
ReactX Top 54
ReactX Bottom 55
ReactX Custom 56
ReactX Over 57
ReactX Native 58
Lightbox 59
Foote 60
Slide-in 61
Peel 62
Custom 63
Native 12 In-Feed Standard 65
Content Marketing 66
Audio 13 15-second 67
30-second 68
Other 69
Standard VAST 70
Standard VAST 64

Placements may accept any combination of media types or subtypes. If they accept a media type, they accept all subtypes under the media type.

Screenshot that display versatile placement information, allowing combinations of media types, automatically accepting associated subtypes.

Templates represent a media type and a creative format (Javascript, HTML, etc). They can be used to customize the rendering of your creatives, but in this case they simply specify the expandable vendor being used.

Creatives have one template, which specifies the format of the creative and the expandable vendor in use. A creative may serve only on placements that accept the creative template's media subtype or its parent media type.

Screenshot that details creative format and current expandable vendor. Creatives are limited to compatible placements based on media subtype or parent media type.


There are two touch points for our expandable integration: a change to the RTB protocol, and a change to creative upload.

RTB protocol

There will be two new fields in the bid request to indicate the availability of expandables on an impression.

Field Description Notes
allowed_media_types Array of media type IDs This field is optional. If it appears, creatives of the specified media types may serve on this impression.
allowed_media_subtypes Array of media subtype IDs This field is optional. If it appears, creatives of the specified media subtypes may serve on this impression.
media_subtypes Array of media subtype in string format This field is optional. If it appears, it will list the allowed media in string format.

These fields will be on each "tag" object in the bid request:

  "bid_request": {
    "tags": [
        "allowed_media_types": [1,7,20],
        "allowed_media_subtypes": [5,23,40]

To determine if your expandable creative will serve:

  • First, check if allowed_media_types contains the Expandable Media Type.
  • If Expandable is not in allowed_media_types, check if the media_subtype ID is allowed in allowed_media_subtypes.

Creative upload

When expandable creatives are uploaded to the Creative Service, you will need to denote the expandable ad server being used.

Field Description Notes
template JSON object with the ID of the associated template. To denote an expandable, select the template that corresponds to the expandable vendor in use, and the creative format used by your bidder. If the vendor in use is not listed, use "Other Expandable".

This field is required on expandable creatives.


  "creative": {
    "content": "<script src=...></script>",
    "template": {"id": 1}


  • You are not required to set the template ID on standard creatives (non-expandable). Continue uploading those creatives as you did before.
  • Traffic Skin creatives as a standard banner. We recommend using 1800 X 1000 dimensions.
    • Use template ID 6 for HTML, and 5 for Javascript.

Template IDs

The following table lists the available templates and their associated IDs.


Expandables for bidders will only work with the templates listed below. Please do not use custom templates for expandables.


Creatives that are of the media type Expandable will not serve on external mobile supply. If it's a mobile expandable creative, use a template with the banner media type and non-iframe html format, and set up alternative_landing_page_url in your creative.

Expandable Media Subtype Creative Format Template ID
Adrime raw-html 167
Adrime raw-js 129
Adrime url-js 117
Doubleclick raw-html 164
Doubleclick raw-js 126
Doubleclick url-js 114
EyeReturn raw-html 161
EyeReturn raw-js 123
EyeReturn url-js 111
EyeWonder raw-html 160
EyeWonder raw-js 122
EyeWonder url-js 110
Flashtalking raw-html 163
Flashtalking raw-js 125
Flashtalking url-js 113
MediaMind raw-html 158
MediaMind raw-js 120
MediaMind url-js 108
Oggifinogi raw-html 168
Oggifinogi raw-js 130
Oggifinogi url-js 118
Other Expandable raw-html 157
Other Expandable raw-js 119
Other Expandable url-js 107
Pictela raw-html 162
Pictela raw-js 124
Pictela url-js 112
Pointroll raw-html 159
Pointroll raw-js 121
Pointroll url-js 109
Spongecell raw-html 166
Spongecell raw-js 128
Spongecell url-js 116
Unicast raw-html 165
Unicast raw-js 127
Unicast url-js 115


Please contact your Xandr account representative with any questions about expandable or video integration.