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Use note tags on OneNote pages

Applies to Consumer notebooks on OneDrive | Enterprise notebooks on Microsoft 365

Use the data-tag attribute to add and update check boxes, stars, and other built-in note tags on a OneNote page, as shown in the following image.

Three note tags displayed on a OneNote page.

Note tag attributes

In the HTML of a OneNote page, a note tag is represented by the data-tag attribute. For example:

  • An unchecked to-do box: <p data-tag="to-do">

  • A checked to-do box: <p data-tag="to-do:completed">

  • A star: <h2 data-tag="important">

A data-tag value is composed of a shape, and sometimes a status (see all supported values).

Property Description
shape The identifier of the note tag (example: to-do or important).
status The status of check box note tags. This is used only to set check boxes as completed.

Add or update note tags

To add or update a built-in note tag, just use the data-tag attribute on a supported element. For example, here's a paragraph marked as important:

<p data-tag="important">...</p>

Separate multiple note tags with commas:

<p data-tag="important, critical">...</p>

You can define a data-tag on the following elements:

See Built-in note tags for a list of note tags that you can use with Microsoft Graph. Adding or updating custom tags using Microsoft Graph is not supported.


Here's a simple to-do list with the first item completed.

<p data-tag="to-do:completed" data-id="prep">Till garden bed</p>
<p data-tag="to-do" data-id="spring">Plant peas and spinach</p>
<p data-tag="to-do" data-id="summer">Plant tomatoes and peppers</p>

For example, the following request marks the second to-do item as completed.


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}

    'content':'<p data-tag="to-do:completed"  data-id="spring">Plant peas and spinach</p>'

The following request creates a page that contains all built-in note tags.


Content-Type: text/html
Authorization: Bearer {token}

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title data-tag="to-do:completed">All built-in note tags</title>
    <h1 data-tag="important">Paragraphs with built-in note tags</h1>
    <p data-tag="to-do">to-do</p>
    <p data-tag="important">important</p>
    <p data-tag="question">question</p>
    <p data-tag="definition">definition</p>
    <p data-tag="highlight">highlight</p>
    <p data-tag="contact">contact</p>
    <p data-tag="address">address</p>
    <p data-tag="phone-number">phone-number</p>
    <p data-tag="web-site-to-visit">web-site-to-visit</p>
    <p data-tag="idea">idea</p>
    <p data-tag="password">password</p>
    <p data-tag="critical">critical</p>
    <p data-tag="project-a">project-a</p>
    <p data-tag="project-b">project-b</p>
    <p data-tag="remember-for-later">remember-for-later</p>
    <p data-tag="movie-to-see">movie-to-see</p>
    <p data-tag="book-to-read">book-to-read</p>
    <p data-tag="music-to-listen-to">music-to-listen-to</p>
    <p data-tag="source-for-article">source-for-article</p>
    <p data-tag="remember-for-blog">remember-for-blog</p>
    <p data-tag="discuss-with-person-a">discuss-with-person-a</p>
    <p data-tag="discuss-with-person-b">discuss-with-person-b</p>
    <p data-tag="discuss-with-manager">discuss-with-manager</p>
    <p data-tag="send-in-email">send-in-email</p>
    <p data-tag="schedule-meeting">schedule-meeting</p>
    <p data-tag="call-back">call-back</p>
    <p data-tag="to-do-priority-1">to-do-priority-1</p>
    <p data-tag="to-do-priority-2">to-do-priority-2</p>
    <p data-tag="client-request">client-request</p>
    <h1 data-tag="important">Paragraphs with check boxes marked with "completed" status</h1>
    <p data-tag="to-do:completed">to-do:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="discuss-with-person-a:completed">discuss-with-person-a:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="discuss-with-person-b:completed">discuss-with-person-b:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="discuss-with-manager:completed">discuss-with-manager:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="schedule-meeting:completed">schedule-meeting:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="call-back:completed">call-back:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="to-do-priority-1:completed">to-do-priority-1:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="to-do-priority-2:completed">to-do-priority-2:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="client-request:completed">client-request:completed</p>
    <h1 data-tag="important">Multiple note tags</h1>
    <p data-tag="project-a,  client-request:completed">Two note tags:  project-a, client-request:completed</p>
    <p data-tag="idea, send-in-email, question">Three note tags:  idea, send-in-email, question</p>
    <h1 data-tag="important">Using note tags with other elements</h1>
    <p><b>Note tag on a list item:</b></p>
      <li data-tag="to-do-priority-1:completed">Make a to-do list</li>
    <p><b>Note tag on an image:</b></p>
    <img data-tag="source-for-article" src="" />
    <p><b>Note tag with embedded style:</b></p>
    <p data-tag="important">Next time, <b>don't</b> forget to invite <span style="background-color:yellow">Dan</span>.</p>

For more information about creating pages, see Create OneNote pages. For more about updating pages, see Update OneNote pages.

Note tags on lists

Here are some guidelines for working with note tags on lists:

  • Use p elements for to-do lists. They don't display a bullet or number, and they're easier to update.

  • To create or update lists that display the same note tag for all list items, define data-tag on the ul or ol. To update the entire list, you'll need to redefine data-tag on the ul or ol.

