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Bid error codes

Bid error codes can be received from several different sources:

  • Notify Request

    Your bidder might receive an error code in the responses array of the notify_request. The error field explains what went wrong in the auction.

  • Bidder Bid Error Report

    You can use this report to troubleshoot buy-side and sell-side settings that result in auction errors, thereby blocking spend. The goal is to help you eliminate the error in the future. You can find information on the owner, cause and recommended resolution for each error below.

  • Seller Bid Error Report

    You can use this report to troubleshoot sell-side and buy-side settings that result in auction errors, thereby blocking spend. The goal is to help you eliminate the error in the future.  You can find information on the owner, cause and recommended resolution for each error below.

  • Buyer Bid Error Report

    You can use this report to troubleshoot sell-side and buy-side settings that result in auction errors, thereby blocking spend. The goal is to help you eliminate the error in the future.  You can find information on the owner, cause and recommended resolution for each error below.

The following are error codes you might see from any of the above.

Error ID Error Message Description Owner Resolution
0 Unknown error
10 Request timed out Request timed out Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
11 Request throttled or aborted Request throttled or aborted Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
12 Connection error Connection error Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
13 Invalid HTTP response code ${HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE} Invalid HTTP response code Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
14 JSON parsing error Demand Partner is having JSON parsing error Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
15 XML parsing error XML parsing error Demand Partner Seller should notify demand partner that they're having problems.
16 Bid response parsing error Demand Partner has formatted the bid response incorrectly Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
50 No ad tag in response No ad tag in response Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
51 No actions tag in response No actions tag in response Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
52 No impurl tag in response No impurl tag in response Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
53 No click action in response No click action in response Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
54 No assets tag in response No assets tag in response Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
55 Incorrect creative format in response Incorrect creative format in response Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
60 Response too long (${RESPONSE_SIZE_IN_BYTES} bytes) Response too long Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
61 No price received from bidder No price received from bidder Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
62 No creative id received from bidder No creative id received from bidder Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
63 Invalid creative landing page received from bidder Invalid creative landing page received from bidder Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
64 No drop log url received from bidder No drop log url received from bidder Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
102 Creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} was not found Creative ID specified in the adid for the OpenRTB bid response is expired, deleted, or not found Demand Partner Demand Partner should ensure that the ID sent in the adid is valid. If so, reactivate the creative or add a new one.
103 Creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} is malicious Creative was marked as malicious as part of our creative scanning process Buyer Buyer should upload a new creative.
104 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is not ssl_approved for a secure auction Buyer is bidding with a non-ssl approved creative for a secure auction Buyer Buyer should add a secure creative to their campaign for use on sites requiring SSL. The Demand Partner should make sure that allow_ssl_audit is set to true.
105 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not belong to response member id (${MEMBER_ID}) Demand Partner is bidding with a creative not associated with the Buyer Member in the bid response Demand Partner Demand Partner should review the creative and adjust accordingly.
106 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} size (${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}) doesn't match tag sizes Demand Partner is bidding with a creative size that doesn't match the tag size Demand Partner Demand Partner should review the creative size, notify the Seller regarding the mismatch tag size, or alter the creative to match the correct tag size.
107 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} not in VAST format
108 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not have VAST media subtype for VAST tag Non-VAST creative is bidding on a VAST placement Buyer Buyer should review creative size and ensure it's VAST.
109 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has VAST media_subtype for non-VAST tag Placement doesn't support VAST creatives, which are being sent by the Buyer Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's not VAST.
