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Get The OOF Out Of Here

Dan asked if I could post some CDO sample code he was working on. This sample script demonstrates a few interesting things:

  • Dynamic session creation
  • Accessing the associated contents table of a folder using HiddenMessages
  • Looping backwards through a collection so deletion doesn't affect the cursor
  • Accessing properties documented in the Protocol Docs (PidTagRuleMsgProvider and PidTagRuleMsgName) using CDO's Fields collection

Ultimately, what this sample does is delete all Out Of Office related messages (rules and templates), and switch off Out Of Office. Be careful running this sample! It doesn't back up anything before it deletes the OOF messages. So be certain that's what you really want to do before you go running this sample against a production mailbox.

If you want to run this code on an Outlook 2007 machine, you'll need to have CDO installed: CDO Download. If you want to run it without any version of Outlook installed, you can use the MAPI/CDO download: MAPI/CDO Download.



 ' Deloof.vbs - This sample shows how to walk through hidden items in a mailbox and delete
 '   the OOF templates and turn off OOF. 
 ' This is a sample and is not intended to be used in a production environment.
 ' This script needs to be run from a 32 bit command line using cscript on a box with CDO 1.21 installed.
 ' The account running the code needs permission to the mailbox it will access.
 '  9/19/08 danba    - changed sample to include 6 message class tests.
 '  9/23/08 danba    - changed logic for TDX OOF Rules - PidTagRuleMsgName may not always be set.
 ' 10/24/08 sgriffin - minor scrub to formatting
 Private Function RunIt(sServerName, sMailbox)  'As Boolean
     Dim objsession            ' MAPI.Session
     Dim objInbox              ' MAPI.Folder
     Dim objHidden             ' MAPI.Messages
     Dim objMsgFilter          ' MAPI.MessageFilter
     Dim objOneMessage         ' MAPI.Message
     Dim sMessageClass         ' String  ' Message Class of rule
     Dim s_ptagRuleMsgProvider ' String  ' Provider of rule
     Dim s_ptagRuleMsgName     ' String  ' Rule name
     Dim sFoundMessage         ' String  ' Holds a message describing what was found.
     Dim bDelete               ' Boolean ' Used to indicate if an item should be deleted.
     Dim iHidden               ' Integer ' Use to loop through hidden items
     wscript.echo "-------------------------"
     wscript.echo "Time: " & Now
     Set objsession = CreateObject("MAPI.session")
     objsession.Logon "", "", False, False, 0, True, sServerName & vbLf & sMailbox
     wscript.echo "Login completed on mailbox " & sMailbox & " on server" & sServerName
     Set objInbox = objsession.Inbox
     wscript.echo "Looking at the Inbox"
     Set objHidden = objInbox.HiddenMessages
     wscript.echo "Looking at the Hidden Items"
     ' --- Now we have the Hidden messages Set. Let's work thru the Hidden Messages and delete the 'oof items'
     For iHidden = objHidden.Count To 1 Step -1    ' Walk Hidden backward one time
         bDelete = false
         sDeleteMessage = ""
         Set objOneMessage = objHidden.Item(iHidden)
         sMessageClass = objOneMessage.Type
         On Error Resume Next
         s_ptagRuleMsgProvider = ""
         s_ptagRuleMsgName = ""
         s_ptagRuleMsgProvider = objOneMessage.Fields(&H65EB001E) ' PidTagRuleMsgProvider
         s_ptagRuleMsgName = objOneMessage.Fields(&H65EC001E)     ' PidTagRuleMsgName
         sFoundMessage = "Class: """ & sMessageClass & """"
         if s_ptagRuleMsgName     <> "" Then sFoundMessage = sFoundMessage & " Name: """     & s_ptagRuleMsgName     & """"
         if s_ptagRuleMsgProvider <> "" Then sFoundMessage = sFoundMessage & " Provider: """ & s_ptagRuleMsgProvider & """"
         ' TODO: comment out line below if you don't wish to what was found
         Wscript.echo "  Found:    " & sFoundMessage
         If sMessageClass = "IPM.Rule.Message" Then
             If s_ptagRuleMsgProvider = "Microsoft Exchange OOF Assistant" AND _
               s_ptagRuleMsgName = "Microsoft.Exchange.OOF.InternalSenders.Global" Then
                 bDelete = true
             End If
             If s_ptagRuleMsgProvider = "MSFT:TDX OOF Rules" Then
                 bDelete = true
             End If
             If s_ptagRuleMsgProvider = "Microsoft Exchange OOF Assistant" AND _
               s_ptagRuleMsgName = "Microsoft.Exchange.OOF.AllExternalSenders.Global" Then
                 bDelete = true
             End If
         End If
         If sMessageClass = "IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft" Then
             bDelete = true
         End If
         If sMessageClass = "IPM.Note.Rules.ExternalOofTemplate.Microsoft" Then
             bDelete = true
         End If
         If sMessageClass = "IPM.ExtendedRule.Message" Then
             If s_ptagRuleMsgProvider = "Microsoft Exchange OOF Assistant" AND _
               s_ptagRuleMsgName = "Microsoft.Exchange.OOF.KnownExternalSenders.Global" Then
                 bDelete = true
             End If
         End If
         If bDelete = true  Then
             objHidden.Item(iHidden).Delete     ' TODO: Comment-out if testing
             wscript.echo "  Deleted:  " & sFoundMessage
         End If
     objsession.OutOfOffice = 0 ' Turn off OOF  ' TODO: Comment-out if testing
     Set objOneMessage = Nothing
     Set objInbox = Nothing
     Set objsession = Nothing
     wscript.echo "Finished"
     wscript.echo "-------------------------"
     RunIt = True
 End Function
 Dim bRet
 If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 Then
     sServerName = Wscript.Arguments(0)
     sMailbox = Wscript.Arguments(1)
     bRet = RunIt(sServerName, sMailbox)
     Wscript.Echo "deloof.vbs usage: deloof.vbs <Exchange Server Name> <Mail Box>"
     Wscript.Echo "example: cscript deloof.vbs MyServer somebody@contoso.com"
 End If


  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2008
    Get The OOF Out Of Here Microsoft Software + Services and Cloud Computing Screencast: How to configure

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2014
    Not working with Exchange 2013 (15) and OL2010