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Steve Clayton


New XBOX 360

Pretty sweet looking….glad I just offloaded my original 360 :) Lots more photos over on...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/14/2010

Star Wars gameplay on XBOX Kinect

  Wanna see what it’s like to be a Jedi using XBOX Kinect? Check out this video courtesy of...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/14/2010

Note to my family: you’re all getting Kinect

Natal is no more – welcome to Kinect. The official name was announced last night along with game...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/14/2010

Beyond Natal

It promises to be an interesting week for Microsoft as we announce further details of Natal tomorrow...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/13/2010

The history of the Internet

  My career started on the back of the Internet (well, the web really) so I love this video –...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/11/2010

F1 back at Canada…with wings!

  Stunning new ad from Red Bull tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/10/2010

Is Morgan Stanley underestimating UI changes?

Internet Trends 2010 by Morgan Stanley Research   I just noticed Morgan Stanley’s 2010 Internet...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/09/2010

A blogging update

As I begin think about the evolution of my blogging/twitter strategy given the new job I’ve decided...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/09/2010

Windows Phone 7 Ave Comics App

  I’ve not paid that much attention to Windows Phone 7 of late for two reasons – I don’t have a...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/08/2010

Social Media Counter

  The emails counter tucked in there is enormous…and the YouTube one is pretty impressive too!...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/08/2010

Microsoft Office is now on the web

You may have heard about something called Office Web Applications over the last few months. If not,...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/08/2010

The 'Internet of things’ is coming

IBM is about to release an SDK for something called Mote Runner which could help turn inanimate...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/07/2010

Adidas goes Star Wars

  Not quite up the Nike’s standard but funny nonetheless. tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/07/2010

Sony’s flexible screen is just the beginning

[image credit: Wired] Screen technology is coming along nicely and I noticed Wired recently showed...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/04/2010

LA ghost town

By Ross Ching…very clever build of Matt Logue’s still photography tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/04/2010

Windows Embedded Compact 7 slate

Okay, I’m pretty impressed by this Windows based slate device shown at Computex. Unlike earlier...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/03/2010

  I was intrigued this morning by a tweet from Michael Arrington where he said “saw something...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/03/2010

Great Quotes #29

A very timely quote (for me) from Joi Ito during his talk at Thinking Digital. As I discussed the...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/02/2010

MetroTwit in beta

I just noticed Long and the team have put MetroTwit in to beta. I’ve been playing with it for a week...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/01/2010

Your ears are always on

  I had the pleasure of seeing Julian talk at Thinking Digital last week and it was one of...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/01/2010

This is not wearable computing

Something geeky to start the week with - USB Flash Drive Cufflinks will set you back $200 but you...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/01/2010

Audi A8 with its own WiFi hotspot

Part of my new role will be looking at where the future of technology lies – which means I’ll work...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/30/2010

Thinking Digital 10 recap

I was going to do a long post telling you how brilliant I thought Thinking Digital was this week in...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/28/2010

Entrepreneurship visualized

  Click the image for the full version. Very interesting to see the entrepreneurial activity as...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/28/2010

Microsoft tag out of beta

tag has been around for a while now and is a funky way of making a lot of information available via...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/27/2010

Microsoft’s FUSE Labs unveils Emporia (alpha)

Ralf Herbrich of FUSE Labs in the UK just unveiled a new project that indexes and provides “lenses”...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/27/2010

Visualizing Travel

Jer Thorp gave a great talk at Thinking Digital today and showed the video above. Jer works for...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/27/2010

Sir Ken…again

  if you’ve read Sir Ken’s book, The Element, this video will not be new content for you…but...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/26/2010

Thinking Digital–Day 1 recap

[image credit: David Coxon] Wow, what an epic day at Thinking Digital here in the North East of...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/26/2010

Want vs Need

  [Photo by courtneyBolton on Flickr. Some rights reserved] As I explained to a friend last...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/25/2010

Moving to America

[click for full size] I guess I need to start picking my sports teams to support. The Die Hard index...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/24/2010

Space Shuttle time lapse footage

strangely calming… via Rob Noble tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/21/2010

Can Microsoft beat Google in the battle to rule cloud computing?

[image credit: NY Times] I noticed a tweet from @jackschofield pointing to a piece from CNN last...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/20/2010

Banksy hits Boston

captured by Steve Preston - reportedly in the China Town district of Boston. via

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/18/2010

The new Hotmail gives you 10gb of attachments

Yesterday we previewed the new Hotmail (aka Windows Live Hotmail). It’s designed to make your inbox...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/18/2010

Bing favourites #12

it’s on my list of must drives and was the Bing UK page yesterday tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/17/2010

Technical Computing in the cloud

  Earlier today Bill Hilf blogged about Microsoft’s Technical Computing initiative and Bob...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/17/2010

The last days of the Space Shuttle

Breathtaking photography of the Space Shuttle – launched 25 years ago and nearing its final days of...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/15/2010

7 harsh realities in Social Media

Very nice presentation…hat tip to my pal Michael for the share the summary? you get nothing for...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/14/2010

Talking cloud services

I’ve given a few “cloud” talks lately and talked about Microsoft’s experience with cloud services,...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/13/2010

How to travel

[image via NY Times] I travel a lot these days and have learned through coaching from one companion...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 05/11/2010

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