110 Flash creative ${CREATIVE_ID} returned for user that doesn't have flash Placement does not support Flash creatives Buyer/Seller Buyer should bid with a different creative or ask the Seller to review the format settings in their system.
111 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} format is not allowed by site Creative format is not allowed by the site due to the placement group "ad formats" setting Buyer/Seller Buyer should bid with a different creative or ask the Seller to review format settings in their system.
112 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} click action is not allowed by site The placement group can specify click actions that are allowed and if the creative is not in the supported list, it will be blocked Buyer Buyer should obtain a better understanding from the Seller as to which click actions are allowed on the placement group so that the Buyer can bid with the appropriate creatives.
113 Creative has an invalid media type The creative's media type is not allowed in the auction Demand Partner Buyer should bid with a different creative media type.
114 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} initiates pop Placement is pre-popped, but creative is configured to initiate a pop, so they are incompatible Buyer Buyer should change the creative so that the pop-up isn't initiated.
115 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has no click url Creative has no landing page URL and is required to have one Demand Partner Demand Partner should add a landing page for the creative. If it is a third-party hosted tag, then they should verify that the creative has Xandr's ${CLICK_URL} macro in place.
116 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has no landing page url Creative has no landing page URL and is required to have one Buyer Buyer should add a landing page for the creative.
117 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is banned by bid_request Creative is blocked based on the dynamic technical attribute, creative category, or brand settings that have been set Buyer/Seller Buyer should bid with a different creative or ask the Seller to review the technical attribute, creative category, and brand block settings in their system.
118 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has an inactive or non-existent CCRT CCRT for the creative is inactive or missing Buyer Buyer should update creative with active CCRT.
119 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has no content js in template ${TEMPLATE_ID} for JS tag Creative has no content js in the template for the JS tag Demand Partner Demand Partner should select an appropriate template for the tag.
120 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has no content js or html in template ${TEMPLATE_ID} for IFRAME tag Creative has no content js or HTML in the template for the IFRAME tag Demand Partner Demand Partner should select an appropriate template for the tag.
121 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has no content xml in template ${TEMPLATE_ID} for VAST tag Buyer is bidding on video inventory with a non-VAST compliant creative Buyer Buyer should ensure that the creative is live and contains valid VAST markup.
122 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} with format ${FORMAT} is not allowed by seller Creative format is not allowed by the Seller due to the Seller integration setting Buyer/Seller Buyer should bid with a different creative or ask the Seller to review format settings in their system.
123 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} fails advertiser exclusion There are competitive exclusions set on the auction and the creative bidding is not allowed to serve on the same page as a creative already chosen Seller Buyer should check if they have advertisers with competitive exclusions set up. If so, adjust campaign targeting to avoid buying the same inventory or leave alone so that campaigns can serve as needed. If there are no buy-side competitive exclusions set up, talk to the Seller to understand if the inventory is generally available for the particular advertiser being blocked and see if they can remove any exclusions on their end. Otherwise, continue buying and eventually it will get through.
124 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not have valid MIME type VAST creative does not contain a matching file type (swf, mp4, etc.) that the player accepts Buyer/Seller Buyer should include correct file formats that the Seller's player accepts (Xandr recommends always including mp4, webm, and flv file types) and notify the Seller to update the player to allow for more file formats including VPAID.
125 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is suspicious Creative has been deemed as suspicious and will not be eligible to serve Buyer Demand Partner should open a support case to determine why the creative has been marked this way.
126 Mediated creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} is not supported The specific creative is not supported for mediation Buyer/Seller Buyer should bid with a different creative or ask the Seller to review creative settings in their system.
127 Legacy vast creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} is not supported Creative is using a deprecated VAST template ID Buyer Buyer should update the creative with the current, active VAST template ID.
128 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not support required video protocol The video protocol required by the inventory does not match the Creative's protocol Buyer Buyer should update the creative to support the proper protocol.
129 Native assets point to wrong creative instead of creative ${CREATIVE_ID}