  • To create or update lists that display a unique note tag for some or all list items, define data-tag on li elements, and don't nest the li elements in a ul or ol. To update the entire list, you'll need to remove the ul that's returned in the output HTML and provide only the unnested li elements.

  • To update specific li elements, target the li elements individually and define the data-tag on the li element. Any individually addressed li element can be updated to display a unique note tag, no matter how the list was originally defined.

    The guidelines are based on the following rules that are applied by Microsoft Graph:

    • The data-tag setting for a ul or ol overrides all settings on child li elements. This applies even when the ul or ol doesn't specify a data-tag but its child li elements do.

      For example, if you create a ul or ol that defines data-tag="project-a", all its list items will display the Project A note tag. Or if the ul or ol doesn't define a data-tag, none of its items will display a note tag. This override happens regardless of any explicit settings on child li elements.

  • Unique data-tag settings are honored for list items under the following conditions:

    • The li elements are not nested in a ul or ol in a create or update request.

    • An li element is individually addressed in an update request.

  • Unnested li elements sent in input HTML are returned in a ul in the output HTML.

  • In output HTML, all data-tag list settings are defined on span elements on the list items.

The following code shows how some of these rules are applied. The input HTML creates two lists with note tags. The output HTML is what's returned for the lists when you retrieve page content.

Input HTML

<!--To display the same note tag on all list items, define note tags on the ul or ol.-->
<ul data-tag="project-a" data-id="agenda">
  <li>An item with a Project A note tag</li>
  <li>An item with a Project A note tag</li>

<!--To display unique note tags on list items, don't nest li elements in a ul or ol.-->
<li data-tag="idea" data-id="my-idea">An item with an Idea note tag</li>
<li data-tag="question" data-id="my-question">An item with a Question note tag</li>

Output HTML

  <li><span data-tag="project-a">An item with a Project A note tag</span></li>
  <li><span data-tag="project-a">An item with a Project A note tag</span></li>
<br />
  <li style="..."><span data-tag="idea">An item with an Idea note tag</span></li>
  <li style="..."><span data-tag="question">An item with a Question note tag</span></li>

Retrieve note tags

Built-in note tags are included in the output HTML when you get page content:

GET ../api/v1.0/pages/{page-id}/content

A data-tag attribute in the output HTML always includes a shape value, and it only includes a status if it represents a check box note tag that's set to completed. The following examples show the input HTML used to create some note tags and the output HTML that's returned.

Input HTML

<h1>Status meeting</h1>
<p data-tag="important">Next week's meeting has been moved to <b>Wednesday</b>.</p>
<p data-tag="question">What are the exact dates for the conference?</p>
<p>Upcoming training opportunities. See Katie for more info.</p>
<p data-tag="project-a">Around the room updates.</p>
<ul data-tag="critical">
  <li>Design handouts</li>
  <li>Plan keynote</li>

Output HTML

<h1 style="...">Status meeting</h1>
<p data-tag="important">Next week's meeting has been moved to <span style="font-weight:bold">Wednesday</span>.</p>
<p data-tag="question">What are the exact dates for the conference?</p>
<p>Upcoming training opportunities. See Katie for more info.</p>
<p data-tag="project-a">Around the room updates.</p>
  <li><span data-tag="critical">Design handouts</span></li>
  <li><span data-tag="critical">Plan keynote</span></li>

Note that the data-tag attribute defined at the list level is pushed to its list items. For more information about using note tags with lists, see Note tags on lists.


In the output HTML, the definition and remember-for-later note tags are both returned as data-tag="remember-for-later". The title element doesn't return any note tag information.

Built-in note tags for OneNote

OneNote includes the following built-in note tags:

All built-in note tags.

The values you can assign to the data-tag attribute are shown in the following list. Custom tags are not supported.

  • shape[:status]
  • to-do
  • to-do:completed
  • important
  • question
  • definition
  • highlight
  • contact
  • address
  • phone-number
  • web-site-to-visit
  • idea
  • password
  • critical
  • project-a
  • project-b
  • remember-for-later
  • movie-to-see
  • book-to-read
  • music-to-listen-to
  • source-for-article
  • remember-for-blog
  • discuss-with-person-a
  • discuss-with-person-a:completed
  • discuss-with-person-b
  • discuss-with-person-b:completed
  • discuss-with-manager
  • discuss-with-manager:completed
  • send-in-email
  • schedule-meeting
  • schedule-meeting:completed
  • call-back
  • call-back:completed
  • to-do-priority-1
  • to-do-priority-1:completed
  • to-do-priority-2
  • to-do-priority-2:completed
  • client-request
  • client-request:completed

Response information

Microsoft Graph returns the following information in the response.

Response data Description
Success code A 201 HTTP status code for a successful POST request, and a 204 HTTP status code for a successful PATCH request.
Errors Read Error codes for OneNote APIs in Microsoft Graph to learn about OneNote errors that Microsoft Graph can return.


To create or update OneNote pages, you'll need to request appropriate permissions. Choose the lowest level of permissions that your app needs to do its work.

Permissions for POST pages

  • Notes.Create
  • Notes.ReadWrite
  • Notes.ReadWrite.All

Permissions for PATCH pages

  • Notes.ReadWrite
  • Notes.ReadWrite.All

For more information about permission scopes and how they work, see OneNote permission scopes.