Personal dilemma
My girlfriend works a later shift and often times, she and her co-workers bring in food or order it in. Potlucks, or Thai food, that sort of thing. Well, today, they had spam and eggs.
You read that right – not ham and eggs but spam and eggs. I said to her “Uh, you do know what I do for a living, right?” It’s still a somewhat new relationship and she doesn’t grasp the gravity of my personal awesomeness. She knows I work at Microsoft and that I hold some geeky job but doesn’t remember exactly what it is I do. In response to the question she looked at me quizzically and I could tell she didn’t know (I’m great at reading facial expressions). I answered my own question. “I kill spam for a living!”
I had to explain to her that because of my anti-spam nature, I cannot even eat the canned food product made by the Hormel company. The term spam has such a negative connotation that I cannot stomach the thought of eating SPAM. I have conditioned myself to have negative associations with it and now am unable to separate the email annoyance from the food product. I realize now that it is on my list of banned foods (along with kimchi, sauerkraut and milkshakes from Tech City Bowling).
She didn’t quite get that. It takes a certain frame of mind to see things the way I do.
June 24, 2010
When you're older, perhaps once you've been married to your current of some future girlfriend for double-digit years, you'll reflect back on this entry and be ashamed. Or older will fail to bring maturity and perspective, and you won't get it, and probably never will. I hope you get it.Anonymous
June 24, 2010
Hmm. I won't offer relationship advice. Simply say that I have a pretty equal dislike of both kinds -- spam and Spam (tm). Why in the world would someone bring that in?Anonymous
June 24, 2010
I'm not sure if you're just being extremely theatrical, satirical and humorous, or you just have deep personal issues.Anonymous
June 24, 2010
SPAM fried rice is delicious, unlike c!4L15-touting messages.Anonymous
June 25, 2010
Heh. Please understand that this post is quite tongue-in-cheek, which is why I put it in the Entertainment category and not Stories.Anonymous
June 27, 2010
Now you know why I wont eat apples :-)