130 Native creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not match title or data asset requirements Native creative does not match title or data asset requirements Buyer Buyer should update the native creative so that the assets are configured appropriately.
131 Native creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not match image asset requirements Native creative does not match image asset requirements Buyer Buyer should update the native creative so that the assets are configured appropriately.
132 Native creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has no valid data for any assets Native creative has no valid data for any assets Buyer Buyer should update the native creative so that the assets are configured appropriately.
133 Native creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is not renderable Native creative is not renderable Buyer Buyer should update the native creative so that it renders.
134 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} comes from bad source Creative was marked as malicious by Xandr as part of the creative scanning process Buyer Buyer should upload a new creative.
135 Native creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not match video asset requirements
136 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} missing element(s):
137 Creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} is inactive Creative specified in creative_id is inactive
138 Creative missing vendor (GDPR) Creative or pixel has no vendor associated with it. This relates to the GDPR Buyer/Demand Partner Add the appropriate vendor ids to the creative or pixel.
139 Creative unapproved vendor (GDPR) Creative has a vendor associated that is not in the consent string. This relates to the GDPR Buyer/Seller Seller needs to obtain consent for that vendor.
140 Creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} failed AdX audit Creative has failed Google Ad Manager audit review. Therefore, it is ineligible to serve on Google Ad Manager inventory Buyer Buyer should bid with a new creative or modify this creative to pass the Google Ad Manager audit.
141 Creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} has AdX ineligible category One or more of the creative's categories are ineligible to serve on certain Google Ad Manager impressions Buyer Buyer should bid with a new creative.
142 Creative id ${CREATIVE_ID} has AdX ineligible vendor One or more of the creative's ad tech vendors are ineligible to serve on certain Google Ad Manager impressions Buyer Buyer should bid with a new creative or modify this creative to remove the disallowed vendor.
143 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} contains a word or phrase banned by the member's ad profile Creative contains one or more words or phrases that are currently banned in the member's ad profile Buyer Buyer should discuss ad quality settings with the Seller or consider setting up a deal with the Seller to obtain an ad quality exception.
144 Bid with ${CREATIVE_ID} , ${TAG_ID} was rejected due to video error reject rate check The creative bid was rejected because the creative has a historically high vast error rate on this tag Buyer Buyer should investigate why creative has high occurrence of VAST errors in which the VAST creative does not render in the specific tag environment. They can pull VAST error report from their own systems (if available) or file a support ticket for Xandr to pull a video error report.
145 Vast wrapper of creative ID is unsupported If a creative is returned with a wrapper it will error. Bids returned with VAST wrappers when the request does not articulate support for the wrapper Seller/Buyer Seller should ensure that all supported protocols are listed on the bid request, e.g. VAST Wrappers.
Buyer should look at the video protocols on the creative and submit only creatives that contain supported video protocols.
146 NEC_EXTERNAL_RENDER_NOT_RENDERABLE External creative failed rendering Buyer
147 NEC_EXTERNAL_RENDER_RESPONSE_TIMED_OUT External creative content timed out Buyer
148 NEC_EXTERNAL_RENDER_RESPONSE_TRANSPORT_ERROR External creative content failed due to transport error Buyer
149 NEC_ACCEPT_URL_TOO_LONG The bid response was filtered due to the creative url being too long to render on Internet Explorer 11 and Edge Buyer Demand partner should reduce the length of urls in the bid response.
150 NEC_BID_MISSING_ALL_POLITICAL_DATA Bid response rejected due to missing all necessary information to serve the political ad Buyer Buyer needs to provide information required by political advertising regulations.
151 NEC_BID_MISSING_SOME_POLITICAL_DATA Bid response filtered due to missing some necessary information to serve the political ad Buyer Buyer needs to provide missing information required by political advertising regulations.
152 Bid with creative id, tag id was rejected due to video error reject rate creative block list The creative has been added to the block list due to having a high vast error rate Buyer Buyer should investigate to eliminate or reduce the creative's error rate and then reach out to Xandr Support for further assistance.
154 Wrong Aspect Ratio Aspect Ratio of VAST/video creative is wrong and does not match auction request Demand Partner The Demand Partner needs to ensure that the video creative they send matches the bid request's aspect-ratio requirements.
157 Creative is greater than 4.0MB in size before user interaction The creative associated with the buyer's bid loads more than 4.0MB of data before user interaction. If this ad were to be served, it would trigger Heavy Ad Intervention, and thus be blocked.

