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Visual Studio Team Test

We build the testing tools in Visual Studio

Planning vs Testing (Part 5 – Final)

Today, I will finally end this series of blog posts where I’ve been talking about the main...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/25/2009

Planning vs Testing (Part 4)

In previous posts, I’ve been discussing why Planning and Testing views look similar but behave...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/24/2009

Recording Hover’s in CodedUITest

Mouse Hover is an important part of a Application WorkFlow. Hovering on a control brings about...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/23/2009

Order Test Cases

Sometimes, you want to run your tests in a specific order. For example, you are testing an online...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/20/2009

Planning vs Testing (Part 3)

In part 1 and part 2 of the series, I have mentioned reasons why we use similar views for planning...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/20/2009

The View Toolbar

You might have noticed above many grids there are two distinct toolbars. The primary one has options...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/20/2009

Beta2 online help

Our doc team (we call them the User Education or the UE team) has been hard at work supplementing...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/19/2009

Artifact Updates

One thing you may not notice, but would if it didn’t work correctly, is what happens when there are...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/19/2009

Terry Clancy Posts About Partner Integration Opportunities

Terry Clancy, a Business Development Manager with Microsoft, has posted about opportunities for...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/18/2009

Writing Queries for Custom Work Items and Work Item Categories

I talked about customizing work items and how this can be used with categories to get the best out...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/17/2009

Planning vs Testing (Part 2)

In a previous blog post, I mentioned some of the reasons why the Planning and Testing views in MTM...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/16/2009

Zen and the Art of Test Case Composition

I’ve posted an article on my MSDN blog about strategies and considerations when composing your test...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/16/2009

Copy/Paste Test Steps

Test steps are very important in manual testing because they provide the detailed semantics on how...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/16/2009

Tell Us What You Think

We love to hear your feedback and given that our final beta for Visual Studio 2010 is now available...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/13/2009

Create/Edit Test Settings in Test Plan Properties

In manual or automated testing, you will probably want to specify your own test settings when...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/13/2009

Clearing MTM’s Settings

With MTM, we store our settings in your user profile. Specifically the ‘Local App Data’ section of...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/13/2009

In a previous post, I briefly mentioned the back and forward buttons. Today I want to talk a bit...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/13/2009

Working with and customizing work item categories

As this previous post explains, before Microsoft Test Manager, there was no real need to know which...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/12/2009

Uploading Large Attachments

During the course of a manual test run, you may end up with large attachments on the test result....

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/12/2009

Work Item Categories

New to TFS in VS2010 is the concept of work item categories. Previously, a work item was known only...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/11/2009

Planning vs Testing

On a previous post by David Williamson, Activity Centers, created on Oct 26th (2009), it was...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/10/2009

Lend a Helping Hand

Imagine a new tester starts working on your team. One of the first things you’ll need to do to help...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/10/2009

Single Instance Application

Microsoft Test and Lab Manager (MTLM) is, for the most part, a single instance application. That is,...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/09/2009

Open Items and Manage Queries

In my last post, I discussed whether Manage Queries is a manager or artifact, and promised to cover...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/06/2009

Manage Queries – Artifact or Manager?

If the most recognizable part of MTLM for anybody who is familiar with VS’s Team Explorer from 2005...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/05/2009


I’ve been silly lately. I’ve failed to include screenshots with my blog posts. I didn’t realize how...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/04/2009

Using Shared Steps

In MTM, test cases can reference a reusable, sharable set of test steps. This cuts down on the...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/04/2009

New features in Beta2 (compared to Beta1)

We recently announced Beta2 of VS2010. If you have installed the Beta1 release and played with it or...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/03/2009

Test Case Authoring from the Test Plan Contents

A test case is just a work item. You can create a new one from Team Explorer in Visual Studio. You...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/03/2009

‘Active’ Tests

In the Run Tests activity, you’ll see test cases grouped up by various states including Active,...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 11/02/2009

Lab Management?

MTLM stands for Microsoft Test and Lab Manager. This blog is dedicated to the testing aspects of...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/30/2009

Test Configurations in a Test Plan

For many, many test teams, we hear that they don’t typically test on more than one configuration....

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/30/2009

What is a Test Plan?

A common question we hear is how and when to use a test plan in MTLM. To most testers, a test plan...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/29/2009

Test Steps in MTLM

In a test case, there is a control to enter test steps in the first tab. It has several columns, but...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/28/2009

Migrating Test Cases

Anutthara blogged about how to migrate test cases using Excel. This wouldn't be hard to do, except...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/27/2009

Activity Centers

When you load up Microsoft Test and Lab Manager (MTLM) and after connecting to a server, project,...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/26/2009

Keyboard Shortcuts in MTLM

I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts. The right shortcuts can really...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/26/2009

Blogger Chris Eargle discovers MTLM

In his recent post titled ‘Microsoft Test and Lab Manager’, Chris reports on reading about MTLM on...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/22/2009

Three kinds of test suites

In Microsoft Test and Lab Manager (MTLM) we have 3 kinds of test suites. The first is just called a...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/22/2009

A new MSDN forum for MTLM!

With the advent of Beta2, we have more forums for the testing features, including an exclusive one...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/21/2009

Beta2 of VS2010 is out!

Our first version of the manual testing experience is out again in Beta2 and has changed...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 10/20/2009

Testing in a Product Iteration

In this article we’ll explore how Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) can help testers and developers work...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 09/21/2009

Extending the Visual Studio Unit Test Type, part 2

In part 1, we introduced Unit Test Type Extensibility, highlighting the main parts of the...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 09/05/2009

Extending the Visual Studio Unit Test Type, part 1

In Visual Studio 2008, if you wanted to create your own test type, or provide additional...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 09/04/2009

Publishing Test Results with the VSTS 2010 TCM Api

There have been many questions about getting test result from third party test frameworks published...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 08/24/2009

Configuring Playback in VSTT 2010

In a previous post, Abhishek had talked about the Record and Playback Engine in VSTT 2010.  The...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 08/10/2009

Making the most of your bugs

I like to think of bugs as glue which links software teams together.  Developers write the...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 07/31/2009

Video recording of tests

One of the features of Test Edition is to capture video of the test machine.   This helps...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 07/16/2009

Test Impact Walk-through

One of our testers has posted and excellent walkthrough on the test impact features in VSTS...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 07/08/2009

Introduction to Record and Playback Engine in VSTT 2010

In an earlier blog entry, we have talked about the Test Runner activity in Microsoft Test and Lab...

Author: VSTS Quality Tools Date: 06/21/2009

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