Microsoft Arc keyboard
Another new keyboard to add to the burgeoning Clayton stable of keyboards. The Arc keyboard will complement the Arc mouse nicely. Designed for comfortable use at home use this wireless number will go on sale next month for $59.99 – not sure when and where in the UK so I’ll update as I find out.
January 07, 2010
Keyboards are so last century. Touch is the new hotness.Anonymous
January 07, 2010
I do hope it's not like the Microsoft wireless keyboard I bought and returned yesterday stating 1.8m range and having less that 40cm range. I'd be loathed to consider buying this device now after the experience with that one especially since they are in the same price bracket. I ended up with a really good well performing Toshiba keyboard in the end which works so well. A world apart from the Microsoft one. I chose the Microsoft one initially because I thought it would be a trusted brand for keyboards. I was really quite disappointed. Sorry to rain on your parade.Anonymous
January 07, 2010
The Arc keyboard is very nice.Anonymous
January 09, 2010
Wonderful! I can't wait to get my hand on this keyboard, it looks very light, portable with curves to die for... The Arc range is the new Starck Jas