Note: This only impacts Chrome and MS Edge browsers.
Seller Buyers should reduce the size of their creatives, so they use less than 4MB of bandwidth.
158 Creative Ignored by Debug Setting Bid with this creative has been ignored because this creative is configured to be a part of troubleshooting or new feature testing activities Buyer If the buyer is not aware of such activities they should contact their account manager or partner integration specialist.
201 Auction ID ${AUCTION_ID} does not match request The bid response auction id does not match the incoming bid request's id.

Note: This may also happen if the response is formatted incorrectly (e.g. an object in place of an array), and the auction ID cannot be read.
Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
202 No member ID sent in response Demand Partner's bid response has no member ID in it Demand Partner Demand Partner should review bid responses and ensure member ID is included.
203 Inactive member ${MEMBER_ID} Demand Partner is using an inactive member_ID in bidding Demand Partner Demand Partner should review bid responses and ensure that the active member ID is included or activate the member ID.
204 Buyer member ${MEMBER_ID} has no contract Buyer's contract isn't set up properly Demand Partner Demand Partner should work with Xandr to make sure their buyer's contract is set up correctly.
205 Member ${MEMBER_ID} over pacing or credit limit Buyer has spent too much Demand Partner Demand Partner should work with Xandr to increase their limit or reduce spending on their end for their buyer.
207 Exclusive bid from non-owning bidder
208 Bid from member not associated to bidder Demand Partner is using an inaccurate member_ID in bidding Demand Partner Demand Partner should review bid responses and ensure that the correct member ID is included.
209 Roadblock bid from non-owning member
210 Member ${MEMBER_ID} is not eligible to bid The seller's settings are blocking the buyer's member from participating in the auction Seller Buyer should notify the Seller that they are currently blocked from bidding.
211 Member ${MEMBER_ID} is not eligible to bid without deals Buyer is bidding with a non-deal bid on a deal-only auction Demand Partner Demand Partner should only submit deal bids to deal-only auctions.
212 Seller member ${MEMBER_ID} has no contract Seller's contract isn't set up properly Supply Partner Supply Partner should work with Xandr to make sure their seller contract is set up correctly.
213 Broker member ${MEMBER_ID} has no contract Broker's contract isn't set up properly Broker Partner Broker partner should work with Xandr to make sure their broker contract is set up correctly.
301 No price set on non-exclusive bid response
302 Bid from member specifies an invalid currency '${CURRENCY_CODE}' Bid from member specifies an invalid currency Demand Partner Seller should notify the Demand Partner that they're having problems.
304 Effective revshare less than 0 Buyer bid minus margin and brasc < 0, so there is nothing to send to the seller auction. (This tends to happen with fixed-price margins only)
305 Net bid is less than $0.00 Net bid is less than $0.00 Buyer Buyer needs to bid higher.
306 ${NET_BID} net bid was lower than ${RESERVE_PRICE} reserve price Net bid was lower than reserve price Seller/Demand Partner Seller should evaluate if they want to lower floors and notify the Demand Partner that they could bid more.
307 Creative expired or not found by code; Member id: ${MEMBER_ID}, code: '${CREATIVE_CODE}' Creative code specified in the crid for the OpenrTB bid response is expired or not found. As a user sets up their own code, this error is frequently caused when the user mixes up their codes or has a typo Demand Partner Demand Partner should ensure that the crid value matches the creative code. If valid, the creative code will check that it has the correct value. If so, reactivate the creative or add a new one.
308 Deal %d is not available for auction The deal you specified in your response does not apply to this impression Demand Partner Demand Partner should check if the Buyer is bidding with the correct Deal ID.
309 Deal %d is not available to buying member %d You don't have access to the deal you specified in your response. (The bid in the response doesn't have the buyer's member associated to a deal.) Demand Partner/Seller Demand Partner should ensure that they are bidding with the correct Deal ID and check with the Seller to see if the deal is set up with the appropriate Demand Partner.
310 Bid is below the deal (%d) floor Your bid was not considered in the auction because it was below the deal's minimum price Buyer Buyer should check that the bidding strategy is at or above the suggested minimum bid for the deal (as seen in Deal Buyer Access Service).
311 Deal bans the creative's brand Your creative's brand is not a valid brand for this deal Buyer/Seller Buyer should check if their deal targeting is set up properly and confirm with the Seller that the Deal is set up properly.
312 Deal bans the creative's size Your creative's size is not a valid size for this deal Buyer/Seller Buyer should check if their deal targeting is set up properly or alter the creative's size to match the deal's settings and confirm with the Seller if the Deal is set up properly.
