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TFS installation and Error 32000

With Team Foundation Server 2005 and 2008 installations, we come across a good number of generic errors. One such error is “Error 32000”. Here is a list of errors and the solutions that might help you.

Note: before trying the solutions given below, carefully look at the exception that you get and compare it with the list of exceptions that are listed here. For the ease of it, the specific command/switch/value to look out for is highlighted in RED.

Also a log snippet is added to the Exception section where ever it is applicable.

Please keep visiting this page as we would update the list as and when we have something new.


Exception / Log snippet


(During installation)


"Error 32000.The Commandline '"C:\Program Files\

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation

Server (services) - ENU\ConfigureNTLM.exe" /addntlm "Team Foundation Server"' returned non-zero value: 1."

Log Snippet:

Setting NTAuthenticationProviders and HTTP Compression for Website: Team Foundation Server. DDSet_Error: System.Security.SecurityException: Security error. at ManagedCA.GetSiteId(String sitename)at ManagedCA.SetNTLMForWeb(String web) DDSet_Error: Failed to set NTAuthenticationProviders and HTTP Compression for Team Foundation Server

Set My_Computer_Zone permission at FullTrust, under

.Net Framework 1.1 Configuration

Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft .Net Framework

1.1 Configuration Runtime Security policy > Enterprise > Code Group > My Computer Zone Right Click and select Properties > Permission Set > Set FullTrust under Permission Set

Most TFS installation CustomActions uses

.Net Framework 2.0 but this CustomAction uses .Net Framework 1.1

(During installation)


"Error 32000.The Commandline '"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" ...' returned non-zero value: -2130246810".

log Snippet:

02/28/07 16:30:17 DDSet_Status: Process returned -2130246810 02/28/07 16:30:17 DDSet_Error: The Commandline '"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" ...' returned non-zero value: -2130246810. MSI (s) (5C!40) [16:30:56:303]: Product: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server - ENU -- Error 32000.The Commandline '"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" ...' returned non-zero value: -2130246810.

02/28/07 16:30:56 DDSet_CARetVal: 32000 02/28/07 16:30:56 DDSet_Status: QuietExec returned 32000 02/28/07 16:30:56 DDSet_Exit: QuietExec ended MSI (s) (5C:8C) [16:30:56:319]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (5C:8C) [16:30:56:319]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 Action ended 16:30:56: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.

Check if the default website on port 80 is set to use a

static IP. If so,then change is to "All Unassigned". This setting is available in IIS under the websites property

> "Web site" tab > IP address:

(During installation)

Exception: Error 32000.The Command line '"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" ...' returned non-zero value: -1."

Solution 1: Check for a Host Header value in the "Internet Information services manager" for the default web site. If there were

any host header value, remove them. Solution 2: This problem can also happen if we remove "Front Page Server ExTensions" from the machine without unextending the Sharepoint Central Administration Site. Note: "Front page server extensions" is not required for TFS and if this was already installed on the server, the Team Foundation Server installation will fail.

In some cases, the removal of FPSE from the machine does not automatically unextend the site. This can cause Windows Sharepoint Services to be misconfigured while installation which in turn could affect Team Foundation Server.

(During installation/ upgrade)

Exception: Error 32000.The Commandline '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools\TfsDb.exe" upgrade /server:"<SERVER_NAME>" /property:"


<SERVER_NAME>; VSTF_AS_DATABASE=TfsWarehouse; VSTF_AS_ACCOUNT=" /showui:656038' returned non-zero value: 100 Log snippet:

