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Waveland - here we come

The Save Waveland drive was a huge success.  We collected approx 800 dollars just by giving out free cookies!  We also had to make 3 trips to the house due to all of the donations.  A big Thank You to everyone who stopped by, and especially to all my coworkers (and Craig the Balloon Twister) who helped.  Also a big thank you to everyone who contributed via paypal.  By the time we get to Dallas, we’ll have the additional funds to give to the Waveland Cafe.

I talked to my mom this morning to get the absolute latest on what they needed.  She said to bring everything, and so we did.  She said that the Waveland Cafe is open for receiving donations from 8am to noon, and there are usually 50 people in line each day.  She said that she’ll tell them that we’re coming with more supplies.

We went through everything, sorted everything, and boxed everything.  It took us from 4pm – 1am and then from 10am – 3pm to get everything packed.   I have a whole new respect for Goodwill.

Good news is that my mom got her trailer today from FEMA.  I believe everyone in my family in Waveland / BSL that lost a house now has a trailer.  There is power and running water in Waveland, but you need a trailers to get hot water.

We’re on the road now.  I just can’t wait to get home.

Again, thank you everyone for your support!!