313 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has unsupported video attribute Placement doesn't accept the creative's video attributes Buyer Buyer should look at the video attribute on the creative and submit only creatives that contain supported video attributes.
314 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} duration %d ms fails minimum duration %d ms Placement set a minimum duration that the creative does not meet. (%d will be filled in with the duration of the creative and the min duration requested.) Buyer Buyer should ensure that the creative duration matches what's allowed in the bid request and within all layers (inline and wrapper) of the VAST XML.
315 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} duration %d ms exceeds maximum duration %d ms Placement set a maximum duration that the creative exceeds. (%d will be filled in with the duration of the creative and the max duration requested.) Buyer Buyer should ensure that the creative duration matches what's allowed in the bid request and within all layers (inline and wrapper) of the VAST XML.
316 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is missing a linear element required for VAST Creative is not configured properly for this VAST request Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's the correct version of VAST.
317 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is missing a video_attributes object Creative is not configured properly for this VAST request Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's the correct version of VAST.
318 Deal %d bans segment adds on view Creative should not fire a segment add pixel Buyer Buyer should ensure that the creative does not have a segment add pixel action.
319 Deal %d bans segment adds on click Creative should not fire a segment add on click Buyer Buyer should ensure that the creative does not have a segment add pixel action.
320 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} video framework is not supported Creative is using old VAST templates resulting in an API error Buyer Buyer's creative template is now deprecated, so they should use media type VAST: Standard VAST (64).
322 Creative %u language id %d banned on deal %u Deal does not allow language Buyer/Seller Buyer should change the creative or contact the Seller for an exception.
323 Creative %u technical attribute id %d banned on deal %u Deal does not allow creative technical attributes Buyer/Seller Buyer should change the creative or contact the Seller for an exception.
324 Creative %u banned on deal %u Deal has a creative blocklist and Creative ID is set to be blocked Seller Buyer to change creative or notify Seller to check if Deal is set-up properly.
325 Creative %u category id %d banned on deal %u Deal does not allow creative categories Buyer/Seller Buyer should check if their deal targeting is set up properly, alter the creative to exclude the banned category, or confirm with the Seller that the deal is set up properly.
326 Deal %u does not have supported media(sub)type for creative %u Buyer is bidding with a creative media (sub)type that the deal doesn't allow Buyer/Seller Buyer should change the creative or contact the Seller for an exception.
327 Deal %u does not support bid payment type %s Deal does not support bid payment types (only CPM and VCPM are supported) Demand Partner/Seller Demand Partner should check if the campaign bidding type matches the deal payment type (e.g viewability) and confirm with the Seller that the deal is set up properly.
329 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not have bitrate between %d and %d kbps Creative does not support the bitrate that the placement allows Buyer Buyer should add more renditions of the media file that includes bitrates, which match what the placement requires (usually the creative's bitrate is larger than what's accepted by the placement).
330 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} has creative_video_attribute with vast_type unrecognized by impbus Creative has creative_video_attribute with an unrecognized vast_type Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for inline VAST.
331 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is missing creative_vast_inline required for VAST Creative is missing creative_vast_inline, which is required for VAST Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for inline VAST.
332 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is missing creative_vast_inline_linear required for VAST Creative is missing creative_vast_inline_linear required for VAST Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for inline VAST.
333 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is missing creative_vast_inline_linear media_files required for VAST Creative is missing creative_vast_inline_linear media_files required for VAST Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for inline VAST.
334 Creative does not have a specified duration required for inline VAST Creative does not have a specified duration required for inline VAST Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for inline VAST.