SQL Error #1 SQL Message: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'owner_sid', table 'msdb.dbo.sysjobs'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. SQL LineNumber: 137 SQL Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider SQL Procedure: sp_add_job SQL Error #2 SQL Message: The specified @job_id ('C8EF920A-B2DF-4C5B-9C3E-79548AEF2F56') does not exist. SQL LineNumber: 41 SQL Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider SQL Procedure: sp_verify_job_identifiers SQL Error #3 SQL Message: The specified @job_id ('C8EF920A-B2DF-4C5B-9C3E-79548AEF2F56') does not exist. SQL LineNumber: 41 SQL Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider SQL Procedure: sp_verify_job_identifiers SQL Error #4 SQL Message: The specified @job_id ('C8EF920A-B2DF-4C5B-9C3E-79548AEF2F56') does not exist. SQL LineNumber: 41 SQL Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider SQL Procedure: sp_verify_job_identifiers SQL Error #5 SQL Message: The specified @job_id ('C8EF920A-B2DF-4C5B-9C3E-79548AEF2F56') does not exist. SQL LineNumber: 41 SQL Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider SQL Procedure: sp_verify_job_identifiers SQL Error #6 SQL Message: The specified @job_id ('C8EF920A-B2DF-4C5B-9C3E-79548AEF2F56') does not exist. SQL LineNumber: 41 SQL Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider SQL Procedure: sp_verify_job_identifiers SQL Error #7 SQL Message: The statement has been terminated. SQL LineNumber: 137 SQL Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider SQL Procedure: sp_add_job

The command is trying to create the following Jobs in the SQL server. TfsActivityLogging Administration Job, TfsBuild Team Build Administration Job, TfsIntegration Maintenance Job, TfsVersionControl Administration Job, TfsWorkItemTracking FullTextCrawl Job, TfsWorkItemTracking ProcessIdentities Job. All the Jobs are owned by the "sa" account on the SQL server. If the SA account on the SQL server Database engine is renamed other than the default name "sa" the command

 will fail to create the jobs. 

(During upgrade)


Error 32000.The Commandline '"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools\TfsDb.exe" upgrade /server:"<Server Name>" /property:"TFS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=<Doman Name\TFSService>;TFS_REPORTING_ACCOUNT=


<Server Name>;VSTF_AS_DATABASE=TFSWarehouse;


=" /showui:131562' returned non-zero value: 100.

Log snippet:

Upgrading the Warehouse Database (TfsWarehouse) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools\SetupWarehouse.exe -upgrade -int TfsIntegration -s SRV-TFS -d TfsWarehouse -c "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools\Warehouseschema.xml" -a "ITMAR\TFSSERVICE" -ra "ITMAR\TFSREPORTS" -asinst "APPTIER" -asdbname "TFSWarehouse" -asacct "" C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools\SetupWarehouse.exe -upgrade -int TfsIntegration -s APPTIERNAME -d TfsWarehouse -c "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools\Warehouseschema.xml" -a "DOMAIN\TFSSERVICE" -ra "DOMAIN\TFSREPORTS" -asinst "APPTIERNAME" -asdbname "TFSWarehouse" -asacct "" An unexpected error occurred: Error in the XML analysis in row 1, column 0: A document must contain exactly one root element. . Metadata Manager error. Failed to instantiate of a metadata object from the file '\\?\C:\Data\DB\MSSQL.2\OLAP\Data\TFSWarehouse.0.db\Build Flavor.1587.dim.xml'.

Once you see the error, don't cancel the installation.

Backup and delete / rename the TFSwarehouse.x.db

folder and click the "retry" for the installation. The

installation should go fine. The TFSWarehouse.x.db file is usually located in the <drive>:\Program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\Data

(During upgrade)

Exception: Error 32000. The Commandline '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools\TfsDB.exe" From Log file : Invalid column name 'SchemaVersion'. Invalid column name 'SchemaVersion'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: In valid column name 'SchemaVersion'. Invalid column name 'SchemaVersion'

Remove the trigger "trg_Sp1Uninstall" under the database"TFSVERSIONCONTROL". More details on the error and the script to remove the trigger can be found on Microsoft KB 955008

(While installing the hotfix KB919156)


Error 32000.The Commandline '"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Bin\Stsadm.exe" ...' returned non-zero value: -2130246810.

While installing Hotfix or doing any kind of servicing (repair/upgrade/installing service pack). TFS should be using Default configuration with NO Https and SSL. Disabled SSL and then install Hotfix To reconfigure SSL and HTTPS for TFS after the SP1 installation is done, please check this link.

Content created by: Romitg

Reviewed by: Lakhmins