335 Invalid payment type
336 Viewability detection required for view payment Viewability detection is required to view payment Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
337 Exchange traded view marketplace is disabled for member %u Exchange traded view marketplace is disabled for member Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.
338 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} is missing video required for VAST Creative is missing video required for VAST Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for VAST.
339 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not have a media file that meets width requirements of %d Creative's VAST does not match the inventory's width requirements Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for VAST.
340 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} does not have a media file that meets height requirements of %d Creative's VAST does not match the inventory's height requirements Buyer Buyer should review the creative size and ensure it's properly configured for VAST.
341 Invalid Media File Dimension : Width Video creative does not have a media file that meets the publisher's minimum width requirements Buyer Buyer should ensure to adjust their creative setup to match the publisher's minimum width requirements.
342 Invalid Media File Dimension : Height Video creative does not have a media file that meets the publisher's minimum height requirements Buyer Buyer should ensure to adjust their creative setup to match the publisher's minimum height requirements.
343 Invalid Media File Aspect Ratio Video creative does not have a media file that meets the publisher's aspect ratio requirements Buyer Buyer should ensure to adjust their creative setup to match the publisher's aspect ratio requirements.
344 Curated deal with a floor cannot curate fixed price seller roll-up deal without a margin set Curated deal with a floor cannot curate fixed price seller roll-up deal without a margin set Broker Broker should set a margin, or remove the floor from the curated deal.
345 Creative adserver banned on deal Creative ad server is banned on the deal Buyer Buyer should change the creative or contact the Seller for an exception.
346 Bid is below the native asset price floor %.2f for placement %d Your bid does not meet the minimum price required to serve a native creative on this placement Buyer Buyer will need to increase bid amount to be eligible to serve on this placement.
347 Bid (%d) is below floor price (%d) Bid is below Floor Price Demand Partner Demand partner needs to ensure bid is above the bidfloor price.
348 Curation Disallowed for GO Bids Guaranteed outcome bids are not allowed on curated deals Buyer/Curator The Buyer should change their line item to submit non-guaranteed outcome bids.
403 Buying member banned by seller's ad profile Seller's ad quality is set to ban the buying member Seller Buyer should discuss ad quality settings with the Seller or considering setting up a deal with the Seller to obtain an ad quality exception.
404 Creative banned by member's ad profile Seller's ad quality is set to ban the creative Seller Buyer should change the creative, discuss ad quality settings with the Seller, or consider setting up a deal with the Seller to obtain an ad quality exception.
405 Platform unaudited creative banned on member's ad profile Creative not approved by Xandr and banned by member's ad profile Buyer/Seller Buyer should ensure their creative is audited by Xandr, notify the Seller regarding whether the unaudited creative ban is desired, and modify their ad quality settings accordingly.
406 Creative technical attribute banned by member's ad profile Seller's ad quality is set to ban technical attribute Seller Buyer should discuss ad quality settings with the Seller or consider setting up a deal with the Seller to obtain an ad quality exception.
407 Creative category banned by member's ad profile Seller's ad quality is set to ban creative category Seller Buyer should discuss ad quality settings with the Seller or consider setting up a deal with Seller to obtain an ad quality exception.
408 Creative brand banned by member's ad profile Seller's ad quality is set to ban brand Seller Buyer should discuss ad quality settings with the Seller or consider setting up a deal with the Seller to obtain an ad quality exception.
409 Creative language banned by member's ad profile Seller's ad quality is set to ban language Seller Buyer should discuss ad quality settings with the Seller or consider setting up a deal with the Seller to obtain an ad quality exception.
410 Creative adserver blocked by member's ad profile Creative adserver blocked by the member's ad profile Buyer Buyer should speak with the Seller to ensure that the blocked creative ad server is in the Seller's approved list. If the Seller won't alter their ad server allowlist, then the Buyer should alter the creative by removing the call to banned ad server.
411 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} language id %d banned on dynamic exclusions Creative language banned on dynamic exclusions Buyer/Demand Partner/Seller Buyer should work with the Seller to determine eligible creatives or obtain an exception.
412 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} technical attribute id %d banned on dynamic exclusions Creative technical attribute banned on dynamic exclusions Buyer/Demand Partner/Seller Buyer should work with Seller to determine eligible creatives or obtain an exception.
413 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} adserver %d banned on dynamic exclusions Creative adserver banned on dynamic exclusions Buyer/Demand Partner/Seller Buyer should work with the Seller to determine eligible creatives or obtain an exception.
414 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} category id %d banned on dynamic exclusions Creative category banned on dynamic exclusions Buyer/Demand Partner/Seller Buyer should work with the Seller to determine eligible creatives or obtain an exception.
415 Creative ${CREATIVE_ID} brand %d banned on dynamic exclusions Creative brand banned on dynamic exclusions Buyer/Demand Partner/Seller Buyer should work with the Seller to determine eligible creatives or obtain an exception.
416 Seller unaudited creative banned on member’s ad profile Creative not approved by the seller and banned by member's ad_profile Buyer/Seller Buyer should ensure their creative is audited by the seller, notify the Seller regarding whether the unaudited creative ban is desired, and modify their ad quality settings accordingly.
420 Creative category requires allowlisting Creative categories associated with gambling creatives require the Buyer to be enabled on Xandr and they haven't been yet Buyer Buyer needs to get approved by Xandr to run gambling creatives on the Xandr platform by working with their account team. See Part of Service Policies for more information on the Xandr gambling policy and how to get enabled.
421 Bid is rejected due to page cap
422 Bid failed DSA checks Seller has enforced requirements for Digital Services Act and the bid did not contain sufficient information. Seller Ensure that bid contains all valid DSA parameters.
450 Invalid Creative Dimensions Dynamic bid has invalid or unspecified dimensions, where either the width or height is 0 Buyer Buyer should check their integration and bid response serialization to correctly specify creative dimensions on ad-markup dynamic bids.
451 Unsupported Dynamic Creative Dynamic ad-markup bidding is not supported for audio and for certain PSP demand partners that requires client side rendering when a seller doesn't support it Buyer/Seller Audio: Buyer should never use adm-markup bids on audio impressions.
PSP: Seller should correct their setup to align with client side rendering requirements, on both supply and PSP sides.
452 Dynamic creative is incompatible with this tag/request The tag cannot serve a dynamic response; for example, the multitag (/mtj) handler cannot serve anything dynamic, or the seller on an openRTB request wanted a "nurl" attribute as a response Buyer Buyers should contact their account managers or partner integration specialist.
500 Seat registration pending Seat is not yet registered in the system and the registration is pending. It takes some time since the first occurrence of the given seat in the bid request to propagate and fully register. Thus its normal to see short spikes of this error Partner Tech engineering (DSP logger component). If this occurs for long period of time please contact Partner Tech engineering.
501 Seat resolution: dynamic seat registration prohibited Seat is not registered in the system, and bidder settings prevent automatic registration of the seat Buyer Buyer should contact account manager/partner integration specialist to enable dynamic seat registration.
502 Buyer member cannot be resolved for existing seat Seat is already registered in the system, but buyer member id cannot be determined based on bidder configuration and/or data in the request Buyer Buyer should fix buyer member id identification in the bid response object and/or bidder configuration, or contact account manager/partner integration specialist for assistance.
503 Seat resolution: buyer member cannot be resolved Seat is not registered in the system, and registration cannot be performed because buyer member id cannot be determined based on bidder configuration and/or data in the request Buyer Buyer should fix buyer member id identification in the request/bidder configuration or contact account manager/partner integration specialist for assistance.
617 Bid was rejected due to a negative deal floor Configured combination of curator floors, margins, and fees results in a negative seller deal floor. Seller / Curator Curator should increase the curator floor value or decrease the curator margin value so that the seller deal floor is a non-negative value.
1000 No eligible members included in the bid response
1001 Bidder is not available No eligible members included in the bid response Demand Partner Demand Partner should review bid responses and ensure active member ID is included or activate the member ID.
1002 No bid URI set No bid URI set Demand Partner Demand Partner should contact Xandr Support to review integration settings.